Mission Atlantis In Character Community

June 2024

Mission Atlantis is a game continuing the story of [info]saveatlantis with a space twist! You do not need to have been a former member of [info]saveatlantis to play here.


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Mission Atlantis In Character Community

June 2024

Mission Atlantis is a game continuing the story of [info]saveatlantis with a space twist! You do not need to have been a former member of [info]saveatlantis to play here.


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Posts Tagged: 'c:+clarke+griffin'

Jun. 9th, 2024



[No Subject]

I realized two things yesterday. 1) Harry and I got married and didn't do anything to celebrate. 2) we're on a planet full of beaches, and there's a rumor there are some wild horses that roam on one of them which is a thing I must see.

So, friends and family, we're disappearing for two weeks for an almost six months late honeymoon. I'll bring you back some souvenirs. And check in periodically. Maybe. You know how it is.

(ooc: Sarah is on vacation, I am drowning in work stuff. We felt the need to explain away their absence, but they shall return. :))

Jun. 1st, 2024



Rose Ward

Attention Crew -
On June 7th, we will be landing on Atlas Planet, an outpost of Atlantis, for some routine ship maintenance and a chance for all of us to take a break.

Each member of the crew is ordered to take June 7-28th off. You'll find information about the planet here. Please read up and get ready for a fantastic trip.

The day we land, there will be a welcome party, past that you are on your own and can decide what you want to do. The last night on the 27th, there will also be an event, and you must be on board by 0:900 on the 28th.

Please read everything over everything, and if you have questions, let us know.

Commander Rose Ward

ooc - I have a fever, so please assume the above has more detail in it

May. 26th, 2024



5/25; after the alert

I'm so sorry about your sister. Is there anything I can do?

Wanda didn't say anything to either of you about wanting to go home, did she? I'm inclined to think she didn't leave willingly.

May. 25th, 2024



[No Subject]

Does anyone think things are just weirder than normal around here? Or is it just me?

May. 12th, 2024



Backdated to May 11th

This ship has an interesting sense of humor.

ooc: Clarke and Regina are drawn to each other, almost like magnets.

Apr. 11th, 2024



Net Post | Clarke Griffin-Queen

A slightly belated THANK YOU to everyone who came to the wedding.

I haven’t say, the holodecks are really convenient when it comes to a decorating budget and nice for figuring out a honeymoon, too.

Apr. 6th, 2024



Oliver & Clarke's Wedding!


Read more... )

Mar. 15th, 2024



[No Subject]

In all the recent chaos, Oliver and I didn’t have much chance to announce that we’ve set a date for our wedding.

Saturday April 6, 2024

You’re all invited and I hope we’ll see you there!

Abby Griffin
I can’t even remember if I had the chance to ask you this…

Will you be my matron of honor?

Everett Ross
Would it be super weird if I asked you to walk me down the aisle?

Wanda and Madi
I would really love for you both to stand up with us as my bridesmaids, if you’re willing.



[No Subject]

Can we just skip all the holidays, please?

Mar. 5th, 2024



network | wanda maximoff

[ ooc: consider this set towards the end of the week (3/7-8ish?) once everyone has been back on the normal ship for a couple days or so + new job alignments; I wanted to get this up ahead of time since I have another busy week/weekend coming up and wanted characters to be able to react, if they wanted ]

Hello, everyone. [...] Some of you may have already heard, but I'm responsible for what happened your memories, the Weststar, and even how you were affected with nightmares while waking up. What happened was an accident, and I was affected by a dark object and abilities from my home when I gained new memories. The dark object was planted by COS and has been destroyed.

Many of you are confused and rightly angry, and while this was an accident and I didn't know what was happening until weeks after it started, I don't make any excuses for my part in what happened and can only tell you I'm sorry.

[ Very close friends and/or canon mates she personally knows from home ]
I'll try to answer any questions you have, but I'm so sorry. It won't happen again.

[ Rose Ward, Cassian Andor, Emmeline Vance, Stephen Strange, Alicia Spinnet ]
I don't know for how long, but I'd like to step down from my duties as part of the magic and field teams. While I'm in no danger of a repeat of Weststar, I don't trust myself with the new magic I've gained since I gained additional memories from home, and with that, new magic. I'd also like some time to process the memories themselves and everything that came with them. If you need someone who could easily take over my leadership role with the team, Alicia is more than capable.

Apologies sound hollow at this point, but again, I'm sorry for my part in what happened.

Mar. 1st, 2024



[No Subject]

Some things are better forgotten than remembered

Filter: Rose Ward
The answer to your question - is real. Very real. And unlike before, I can't claim any credit, partial or otherwise for the situation we find ourselves in.

Feb. 29th, 2024



Filter: Alicia, Wanda, Oliver

I’ve been sitting on this for a few days now but please tell me you guys know what the hell is going on. Is it COS again? Do we know how to fix it?

Feb. 13th, 2024



log — luke & clarke!


Jan. 3rd, 2024



[No Subject]

I've more chocolate than I know what to do with after the holidays. If anyone would like some, there's plenty. It may not change the situation, but I've found it can help lift the spirit just a little.

warded to medical*.
Do any of you have experience working with werewolves? I've been having a difficult time adjusting to a place without a moon cycle, and I was hoping one of you might be able to assist. There's no rush — I realise this isn't necessarily a priority, but I'd appreciate the help.

* filter only includes doctors, nurses, and healers.

Jan. 2nd, 2024



Net Post: Everett Ross

Well, it seems that someone or something decided I could be useful around here. If I haven't met you yet, I'm Everett Ross, most people just call me Ross. I'll answer to either. I'm the new head of Intelligence Investigations. Happy to be here.

[PJ Halliwell, Kate Bishop, Jennifer Walters]

Hello, looks like we're going to be working together. I'd like to set up a time so that we can have coffee and get to know each other. I've been here for a few weeks but I don't believe I have met any of you.

[Abby Griffin]

Looks like the New Year decided to be good to us. Care for a drink?

Dec. 31st, 2023



[No Subject]

For reference, when is a concussion like, really serious?

hawkins filter.
What's the story on like, what you guys want to do? I mean, about staying. I totally get if you want to go back? This shit is crazy too and it's not really like home, but I'm staying.

I guess, what I mean is, I just don't want to be surprised again, you know?

Dec. 23rd, 2023



open net: clarke griffin

It's been a few weeks, but now that we've had time to tell those closest to us, I wanted to officially announce that Oliver has asked me to marry him and I said yes. We haven't set a date yet or really got into the planning stages, but that will be coming soon.

[ooc: close friends and family to either Clarke or Oliver, please assume one or both of them told you about this in person shortly after Alicia woke up from her first (lol) coma!]

Dec. 18th, 2023



18 December | Alicia Spinnet

I am done with being in medical, no offense to any of you, but shit, this month, it's been a lot.

Sorry about that.

Remember how I told you it's complicated how many other me's I have memories of? Add one more to the list

I picked something up for you, and I haven't had a chance to give it to you between comas and well comas.

I owe you so many dinners for taking care of the pups.

Dec. 11th, 2023



Net Post: Oliver Queen

Has anyone tried the gelato today? There are carts everywhere and I had some and it's the best I've ever had.

Dec. 7th, 2023



Dec 7-30: Mistletoe Open Threads!
