Mission Atlantis In Character Community

June 2024

Mission Atlantis is a game continuing the story of [info]saveatlantis with a space twist! You do not need to have been a former member of [info]saveatlantis to play here.


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Mission Atlantis In Character Community

June 2024

Mission Atlantis is a game continuing the story of [info]saveatlantis with a space twist! You do not need to have been a former member of [info]saveatlantis to play here.


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Posts Tagged: 'c:+christine+chapel'

Apr. 14th, 2024



13th March | Erica Ortegas

Star Trek Peeps & Friends
Off on another away mission! I know some of you are heading out too, but if the rest of you don’t see me around, don’t panic. I’m just off doing what I do.

Mar. 26th, 2024



[No Subject]

I'm still not convinced this isn't some witch's hallucination spell. I have a whole floor to myself, which is just perfect.

Fine. I'll play along, for now.

Filtered to Christine Chapel
I was told to reach out to you. It looks like I'll be working as a nurse while I'm here.

Mar. 14th, 2024



Net Post: Christine Chapel

This has been quite a day. I woke up to the sound of something butting against my door and guess who I found outside? This is Milo. He was my dog when I was a kid and once bit a girl who said I was stupid. I swear I didn't tell him to do it, he's just that loyal. I guess it's not just cats who have nine lives.

[Starfleet SNW]

Remember when you all told me that there was a chance I might eventually get new memories? Well, I did. That was......not fun. I hope the nightmares don't come back At least none of you have to worry about accidentally telling me something I don't already know now.


Drinks? Just you and me. Can you get Klingon Bloodwine out of the replicator? Or something equally strong.

Mar. 11th, 2024



11 March | La'an Noonien-Singh

I am relieved that our lives are getting back into a normal rhythm.

Filtered to Jim Kirk
I'm not sure what I should say-

Filtered to Una Chin-Riley
[...] Can we meet for drinks later this evening?

Filtered to Christine Chapel, Erica Ortegas and Nyota Uhura
How are the three of your fairing? Should the three of us have dinner together tomorrow?



Netpost: Sam Kirk

I like the new living arrangements, it feels like home.


You've been quiet, everything alright? That alternate lives thing was a shock to the system, to know that I'm not a lounge singer is jarring.


I enjoyed our flight the other evening, you almost looked like you were having fun.

Mar. 9th, 2024



netpost: chris pike

[Montgomery 25 - Kara, Marty, Nikolai]
So I love to cook and tend to do it enough. Let me know if there's any favorite foods you have? Or things you don't like. Happy to accommodate.

Also, how do folks feeling about me hosting dinner parties? And starting an herb garden on the deck?

So, we've had some changes in our crew here. How do folks feel about dinner? Happy to cook. (Although help is always welcome.) Figure it might be good to have a space for us to get to know one another, especially after everything.

[Jaina, Brad, Derek, Ginny]
Dinner tomorrow? I'll cook.

[Rose Ward]
You still overworking yourself? I've got a wine cellar that could use some sampling.



Mar. 8th, 2024



open net: katie bell

Oi, all you wannabe lounge singers,

We're doing a karaoke night at The Elle tomorrow. Be there or be boring!

Quidditch schedule has also obviously been thrown off. We'll pick that back up next weekend.

Mar. 7th, 2024



Net Post: Christine Chapel

Dear anonymous smartass person who messaged me about whether or not I would be giving dance lessons in Medical. The answer to that is no, I will not, but if you're willing to fork over enough cash, I might agree to teaching you in the gym.

The brownstone is nice, I love my new room but I miss the roof garden on the houseboat. That was my favorite thing about the place.


We made a pretty good team. If the space thing doesn't work out, we should take our act on the road.


So that happened

Do you want to....

Wanna go walk around the park with me?



Netpost | Beckett Mariner

Okay. I know a lot of us are dealing with some complicated emotions right now with the whole alternate lives thing.

I'm not good at talking about complicated emotions. Or processing them.

But you know what I am good at?


Yes, not always the healthiest coping mechanism, but sometimes, you just need to get drunk.

And I'm an excellent drinking buddy.

So, if you want to forget about complicated emotions, and just want to get drunk, let me know.

[Filtered To Uhura]

I'm an only child. I've never had siblings, and honestly, it wasn't something that I really wished for. Growing up in Starfleet, it was hard enough to get my parents' attention sometimes, so I'd probably be extra terrible if I had a sibling and suddenly had to compete with one.

But if I had to have a sibling, you were a pretty damn good choice.

...I also realize that made me just sound like a total asshole.

[Filtered To Jack Crusher]

I owe you a drink for being the most boring fake girlfriend.



Netpost: Abby Griffin

Shipwide Announcement

To our new arrivals, welcome aboard, my name is Abby Griffin and I serve as the Chief Medical Officer on board the Poseidon. If there are any medical concerns that you'd like to make Medical aware of, please reach out and we can arrange a time to meet. The well-being of the entire crew is our highest priority.

Now, I know that this will be met with resistance from a few of you but after what we've all just been through it is necessary. Beginning today ALL crew members are to schedule appointments with Medical. We will be running the same tests and scans as we do during your intake assessments. Consider it your yearly physical. For our new arrivals, these tests are all non-invasive and allow my staff a medical history to refer back to should we need to treat you in the future. If everyone cooperates, I know that we can have all of these exams done by the end of next week.

And if you are struggling to reconcile the life you lived on the Weststar with who you are, we have a truly exceptional psych department. I encourage you to reach out and allow them to help you work through this. My door is also always open should anyone need to talk.

Mar. 4th, 2024



Net Post: Brad Boimler

Am I having a panic attack in a supply closet? Maybe. Yesterday was fine and then today...today...I don't even know. How am I supposed to move on from this?

I had a dad and three siblings who cared about me and I wasn't the kid who ran away to join Starfleet so he could get out of running a raisin farm

Mariner, please tell me you're out there and that you remember me.



Netpost; Jack Ransom

Commander Jack Ransom of the USS Cerritos checking in. There’s an impressive list of names here and I am much happier with this universe swap knowing I’m in such capable company.

That being said; are mass hallucinations commonplace here?

[Cerritos Crew]
Both of you keeping out of trouble?

Mar. 3rd, 2024



Network Post :: Xavier Thorpe

Is that the kind of "you get used to" "magic" stuff that happens around here? Because that's a lot to take in, if it is. Messing with people like that is pretty shitty, and I'm not really sure how I feel right now. I wish Am I Is Other than I really wish my studio were here right now.

Well, and, what's going on with the ship? It didn't look like this before, did it? I haven't been here long enough to really know, but I'm pretty sure that it looks way different. Unless this whole thing is still messing with me Including my room. Unless the house boats were also fake? And the planets? Is anything

This place is a lot. And

Mar. 1st, 2024



Net Post: Liam Shaw

This is going to sound weirdly specific but those that are experiencing weird headaches, dreams etc...pub crawl?
Actually, it's more like a headcount, we need to know numbers

Feb. 11th, 2024



Dean Sanderson (Sam Kirk) Weststar AU

To Variety Show staff and Performers

Now, I wasn't planning on doing anything special for Valentine's Day within the show but some guests have shown interest in the idea so thoughts on what we could include is appreciated. Power ballad evening? We can have Stroud dress up as Cupid? open to ideas, people.

Also, we will be doing an afternoon show so you and your loved one can attend the dance after, I'm not completely heartless.

Jan. 21st, 2024



netpost; ethan drake (bones mccoy)

Ice sculpting demonstration sounds like it could be fun.

Dangerous too if there's chainsaw throwing involved. They going to make a liquor luge?

Jan. 17th, 2024



Weststar AU | Netpost Jack Winter (Brad Boimler)

Oh my god, oh my god, OH MY GOD. I think I'm having a panic attack.

[Filtered to the Winter kids]

I went to visit Dad I saw...I SAW. Did you know? I need a drink, or several drinks, or a doctor.



Weststar AU | Netpost Dean Sanderson (Sam Kirk)

[Filtered to crew members taking part in the Sanderson Variety Show]

Rehearsals this week kids, you can only miss it if you have dying relatives and you have to prove that they're dying.

If there is anything you want to bring to the table in regards to the show/grievances/a new magic trick you want to try, now is the time to bring it up.

[Filtered to Jaina]

Can I lure you away from work with dinner later?

Jan. 9th, 2024



Net Post: Christine Chapel

For everyone in Medical that I snuggled today. My apologies. Blame it on the ship. You have to admit, it was kinda nice though. I think I'll go home and cuddle my pillow for a while.

Jan. 8th, 2024



Netpost 05: Abby Griffin

By now you should have all received an email about an upcoming opportunity to ensure Medical is fully prepared for any future emergencies. On the 12th we’ll have an area set aside in Medical where any who wish can come in to donate blood.

Filter: Medical
I’ll give you all a few days to think over what time the shift you all will take on the 12th will be. But we will all work a blood drive shift and it will be in pairs.