Mission Atlantis In Character Community

June 2024

Mission Atlantis is a game continuing the story of [info]saveatlantis with a space twist! You do not need to have been a former member of [info]saveatlantis to play here.


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Mission Atlantis In Character Community

June 2024

Mission Atlantis is a game continuing the story of [info]saveatlantis with a space twist! You do not need to have been a former member of [info]saveatlantis to play here.


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Posts Tagged: 'c:+su+li'

Jun. 9th, 2024



Netpost; Jason Todd

Is anyone missing some cards from their tarot decks? I found Death, Knight of Swords, and Justice. No idea what they mean but they look cool.

Beach party was fun. Now to check out what else this place has to offer.

Jun. 3rd, 2024



Network: Mike Corner

Olives are tasty, but why is this bloody ship throwing them at me?

{The vents on the ship start throwing olives at ONE CHARACTER EACH }

Jun. 2nd, 2024



Network Post :: Terry Boot

Although I don't use a lot of digital things at home, this place has been very good at learning on the fly. Which I believe will be useful in spending this week in data analysis. And I think it works well with research, even if it's specifically magical research. Both sound like they'd go hand in hand.

I'm also excited about seeing another new (to me) planet. I'm curious to see how this one compares with the others. Unless the ones on that bonkers not-cruise were fake But I'm not sure if it's good or bad that we won't be on the planet for my birth But I might have to say no to the off the grid hiking. The forest trail halls on the ship today might be tipping me over my yearly quota for suspicious nature.

May. 24th, 2024



Network Post :: Peter Parker

So space is cool, and traveling to different places is pretty awesome. Being here is a really fun adventure! But sometimes I miss home, you know? Bodegas, bodega cats, the subway, the pizza, the bagels, Delmar’s, the renovated Statue of Liberty, (although maybe not exactly the street entertainment, the people. Sometimes the ridiculous stuff like giving a tourist directions or overhearing phone conversations from those people who always use speaker phone. Don’t miss being a crim Hanging out with friends even if Ned and MJ were here, but MJ didn’t know me, and Ned and watching movies or getting coffee or building with Lego (which, fun fact, the plural of Lego is Lego!). May always Ned and I

That’s what I’m doing today. Building with Lego. No one else is in this house right now, so it seems like a good time to spend the day building the ultimate Lego fort. A good thing about this place is these replicators make it a lot easier to get a whole bunch of Lego! Including technic and power functions. Not sure what I’m going to do with them just yet, but I’m excited to see what happens!

May. 17th, 2024



thread: su & morag


Su Li & Morag MacDougal
when. 14 May 2024 | where. Su's room.
what. Su returns, bffs reunite!
⚠️ TBD
What a weird situation.

Read more... )

May. 14th, 2024



14 May | Su Li

This ship is so science fiction, but like deus ex machina where everything we need is right here. Is there an Infinite Improbability Drive button? Am I going to turn into a bowl of petunias?

Are we allowed to decorate our bedrooms?

Filtered to Morag MacDougal, Terry Boot & Michael Corner
Mac? Michael? Terry told me the two of you were here. I'm living with him, Leanne, and Astoria.

Apr. 17th, 2024



[No Subject]

Hard to believe this is the second time I've done this in a universe that isn't my own, but here it goes:

May 2nd in my home world is a time when magic users in the UK and Ireland gather to remember the victims of our two wizarding wars. Most people call it Victory Day -- which I have mixed feelings about for a lot of reasons -- but I tend to call it Remembrance Day.

In my almost three years of bouncing around the multiverse, I've learned that everyone has experienced loss. Everyone has someone they miss, be it because you are separated by the universe or by death. With that in mind, I'm offering a gathering on the evening of May 2 in Partum Park. Anyone who wants to attend and pay tribute to people they love -- living or dead -- is welcome to come. I'll have candles for anyone who wants to do it that way, but your own rituals for honoring your people are welcome and encouraged. Even if it's just to stand there silently. We'll get started right at sunset.

I've got no plans to turn it into a party or anything, but I see nothing wrong with a fire and people bringing their own food and drinks for afterward. I personally won't be staying, but please enjoy yourselves.

Apr. 14th, 2024



Network: Mike Corner

I cannot stop laughing at the most inopportune times. This makes work difficult.

[ONE CHARACTER EACH bursts out laughing at all the wrong moments for the next 48 hours.]

Mar. 27th, 2024



text message

Text Message to Peter Parker
✉️ Hey, Peter!
✉️ So [...] I was wondering!
✉️ Would you be interested in ordering pizza and watching a movie with me?
✉️ Friday?

a little bit later:

Text Message to Ravenclaw Group
✉️ AH!
✉️ I asked Peter if he wanted to watch a movie with me, and he said yes!



[No Subject]

Without getting into details -- this week and next week are difficult for me, and I'm in need of a distraction.

I know Easter is like one of those holidays that you only care about it your religious -- I'm not, for the record -- but in the UK it's also just a massive thing where you are meant to spend time with your family. Sadly, my only family that's still here, aside from Harry, are those that I've chosen to become so, which I think is the case for a lot of us.

So here's my proposition: everyone who wants to participate, let's get together in the park on Sunday and have a huge dinner. I'll even bribe Harry into helping me make a magical Easter egg hunt for afterward. Though no idea what that actually entails yet. I just made it up. But it sounds fun, right?

Mar. 26th, 2024



Netpost | Kamala Khan

I didn't expect to find myself in space again anytime soon.

But this is space in a different universe so it's like, extra cool.

Hello Poseidon! I'm Kamala Khan.

Mar. 5th, 2024



5 March | Su Li

It was an interesting and strange experience to be adopted. My culture is a big part of my identity and a way to form a bond with my parents, grandparents, and extended family, it was very surreal not having that connection.

Now I just want to go make tomato egg, with rice of course.

Filtered to Morag MacDougal, Terry Boot & Michael Corner
Checking in, how are the three of you?

Filtered to 'Blackwood Family'
I'm an only child, so it was nice having siblings.

Feb. 8th, 2024



— romulus black (remus lupin) | weststar au

Would anyone like a reading? I have a bit of time on my hands, and I don't really like being idle for long. I've also seen quite a few spirits who want to contact - I can communicate with spirits and read tarot. Free of charge, of course — you're doing me a favour, really, giving me something practical to work on.

Jan. 25th, 2024



Weststar 01: Valentina Blackwood (Regina Hood-Mills)

Fellow Olympians & Coaches
With everyone having different flights to catch and family to catch up with I did not have an opportunity to congratulate you all on your wins. So, congratulations and know that I am so proud to be a part of Team USA alongside all of you.

I've made a reservation for tomorrow night at Extra Virgin. I'd like it if you could all make it but I do understand spending so much time with your mother is not ideal. Rosie Posie, this does not apply to you because your presence is mandatory.

Text to Elise
[OOC: Elise will receive a short video from Val who has just discovered that she is on board]

Jan. 23rd, 2024



Weststar AU: Gretchen Blackwood (Yelena Belova)

So now that we know what Elysium has to offer, who's up for going on a wine tasting tour.......or two with me? Should be fun.



Weststar AU Netpost | Hayley Michaels (Hope Mikaelson)

I think I'm going to hit the pool for a little while. Who wants to join me?

Jan. 4th, 2024



Netpost: Regina Hood-Mills

Filter: Blood Curse Team
With everything that has been happening of late, I failed to mention that I received a gift from home awhile back. The text that arrived with me barely scratches the surfaces about the magic of my world. And most of what I've contributed has been from memory. The trunk I received, while not the full extent of the literature I possessed back home, does contain many of the rarer texts that I had acquired. We might find something to aid us in one of them. And if not that's all right. I know we'll find the answer somewhere.

I've removed the protective charms from all of them so, no harm will come to anyone not of my bloodline, who touches them. With the exception of the two that are in elvish, all are in Latin. I'll translate the elvish texts as best I can but I'll admit I am a bit rusty and it might take me a bit longer to do so than I would have in the past.

Perhaps we should all meet tonight or tomorrow over dinner and we can begin looking at these together.

Dec. 27th, 2023



[No Subject]

In the interest of not going mad productivity — given the fact that, apparently, anything even remotely work-related banishes us to our lodgings — I've drawn up a guide that should assist in differentiating between myself and Prince Loki. Inexplicably, it's been an issue. It shouldn't be.  )

His Highness (pictured above left, as though that's even necessary) is at least an inch taller than I am. You can clearly see my hair (pictured above right) is lighter. Our eyes are also vastly different colours — his is jade, mine is seafoam. Both green, both defined shades. Even the Prince's voice is lower than mine. He speaks far more slowly. Have you even heard me speak? I barely take a breath.

So: there you are. Now there's no reason to continue this charade.

📴 - Everyone has two days off. If you try to work you'll be zapped right back to your room.

Dec. 24th, 2023



[No Subject]

New name, new house, new husband.

My head is spinning from all the changes, but I couldn't be happier. Thanks to everyone who came and stood in the cold to watch Harry and I get married. We haven't even started opening all the gifts from you lot, but I promise we will! It was enough that you all were there with us.

And then this morning I woke up to find one of mum's hand-knitted jumpers at the end of the bed, which was just the cherry on top of a couple of exceptional days.

Happy Christmas, everyone.

Dec. 21st, 2023



npc plot — anthony goldstein.

filter: ravenclaws only.

Why do I have this horrible feeling I'm very late?