Mission Atlantis In Character Community

June 2024

Mission Atlantis is a game continuing the story of [info]saveatlantis with a space twist! You do not need to have been a former member of [info]saveatlantis to play here.


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Mission Atlantis In Character Community

June 2024

Mission Atlantis is a game continuing the story of [info]saveatlantis with a space twist! You do not need to have been a former member of [info]saveatlantis to play here.


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Posts Tagged: 'c:+jyn+erso'

May. 31st, 2024



[No Subject]

Jyn Erso
& Nymphadora Tonks
DATE Coma 🙈
LOCATION Mistwood Farms
SUMMARY Dora returns home to her estranged wife after receiving word that the family farm is failing.
Read more... )

Apr. 2nd, 2024



[No Subject]

Filter: Harry Potter Crew [No Remus]
How does one tactfully inform a dear friend about the dumbassery that a previous version of him pulled? And in addition, how do you inform someone that you are not actually their wife? Is there a tactful way to do this? Should I just pull a Luna? Suggestions would be helpful.

Filter: Jyn
Are you free for dinner and a walk in the park later tonight?



2nd April | Remus Lupin

Just when I thought I had lost the ability to be surprised, fate steps in once more.

Hello, everyone. My name is Remus Lupin. I was led to believe I will find many familiar faces here.

Mar. 4th, 2024



Netpost | Rey Skywalker

I feel like I just woke up from a very strange weird dream.

[Filtered To Force Users]

I feel like I never got a change to introduce myself before. I'm Rey Skywalker. I can sense that there are several of us of here. I haven't met very many Jedi back at home, so I would love to get to know any of you here.

[Filtered To Jacen Solo and Bucky Barnes]

I know it wasn't real, but it was nice, being your sister. I grew up without a family, so having one, even if it was only temporary, was nice.

Mar. 2nd, 2024



Net Post :Jyn Erso

Well, at least the headache is gone and the weird dreams make sense now. Regardless, that was quite the trip.


On a scale of 1-10, how awkward is this going to be? I've overheard that for some people this has happened before, did it happen to you and Mara? I ask because I really don't want her coming for me with her lightsaber.


Two alternate lives in just a few months. Who would have ever thought it? At least we ended up together in the first one. Let's stick with that ending. Gwennie misses you, so do I now that I know what I'm missing.

Feb. 2nd, 2024



West AU: Jenni Hawkins (Jyn Erso)

This cruise was already a dream crew and it's gotten even better. On Thursday night Collin proposed! We haven't talked about details yet but that's fine. Right now we are just enjoying this moment.


I love you. I still can't believe we're getting married.

Jan. 30th, 2024



Morning of 1/29

Filtered to Jennie Hawkins (Jyn Erso)
I’ve a reservation for a nice dinner since it’s our last day on Elysium. Hopefully you don’t mind the surprise too much.

Rojas Family
Tonight’s the night. I know this is a long time coming, but I’ve booked a nice dinner reservation and I’ve got the ring, so it’s happening. Why am I so nervous?

Jan. 21st, 2024



West AU: Jenni Hawkins (Jyn Erso)

Is anyone planning on going to the ice carving demonstration tonight? I've always thought they were beautiful and wondered how they were done.



netpost; ethan drake (bones mccoy)

Ice sculpting demonstration sounds like it could be fun.

Dangerous too if there's chainsaw throwing involved. They going to make a liquor luge?

Dec. 29th, 2023



Net Post :Jyn Erso

I found an elf in my room on Christmas Eve. We had a conversation and the next moring, I found this cutie on the foot of my bed. She needs a name though and I have no idea what to call her. I'm open for suggestions.


Are you busy? You need to come and meet her. She's so sweet.



[No Subject]

I feel like I am finally starting to settle in here, but I do miss Artemis and my fellow hunters. Perhaps I should branch out more and try to make some friends here....so what does everyone like to do for fun around here?

Dec. 18th, 2023



Net Post :Jyn Erso

That was certainly an experience. I can't think of any other way to describe it.


Thank you for the bracelet. It's beautiful. Just my luck to sleep through my birthday and to find out I missed yours. I will buy the three of you dinner sometime soon.


So. Hi. I don't quite know what to say but hi seems like a good place to start.



[No Subject]

I'm half inclined to blame Matt for talking about taking a break and his forced holiday for the extended time some of us spent out. I'm glad everyone is doing well now.

What did I miss?


Trust me, the last thing I want to do is go back to medical and have a check-up, but please listen to our medical staff and follow through with it. They worked overtime, making sure we were all okay. Let's at least make this part easy for them.



18 december / jack crusher

That might had been one of the weirdest naps I've ever taken. Kind of a bum deal when you sleep for days and don't feel rested.

Sorry if I worried anyone.

Dec. 13th, 2023



[No Subject]

Sooooo fellow dead people kicking around the ship: what's our official stance on birthdays? Are we still celebrating them? I really don't know how to feel about mine today, so taking group feedback on this one. I'm thinking we should all form a committee or something and vote. Maybe pass out t-shirts, I don't know.



Netpost | Kelly Grayson

Now that I've been here for a few days and settled in a bit, I might as well formally introduce myself.

My name is Kelly Grayson, and I'm a First Officer in the Planetary Union. I've recently arrived here, and I've been taking a couple of days to get used to the ship. I'm no stranger to space travel, but this is definitely a bit different from what I'm used to. For starters, this ship is much bigger than Orville, which is where I'm serving back in my world.

I'll be working as a diplomat, which works pretty well for me, as that's close to what I did back in my world.

Once I've settle a bit more, I'd love to maybe go get drinks and have a little fun.

Dec. 4th, 2023



Private to Jaina Solo

Looks like you've had quite the family reunion the past few days.

Need a drink? Or two? First round is on me.

Dec. 2nd, 2023



Net Post: Jyn Erso

I'm enjoying learning about all these new traditions. Today I found these in my room. They're very soft and warm, I'll make good use of them.

Nov. 29th, 2023



Using Voice Translator

What is this Christmas? It sounds interesting.

Nov. 15th, 2023



[No Subject]

Usually, I enjoy a good Saxophone. All day might be a bit much, though.

Any contact with Foxtrot yet?
NOTE - Alpha is still in 1920, they can't be reached until they are back in 2023

So, how was the planet?

Wine tonight? It's really quiet in my house these days

🎷 - Saxophone music is playing al over the ship today. You can't avoid it.