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Mar. 16th, 2016


Wow. I take a couple days off and arrivals go through the roof.

Mar. 15th, 2016


network; hawke (028)

You know, I know my face is ugly, but if everyone else could refrain from hitting it, I would love that.

(I'm not mad at you, Julie, my nose is just very disappointed.)

Mar. 14th, 2016


Who: Rory and Amy
Where: Medical
When: After Amy's arrival
What: Reunion!
Rating: G? Maybe some bad words, not anticipating anything else.

i'm on an awesome mission with an angel that can take it all the way to where the sun is just like a runner loving running tryna turn it into a simple symphony )

Mar. 7th, 2016


Heh. Someone had fun.

Mar. 3rd, 2016


I need volunteers to head out tomorrow. Military's found some dead Grounders and what they think might be some of our people who left the mountain. Either way, these people deserve to honored by their people, so that's what we're going to go: head out there and bring them back.
You think you can get a hold of Lexa? Some of her people were among the dead.
Earlier today, we were informed of an altercation or some other event with some Grounders who were communicating via their walkies. We couldn't get a confirmation on what was happening, so we send a scout team out to the location.

Unfortunately, it wasn't a great sight they stumbled on. About half a dozen people were found in that frozen state, and another ten or so were killed. It looks like a battle of some sort, but we're not sure what happened.

We're sending R&R out to recover the bodies so we can give them proper burial. The statues are just like the others. Hard as a rock, no real way to draw blood or any other kind of medical test to see what's going on.

Mar. 1st, 2016


I can't remember the last birthday I celebrated without Hermione. Hey, Pod God, get your act together and bring back the mother of my children, would you?

Feb. 29th, 2016


OPEN Network Post: Elena Gilbert

There's really never a dull moment around here, is there.

[Filtered to Medical]
No one was hurt too badly in all the, um, excitement last night, were they?

[...] Is it usually that chaotic when new people show up?

Posted via Journaler.


network post: lucifer

Quick question: Is there anyone here who feels unusually healthy and really can't stand being in control of their own body anymore?

Can someone please explain to me what we actually DO down here?

Feb. 28th, 2016



if you fuckers try to knock me out again i swear i'll kick somebody else I'm not in the mood to be fucked with alright? We didn't eat anybody

[OOC: Trigger warning just for violence and some pretty brutal talk about stuff that happens in horror movies/games.]

Feb. 26th, 2016


Okay, so now that I'm more awake, not actively bleeding out (thanks Hawke. and thanks for your arms, too), and a little more past the "what the hell" phase, guess I should say something on this thing.

So...hey. Jo Harvelle. Friend of Dean and Sam. This is still so freaking wei

Feb. 24th, 2016


1: Jaina Solo

Well at least they let me have this thing. I'm Jaina and apparently I was just here but that's impossible since I was just in my ship about to get tossed into space. Sorry to the people who were here when I woke up, I was expecting to wake up with a whole bunch of really ugly Yuuzhan Vong soldiers. I'm really glad I didn't.

So Skywalkers and Solos..I know you're here. I can have visitors but I have to spend the night in Medical since I'm kind of banged up. Maybe you can explain this place to me now that I'm a little calmer and more willing to listen.


Do any of you know chess? I'm going to learn tomorrow. Some of you should come, too.

Feb. 22nd, 2016


Uh, well that was fucked up.

Tali, if I have to see you leave too, I'm going to lose my shit. Don't you dare.

That goes for anyone else, actually.

Feb. 23rd, 2016


So, uh, I have this thing with brain waves that comes with the plastic, and I'm pretty sure we just lost a whole lot of them.

eta: Is there some kind of process for this? Ticking off everyone who's still here, organising search parties in case someone timed a hiking injury really badly?


[Computer staff]
I got hold of a phone someone left behind that has Candy Crush on it. Is there some way to make it compatible with the network tablets so more people can have a copy?

Feb. 21st, 2016


network post: castiel

#thatmomentwhen You can't find the last edge piece for the puzzle you're working on.

I counted. All five thousand pieces are here. It has to be here somewhere.

Feb. 17th, 2016


Still don't really get this whole network thing, but Steve says writing messages here is standard. Guess I've heard crazier things, so here goes nothing...

You can call me Bucky. The doc says I should be getting out of the medical wing soon, so I get to rediscover what it's like being a contributing member of society. I guess I If there's an Alison Hendrix reading this, I'll stop by to introduce myself. Looks like you're my new boss.

Feb. 14th, 2016


Singles night was fun and cards today as well. I love learning new card games. I just wish we had more to gamble for.

For those who are interested, we do mini sabacc tournaments on Thursday nights in case anyone wants to join in.

Dancing is still intimidating though.

Thanks for the dance lessons. I think I'll play to my strengths and stick to cards though.

Feb. 13th, 2016


[Chatty to Barry]
So before I freak out and risk the wrath of Dr. Chun, please tell me you didn't send me an anonymous Valentine's card? Because if I try to hack it (and likely get caught, I mean, I'm good but she's a LITERAL GHOST IN THE SHELL HOW COOL IS THAT) and find out it was a joke, that would be really really not funny.

To Do List:
  1. Shower.
  2. Iron Shirts?
  3. Count drink rations.
  4. Look cool.
  5. Mention NOT mention I'm Vibe, because bragging is a turn off
  6. Felicity could hack-- no, she'd tell me it's more romantic to let it be anonymous. CURSES.
This is going to consume my every thought until I figure it out. It's probably Oliver Queen, since I didn't fall for his glitter reverse psychology.

So, big day tomorrow. You know, for the people who enjoy it. Not so much for the people who don't. Okay, killed the mood there Thank Odin/Zeus/Jupiter/Cthulhu for backspace There any parties for people without dates tomorrow? Just, you know, hang out, play some cards, talk about stuff, be social? Because I'm down with that. Don't want to crash anybody's plans or anything. I could just stay down in the lab, maybe throw a small thing there? Who's with me?

Feb. 11th, 2016


Hearing news of a scuffle outside almost made me rethink the idea of putting up my sword, and then I remembered I hadn't fully introduced myself on this device, though I've met a great deal of you already in person.

I am Aramis, of formerly of the King's Musketeers, presently of Lady Hendrix's childcare. As it was still the 17th century before I arrived here, adjusting to this world has been interesting, to say the least. You have my thanks for the hospitality shown. Porthos and I hope to be productive members of your society, and I happy welcome any advice or conversation that you may have to offer.

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