Mission Atlantis In Character Community

June 2024

Mission Atlantis is a game continuing the story of [info]saveatlantis with a space twist! You do not need to have been a former member of [info]saveatlantis to play here.


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Mission Atlantis In Character Community

June 2024

Mission Atlantis is a game continuing the story of [info]saveatlantis with a space twist! You do not need to have been a former member of [info]saveatlantis to play here.


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Posts Tagged: 'c:+tonks'

May. 31st, 2024



[No Subject]

Jyn Erso
& Nymphadora Tonks
DATE Coma 🙈
LOCATION Mistwood Farms
SUMMARY Dora returns home to her estranged wife after receiving word that the family farm is failing.
Read more... )

May. 26th, 2024



Katie Bell | March 26th

Thank Merlin I'm not stuck tap dancing everywhere anymore. It's entertaining for a bit, but then it gets rather tiresome!

I realize my timing with this isn't ideal, but I do have updated quidditch teams for those of you who play and we have a handful of holes to fill for anyone who's interested in giving it a go. You do NOT need to be magical to play, we've got some safety protocols in place to avoid very serious injury and there are plenty of us experienced players willing to teach anyone and everyone!

If you want a lesson or a tryout, let me know!

teams this way )

Those of you who've lost co-captains again, I'll let you choose your seconds as well as your practice schedules, but I'm hoping we can fill our teams and play some matches soon!

May. 4th, 2024



Network Post :: Teddy Lupin


Hello. I'm Teddy, and I'm not sure how to do this

I've seen some

Right. Just do it quick

Really thought I was done with all black uniforms after Hogwarts! Think this place might be bigger than Hogwarts, too.

Right. Hello, Poseidon. I'm Teddy Lupin Lupin. I suspect it's very nice to make your acquaintance, or it will be once I do!

Apr. 17th, 2024



[No Subject]

Hard to believe this is the second time I've done this in a universe that isn't my own, but here it goes:

May 2nd in my home world is a time when magic users in the UK and Ireland gather to remember the victims of our two wizarding wars. Most people call it Victory Day -- which I have mixed feelings about for a lot of reasons -- but I tend to call it Remembrance Day.

In my almost three years of bouncing around the multiverse, I've learned that everyone has experienced loss. Everyone has someone they miss, be it because you are separated by the universe or by death. With that in mind, I'm offering a gathering on the evening of May 2 in Partum Park. Anyone who wants to attend and pay tribute to people they love -- living or dead -- is welcome to come. I'll have candles for anyone who wants to do it that way, but your own rituals for honoring your people are welcome and encouraged. Even if it's just to stand there silently. We'll get started right at sunset.

I've got no plans to turn it into a party or anything, but I see nothing wrong with a fire and people bringing their own food and drinks for afterward. I personally won't be staying, but please enjoy yourselves.

Apr. 14th, 2024



Netpost; Sirius Black

When I said I wanted to get out of the house, I guess I should have been a bit more specific. Not complaining though. I'm away from that waste of canvas and paint.

Right. Where are my manners? Name's Sirius Black. But the way I hear it, some of you lot already knew that.

Apr. 2nd, 2024



[No Subject]

Tonks & Remus Lupin
Remus & Tonks meet up and have what is going to be a very awkward conversation.
When.Very Early Evening, April 2
Where. West 22
Rating. 🤷🏼‍♀️
Warnings. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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[No Subject]

Filter: Harry Potter Crew [No Remus]
How does one tactfully inform a dear friend about the dumbassery that a previous version of him pulled? And in addition, how do you inform someone that you are not actually their wife? Is there a tactful way to do this? Should I just pull a Luna? Suggestions would be helpful.

Filter: Jyn
Are you free for dinner and a walk in the park later tonight?



2nd April | Remus Lupin

Just when I thought I had lost the ability to be surprised, fate steps in once more.

Hello, everyone. My name is Remus Lupin. I was led to believe I will find many familiar faces here.

Mar. 27th, 2024



[No Subject]

Without getting into details -- this week and next week are difficult for me, and I'm in need of a distraction.

I know Easter is like one of those holidays that you only care about it your religious -- I'm not, for the record -- but in the UK it's also just a massive thing where you are meant to spend time with your family. Sadly, my only family that's still here, aside from Harry, are those that I've chosen to become so, which I think is the case for a lot of us.

So here's my proposition: everyone who wants to participate, let's get together in the park on Sunday and have a huge dinner. I'll even bribe Harry into helping me make a magical Easter egg hunt for afterward. Though no idea what that actually entails yet. I just made it up. But it sounds fun, right?

Mar. 12th, 2024



[No Subject]

Well. That's shit.


I can't believe Regulus and Remus decided to leave. That makes no sense to me at all. They both know...

And Strange? What the fuck?

Mar. 2nd, 2024



Net Post :Jyn Erso

Well, at least the headache is gone and the weird dreams make sense now. Regardless, that was quite the trip.


On a scale of 1-10, how awkward is this going to be? I've overheard that for some people this has happened before, did it happen to you and Mara? I ask because I really don't want her coming for me with her lightsaber.


Two alternate lives in just a few months. Who would have ever thought it? At least we ended up together in the first one. Let's stick with that ending. Gwennie misses you, so do I now that I know what I'm missing.

Feb. 2nd, 2024



West AU: Jenni Hawkins (Jyn Erso)

This cruise was already a dream crew and it's gotten even better. On Thursday night Collin proposed! We haven't talked about details yet but that's fine. Right now we are just enjoying this moment.


I love you. I still can't believe we're getting married.

Feb. 1st, 2024



Weststar AU Netpost | Linda Lang (Kara Danvers)

Hello denizens of Weststar!

It's a brand new month, and you know what that means? Yes, it means a brand new month of activities!

It's also February which means....LOVE IS IN THE AIR!

We will be hosting a very special Valentine's Dance on board. Whether single, taken, or anything in between, we encourage you to come and dance until your feet fall off!

Now, for those of you that would like to take a date, we will be hosting a speed dating event on Sunday, February 11th! This is a 21 and up event, and all are welcome to attend, crew or guest. You could be lucky and meet the love of your life!

[OOC: For those interested, I would like to run the speed dating as an actual event in game. I have created a sign up form for anyone interested. Please keep in mind that you will need to fill it out for each character you plan to have attend. Everyone should be able to access it, but if you can't, please let me know via Discord or email, and I will resend it!]

Jan. 21st, 2024



West AU: Jenni Hawkins (Jyn Erso)

Is anyone planning on going to the ice carving demonstration tonight? I've always thought they were beautiful and wondered how they were done.

Dec. 29th, 2023



Net Post :Jyn Erso

I found an elf in my room on Christmas Eve. We had a conversation and the next moring, I found this cutie on the foot of my bed. She needs a name though and I have no idea what to call her. I'm open for suggestions.


Are you busy? You need to come and meet her. She's so sweet.

Dec. 20th, 2023



[No Subject]


[Figured everyone else has done it, I might as well. I'm open to multiples for each of mine (and will also be tagging into a few of the other mistletoe posts later). There are notes for each of them and I'm good with threading or just OOC-ly discussing how it went.]

Dec. 18th, 2023



Net Post :Jyn Erso

That was certainly an experience. I can't think of any other way to describe it.


Thank you for the bracelet. It's beautiful. Just my luck to sleep through my birthday and to find out I missed yours. I will buy the three of you dinner sometime soon.


So. Hi. I don't quite know what to say but hi seems like a good place to start.

Dec. 6th, 2023



Network: Andromeda Tonks (NPC)

I could really use a hot cup of tea, proper tea, I mean.

Nymphadora, I was told you're here, is that true? Though I have no idea how that's even possible.

Nov. 29th, 2023



[No Subject]

Are any of us going to talk about how we all ended up in the park when we were all previously in class?

Nov. 4th, 2023




Cheers, everyone!

Quidditch teams have been sorted. You all played fantastically! Captains and co-captains were randomly chosen from those with experience before the rest of the teams were put together. We had just enough players to make 6 teams with 1 reserve player, so if anyone is still interested, we could use some more reserve players!

Now, here is the part you're really all interested in! The teams!

teams this way! )

ETA: Team 1 (Flash Thompson, Maverick, Steve Rogers, Oliver Queen, Zoya Nazalynsky, Harry Potter) )