Mission Atlantis In Character Community

June 2024

Mission Atlantis is a game continuing the story of [info]saveatlantis with a space twist! You do not need to have been a former member of [info]saveatlantis to play here.


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Mission Atlantis In Character Community

June 2024

Mission Atlantis is a game continuing the story of [info]saveatlantis with a space twist! You do not need to have been a former member of [info]saveatlantis to play here.


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Posts Tagged: 'c:+pete+mitchell'

May. 18th, 2024




I think it might be time for another pilots' race.

Tomorrow, 1300?

May. 12th, 2024



[No Subject]

two pilots walk into a bar
Ice gets the lowdown from Mav once he’s back from Tombstone
Evening • Meteor
In progress
~~~ )

May. 9th, 2024



Netpost; Maverick

I know being confined to your homes is likely bumming you all out, all I can say is we’re working on it.

Flying a craft of this size, inverted, for a prolonged period isn’t really advisable and trying to right her is no picnic. I’d love to flip her into a roll but all of you wouldn’t crew safety comes first.

[Ship Fixers]
The drones, shuttles and fighters aren’t affected in the same way. But I’m not certain even if we sent them all out to work as one that we could nudge her the right way up.

Mar. 27th, 2024



netpost: chris pike [ & ic/ooc? ]

Alright, even as someone who usually runs off to be by myself for today, I have to admit, it wasn't the worst thing to get dragged out for drinks, dancing, and karaoke. Although I feel like I should have cooked...

[ooc: Handwaving that folks dragged Pike out to the bar to celebrate his birthday. I think all of the Starfleet peeps would know it's Pike's birthday since according to SNW/LowerDecks crossover, it's a cough*holiday*cough in the future. So says Boimler. And Boimler knows all. Pike's crew would probably know he's not big on celebrating for reasons, so he wouldn't throw a party, but if folks dragged him to a bar to celebrate, he wouldn't put up a fuss.

Feel free to have your char - starfleet or otherwise - know / be involved in shenanigans. ]

Mar. 9th, 2024



netpost: chris pike

[Montgomery 25 - Kara, Marty, Nikolai]
So I love to cook and tend to do it enough. Let me know if there's any favorite foods you have? Or things you don't like. Happy to accommodate.

Also, how do folks feeling about me hosting dinner parties? And starting an herb garden on the deck?

So, we've had some changes in our crew here. How do folks feel about dinner? Happy to cook. (Although help is always welcome.) Figure it might be good to have a space for us to get to know one another, especially after everything.

[Jaina, Brad, Derek, Ginny]
Dinner tomorrow? I'll cook.

[Rose Ward]
You still overworking yourself? I've got a wine cellar that could use some sampling.



Mar. 1st, 2024



Net Post: Liam Shaw

This is going to sound weirdly specific but those that are experiencing weird headaches, dreams etc...pub crawl?
Actually, it's more like a headcount, we need to know numbers

Feb. 25th, 2024



Scene | 25 Feb - Charlie and Mitchell

Read more... )



net post : chris pike / charlie winter

Our next cooking class at The Test Kitchen on Tuesday will feature local Blissorian delicacies and we'll be joined by a chef from one of Blissoria's most innovative restaurants.

[Weststar Staff]
Since the weird dreams thing seems to be spreading, have we done an inquiry as to whether it's something on the ship? Water? Air? Might be worth seeing if we can get to the bottom of this mass effect.

[Winter Fam ]
Checking in to see how folks are doing. Any weird dreams or other strange symptoms?

Have you been avoiding me, kid?

[Mitchell Peters]
I'm off today, want to go explore Blissoria and talk

Feb. 1st, 2024



Netpost; Mitchell Peters (Maverick)

Just an FYI the slumber party tonight is all ages, which means I’ll be on hand at the poolside bar to mix up drinks for the adult crowd.

Look for the specials on the menu; Chocolate White Russian, Red Velvet Martini, Champagne Gummy Bears, Pink Silk Pyjamas, Peach White Wine Slushy.

Jan. 27th, 2024



Weststar AU | Netpost Jack Winter (Brad Boimler)

This is so stupid, like sooo stupid.

I mean I was having a good night, I was drinking and there was a dance party and I was having fun. Do you know how long it's been since I've actually had fun?

Anyway, it was down to me and this other guy, just this big burly guy and I thought I've got this, I'm wiggly! And those....five drinks I had really helped me get my groove on and I won! But then, then he accused me of using performance-enhancing drugs and a fight broke out and now I'm in jail.

I would like to not be in jail so if any family members would like to come and retrieve me that would be nice also don't tell Jaina because she's stick in the mud who wouldn't approve of fun. She doesn't have fun.

D, are you out there? Bro, where are you?

Jan. 26th, 2024



Netpost; Mitchell Peters (Maverick)

For those of you heading to Elysium for the night life, I recommend you try to get into Iceobar. I promise it has nothing to do with meteology but their drinks are amazing. If you like your vodka or whisky on the rocks its definitely the bar for you.

[Charlie Winter Chris Pike]

So, you're never going to guess what your hot son did last night.

I think I managed to take him seriously.

Jan. 18th, 2024



Zoya Maresh(Zoya Nazyalensky - Weststar)

I always forget how messy Mixology classes are! But they are a lot of fun, and everyone should come!

And maybe some pool time after? Or just shower?

Jan. 17th, 2024



— james hook (killian jones) | weststar au

Anyone fancy a tour? Take it from a humble bellhop: I've sailed on plenty of ships, and none compare to the finery and vastness of the Weststar Cruise Line. Emphasis on vast. She's easy to get lost in, but all you have to do is find your sea legs — and as luck would have it, helping utterly charming guests such as yourselves navigate their way through this magnificent ship is one of my many jobs.

Let's all meet, say, on the deck at high noon. Tell me what you're looking forward to and I'll steer us that way.

weststar crew.
Care for a wager, lovelies? First one to collect the least amount of tips by tonight buys drinks for the lot of us. And I'd get cracking if I were you. I've already filled three pockets.

Jan. 15th, 2024



net: Charlie Winter (Chris Pike)

There are still some open seats at tonight's cooking class/dinner combo at The Test Kitchen. If you haven't had a chance to check it out yet, now's your chance. We'll be doing an introduction to Elysium's cuisine ahead of our next stop.

[Winters Kids - Derek, Jaina, Jack (Brad), Gini (Ginny)]
Think we can manage lunch sometime this week? Or a late dinner?

[Mitchell Peters (Pete Mitchell)]
Busy after shift tonight?

Jan. 7th, 2024



[No Subject]

WHO: Maverick and Rooster
WHAT: Surprise nephew visit
WHERE: The Elle
WHEN: Shortly after Bradley’s arrival during the NPC plot.

“But you’re 3?” )

Dec. 28th, 2023



Comms: Maverick to Command

I'm out here practicing for the New Years' light show and there's something following us. It's at a distance, but it looks like... a star? I'll try and get in closer for a better visual and grab a picture or two.

Nov. 2nd, 2023



audio — not autoplaying

[ Eddie's way of speaking has always been pretty dramatic, but today he's clearly trying to sound like a stereotypical news anchor. ]

Goooooood morning, Poseidon! I'm coming to you live from inside a storage closet because there's a huge mascot on the loose. [ He tries to stifle a nervous laugh. ] That's right: space has a seven-foot Cookie Monster, and take it from an expert — if you have masklophobia, stay home! Lock your doors! Pray to your gods the giant muppet doesn't find you!

Not to, you know, cause a panic or anything. He seems nice. [ Then, muttered under his breath: ] Nice in the same way Bigfoot would be if he was handing out snacks and towering over you.

[ Brighter now, all false cheer: ] And now back to Jim Henson with the weather!

🍪 — COOKIE MONSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes. Cookie Monster (he's 7" tall) keeps popping up all over the ship and throwing cookies at people screaming about his birthday.

Nov. 1st, 2023



Net Post: Marty McFly

So this is the future and I'm on a space ship?

That's heavy.

Oct. 26th, 2023



Netpost; Jason Todd

I used to steal stuff. I still steal stuff. Not exactly a secret where I'm from but hardly any of you lot know me so there it is.

Anyone else not give a damn who knows their secret and want to share?

Oct. 22nd, 2023



Netpost; Jason Todd

Free trip off world? Don't mind if I do. Better than sticking around in Gotham. Although, I am going to miss Alfred's cookies.

Hi space! What's happening? Name's Jason and usually I would ask you to take me to your leader but been there, done that, got the t-shirt. Apparently they're going to let me play fix-it on this ship.