Mission Atlantis In Character Community

June 2024

Mission Atlantis is a game continuing the story of [info]saveatlantis with a space twist! You do not need to have been a former member of [info]saveatlantis to play here.


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Mission Atlantis In Character Community

June 2024

Mission Atlantis is a game continuing the story of [info]saveatlantis with a space twist! You do not need to have been a former member of [info]saveatlantis to play here.


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Posts Tagged: 'player:+julia'

Jun. 9th, 2024



Network: Tony Stark

Any suggestions for kid friendly activities around here? Morgan is 4 and is the most clever and playful little girl.



Netpost; Charlie Bradbury

That beach party was pretty wild. Reminded me of some comic con after parties I have been to.

I'm sorry about that. I mean, not that it was bad. Far from it. And I wouldn't say no to more. But... well, you're my boss. And you can totally fire me. Please don't though. I like my job. I like you too. Working with you, that is. And I like you as a person. You're a very nice person. It's just... yeah, I'm sorry.



Netpost; Jason Todd

Is anyone missing some cards from their tarot decks? I found Death, Knight of Swords, and Justice. No idea what they mean but they look cool.

Beach party was fun. Now to check out what else this place has to offer.

Jun. 8th, 2024



netpost: chris

Last night's beach party was a wonderful start to our shore leave. While we can't mandate fun, the Atlas crew has ship repairs under control, so try to enjoy shore leave. (Yes, I know this is hilarious coming from me, but even old dogs can learn new tricks.) If you don't do well with relaxing / doing nothing, there's lots of opportunities for hiking & excursions and learning new skills.

Alright, so who's coming with me on Monday's cooking charters? 4 days, multiverse cooking classes? All the dad jokes you can handle? What more could you want?

[Space Fam]
Apologies for potentially making a bit of a fool of myself last night. I'm sure none of you are fond of watching your 'dad' flirt with folks. I'm going to blame it on the drinks.

Be safe, enjoy shore leave, and if it's not too cringe, maybe we could do something together one of these days?

The worst part of those drinks is that I remember making a fool of myself flirting.

Added after the departure notice:
Fuck Drinks/dinner tonight? Preferably somewhere with music. Nyota would like that.



Net Post: Eloise Bridgerton

Backdated: Wednesday, Jun 5th

I've spent the last week away from The Gerard to instead intern in the Diplomacy department and while everything is well and good, I can't help but notice somewhat of a flaw in their operations; Their goal is diplomatic relations and negotiations and yet they have no one to relate to, does that make sense? Perhaps I am overthinking it.

ONE CHARACTER EACH is assigned to a different job than they normally have to cross-train (you can pick where your character goes).



Network: Torunn

Who wants to go hiking?

[FILTER: Theo]

Thanks for looking out for me at the party.



June 8, Network, Clover Honeygaze

Welcome, everyone from the UA Poseidon! I hope you all had a great time at the welcome party yesterday!

For those of you who I didn't get a chance to meet at the party, my name is Clover and I'm a scientist here on Atlas! If you have any questions about it or just need a friendly and fun tour guide, I'm your girl!

Jun. 6th, 2024



Network: Lizzie McGuire

Oh my God! I met Oscar the Grouch! He yelled at me for being too close to his garbage can and it was wonderful!

Jun. 5th, 2024



6 June | Pietro Maximoff

Normally I wouldn't mind being showered with gifts and praises for my birthday, but without Wanda, it's not the same. So I think I'd just rather skip it this year.

But hey, shore leave sounds fun.

Scratch that first bit, Alicia talked me into doing a dinner on the 19th.



Letter Plot

[OOC: Pairing: Edith Cushing (Martineth) - Lily Potter (Silvercha)]

Dear Martineth,

I feel out of sorts. My husband isn't here and I miss him like crazy. On top of that, my son is grown and I've learned the horrible things he went through as a child and young adult. I wish we could change the past, but that is impossible, hm? All we have is this ship so I plan to make the most of it.




Thor Makes Moonshine

I am making moonshine!

Stop by West 17 if you want to try some!

[PLOT: ONE CHARACTER EACH gets to the urge to make moonshine.]

Jun. 3rd, 2024



Network: Mike Corner

Olives are tasty, but why is this bloody ship throwing them at me?

{The vents on the ship start throwing olives at ONE CHARACTER EACH }

Jun. 2nd, 2024



Network Post :: Terry Boot

Although I don't use a lot of digital things at home, this place has been very good at learning on the fly. Which I believe will be useful in spending this week in data analysis. And I think it works well with research, even if it's specifically magical research. Both sound like they'd go hand in hand.

I'm also excited about seeing another new (to me) planet. I'm curious to see how this one compares with the others. Unless the ones on that bonkers not-cruise were fake But I'm not sure if it's good or bad that we won't be on the planet for my birth But I might have to say no to the off the grid hiking. The forest trail halls on the ship today might be tipping me over my yearly quota for suspicious nature.

Jun. 1st, 2024



Network: Lily Potter

I think I've got my bearings about this place. Never a dull day, is there?

[FILTER: Harry Potter]

How are you, sweetheart?

[FILTER: Teddy Lupin]

Still settling alright?

[FILTER: Remus Lupin & Sirius Black]

I want to know what happened after I died. The little I've heard sounds terrible and I don't want to ask Harry to relive that.

May. 30th, 2024



[No Subject]

Now accepting nominations for a birthday celebration that isn't a copy of Tony Stark's.

... nothing against him, mind, but.

No duplicates.

May. 29th, 2024



29 May | Emmeline Vance

What's weird about coming from 1987 is catching up on all the music that I've missed. So many good albums have come out, new bands, and a lot of heartbreaking losses. We aren't talking about those, that was a hard day for me.

Anyway, I learned Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes.

Filtered to Tommy McConnel
How many rounds do I need to bribe you with for you to be my co-captain?



Tony's Birthday

Tony invited his loved ones to a birthday dinner at The Gerard.

IC | OOC | PG | Join In!

May. 28th, 2024



Network: Tony Stark

[FILTER: Avengers, Friends, & Family]

My birthday is tomorrow. I'd love to have dinner at The Gerard with all of you.

May. 26th, 2024



Katie Bell | March 26th

Thank Merlin I'm not stuck tap dancing everywhere anymore. It's entertaining for a bit, but then it gets rather tiresome!

I realize my timing with this isn't ideal, but I do have updated quidditch teams for those of you who play and we have a handful of holes to fill for anyone who's interested in giving it a go. You do NOT need to be magical to play, we've got some safety protocols in place to avoid very serious injury and there are plenty of us experienced players willing to teach anyone and everyone!

If you want a lesson or a tryout, let me know!

teams this way )

Those of you who've lost co-captains again, I'll let you choose your seconds as well as your practice schedules, but I'm hoping we can fill our teams and play some matches soon!



5/26 Steve Rogers

It is safe to say that they wouldn't have left without saying goodbye to the people they were closest to.

Hope they are both back in Atlantis and doing well. I know a lot of you became close to both Bucky and Wanda over the years. If you need anything, let me know. I'm here for you.