Mission Atlantis In Character Community

June 2024

Mission Atlantis is a game continuing the story of [info]saveatlantis with a space twist! You do not need to have been a former member of [info]saveatlantis to play here.


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Mission Atlantis In Character Community

June 2024

Mission Atlantis is a game continuing the story of [info]saveatlantis with a space twist! You do not need to have been a former member of [info]saveatlantis to play here.


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Posts Tagged: 'c:+cassian+andor'

Jun. 1st, 2024



Rose Ward

Attention Crew -
On June 7th, we will be landing on Atlas Planet, an outpost of Atlantis, for some routine ship maintenance and a chance for all of us to take a break.

Each member of the crew is ordered to take June 7-28th off. You'll find information about the planet here. Please read up and get ready for a fantastic trip.

The day we land, there will be a welcome party, past that you are on your own and can decide what you want to do. The last night on the 27th, there will also be an event, and you must be on board by 0:900 on the 28th.

Please read everything over everything, and if you have questions, let us know.

Commander Rose Ward

ooc - I have a fever, so please assume the above has more detail in it

May. 26th, 2024



May 26 | Rose Ward

It'll be weird not having Bucky around. After having him as a roommate in Atlantis for years, I got used to having him around. He wouldn't have left without at least telling us, so it is likely both Wanda and Bucky left due to a glitch. They happened, and while our team does the best it can to make sure it doesn't happen, the magic is unpredictable.

I hope we'll soon be able to contact Atlantis to see who has been sent back there, but it won't be for a while.

In the meantime any questions or worries, let me know.

I could use a quiet dinner.

May. 14th, 2024



14 May | Pietro Maximoff

Filtered to Wanda Maximoff
I honestly don't know what to say, I wish I could give you an answer-I don't really remember anything that happened.

Filtered to Dick Grayson
I'm sorry. I don't really have an explanation other than I'm sorry.

Filtered to Friends
Um I'm not sure exactly why, but look, I am sorry if I did or said anything weird. I don't remember, which isn't like me, but I don't have an explanation.

Filtered to Rose Ward & Cassian Andor
Hey, so [...] I don't know if this is even a thing, but I think something weird happened to me last week. The thing is, I don't remember, but I was told I was acting really weird. I don't remember anything, but just have this lingering guilt, that I feel like I should keep apologizing.

Apr. 12th, 2024



[No Subject]

Ready for your next Adventure?


Your group has been selected for our next mission. If you have any questions, please contact Cassian Andor, who will be leading this mission.

You are all expected to meet in conference room 3 at 15:00 for your initial briefing. You'll be departing April 14th.

OOC - There are still some sign ups go sign up!!

Apr. 9th, 2024



9 April | Dorcas Meadowes

Sometimes, when you don't believe something, remember you almost died.

ooc - Dorcas was in medical until today

Mar. 24th, 2024



Net Post: Sam Wilson

Can't say that visiting space was on my Bingo Card for this year but it was on my bucket list so there's that.

I'm Sam Wilson, I'm going to be working in Medical as a counselor. I'd say I'm happy to be here but I'm not sure yet since I just got here.

Mar. 4th, 2024



Net Post: Mara Jade

I know everyone is in shock right now but having been through this before, I'd be happy to listen if you need to talk about it. You'll make it through this, I promise.


You are not allowed to be dead. Even if it wasn't you, it still feels like it was. I know we can't predict the future but losing you isn't something I want to go through for a very long time. Or ever but I know that's impossible. I don't feel like I say it enough but I love you.

[Obi-Wan and Meetra]

I never knew my family but now I have a new one. I'm adopting you both and you also get a cute kid in the bargain.

[Jaina and Jacen]

How are you both doing?

Mar. 2nd, 2024



Net Post :Jyn Erso

Well, at least the headache is gone and the weird dreams make sense now. Regardless, that was quite the trip.


On a scale of 1-10, how awkward is this going to be? I've overheard that for some people this has happened before, did it happen to you and Mara? I ask because I really don't want her coming for me with her lightsaber.


Two alternate lives in just a few months. Who would have ever thought it? At least we ended up together in the first one. Let's stick with that ending. Gwennie misses you, so do I now that I know what I'm missing.

Feb. 29th, 2024



Cassian & Maarva - backdated like whoa

"He took a breath and told her about where he’d been, how he’d ended up in a prison, how he’d become involved in the rebellion and how his life should have ended on Scarif, had the coin that had brought him to Atlantis not saved him."
Cassian and Maarva Andor
UA Poseidon Medical
Mention of death, rebellion, etc.
NPCs - Maarva is here

Read more... )

Feb. 26th, 2024



Rose Ward

What's everyone's view on Atlantis? Real? Fake? A myth? This place feels pretty mythical.

Best way to figure it out is start asking.



Feb. 24th, 2024



24th Feb. | Cassian Andor

Private - Personal Log
I do not enjoy how easy it still is to pretend to be someone I am not after all this time. I thought my days of living a double life were behind me. It's important I not let on to others until I have more information, though. Who else knows?

I need to talk to Rose. Without alerting her to what I know if she still believes the lie. She spoke of dreams, as have a handful of others. Perhaps that is a sign.

Encrypted to Rose Ward
You spoke of strange dreams recently. Would it be prying too much if I asked what they were about?

Jan. 30th, 2024



Morning of 1/29

Filtered to Jennie Hawkins (Jyn Erso)
I’ve a reservation for a nice dinner since it’s our last day on Elysium. Hopefully you don’t mind the surprise too much.

Rojas Family
Tonight’s the night. I know this is a long time coming, but I’ve booked a nice dinner reservation and I’ve got the ring, so it’s happening. Why am I so nervous?

Jan. 28th, 2024



Weststar AU Netpost | Rosa Rojas (Liz Ortecho)

Not to slander my mother's cooking, but last night was probably one of these best meals I've had in my entire life.

If anyone needs me today, I'll be in my suite, likely falling in and out of a food coma.

Dec. 17th, 2023



[npc] ayo.

'We do not know how you got here' is not an acceptable answer. Who is in charge?

Dec. 15th, 2023



[No Subject]

Commanders, Department Heads, Friends of Rose Ward
Rose Ward is one of the people affected by what is happening to some others. Any questions or concerns you would normally present to her should be brought to me until she recovers.

Science and magic leads, I would like you to collaborate with medical on solutions. This includes creative labs, too. I’d like to see a team of one or two from each team research this. Report any findings directly to me and Abby Griffin.

Dec. 13th, 2023



[No Subject]

Sooooo fellow dead people kicking around the ship: what's our official stance on birthdays? Are we still celebrating them? I really don't know how to feel about mine today, so taking group feedback on this one. I'm thinking we should all form a committee or something and vote. Maybe pass out t-shirts, I don't know.

Dec. 11th, 2023



matt anderson (npc) | network

Hello, members of the UA Poseidon. My name is Matt Anderson, and I serve as Captain on the island of Atlantis. It seems the issue that has arisen in Intake has also brought me along with you for the ride for a while until I'm able to get back to my day job. I've already spoken with Rose Ward about what's been going on, so I've been caught up on the basics.

If anyone has any questions for me, feel free, but otherwise I'm considering this my forced vacation and plan to take advantage of it.

[ Commanders ]
Some of you I know and some of I don't, but if you don't mind, I'd like to stop by each of your departments while I'm here. Not from any supervising capacity of any means but more pure curiosity. I'm not here to step on anyone's toes.

[ Atlantis Natives ]

Dec. 7th, 2023



Dec 7-30: Mistletoe Open Threads!


Dec. 6th, 2023



Net Post: Mara Jade

Definition of a good husband. One who takes your toddler to the partk so you can spend an hour soaking in the rub with one of the bath bombs you got in your admvent calendar today. Guess which scent I picked first?

Dec. 2nd, 2023



Filtered to Mara Jade.

My Maarva is here. She's in medical. I'm going to see her now.