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Dec. 28th, 2015


Who: Enjolras and Grantaire
When: December 28th
Where: In their room
What: What happens when feelings are hidden, and then magic makes you say everything in your head
Rating: A for adorableness
Status: Complete on Posting

This was it, the point of no return. )

Dec. 25th, 2015


Merry Christmas, everyone.

Dec. 18th, 2015


netpost; adrian ivashkov

So, I haven't been here long enough to tell if the last day is the norm or not.

I'm Adrian Ivashkov and I'm and I'm not really going to complain about living underground. Call it my sunlight phobia.

Dec. 14th, 2015


[Friends*, sans Enjolras]

Il sait, dit-il
Je ne peux pas le faire

I need a drink. Et, misère aime la compagnie. Anyone care to accompany me?

*OOC: Basically, anyone he's ever spoken to in a friendly capacity. Chris, Lexi, Georgina, Gaby, Beth etc. Feel free to assume.

Dec. 11th, 2015


I've been told to introduce myself. I'm Sandrilene fa Toren. I'm not very good at this, I can't tell what sort of order the letters are in and I'm much more used to writing with ink and a brush.

Everyone really lives underground? I feel like the mountain is going to collapse on me.

Dec. 10th, 2015



With everyone on edge, I thought it might be a good idea to enact an event that Jacob and I have back home, in London. We call them Fight Clubs, and they are essentially just as they sound - a way to unlock your inner pugilist. Prize fighting, with your fists. No weapons, no other powers or anything besides you and your opponent in a ring, punching the living daylights out of each other. You fight until you or your opponent is on the ground, not to the death and taking care to not cause any permanent damage - especially given medicine is rationed. It's not for beginners, mind you, but should you have skills in fisticuffs, we welcome you to join us.

I'll be giving a demonstration tomorrow evening, in the gym. 7pm. Should you wish to also participate in the trial run, I welcome a challenge. And you can also go up against my brother, he's quite fun to smack about. But following this, we'll make it a more official thing, say once a month? For bragging rights, given that money is rather useless here.

Dec. 8th, 2015


The more I see of this future the less I like it here. But nobody wants to hear politics or complaints tonight, and I can't be any kind of useful, so I'll find another way to occupy my time.

Monsieur Grantaire, will you teach me French?

Dec. 6th, 2015


We have a lot of people here who like to sing, and who can sing. Anyone want to join me in putting on an informal holiday concert closer to Christmas? Nothing too big or fancy, just people singing together to entertain everyone else. If nothing else, we can go caroling once a week and put some holiday spirit into the place.


network; lily potter (013)

Since Jessica Moore disappeared, I'm going to take over the Sunday Life Support meetings. Anyone who died back home or knows they're facing it soon is welcome to come; it's just informal group therapy, and you can talk or not talk as much as you want. I bring snacks when rations allow for it.

Dec. 5th, 2015


You guys! My best friend Leslie Knope is here! The Pod God really does answer prayers. Some of them, anyway. And only once you've been saying them for nearly half a year. But I'll take it!

Anyway, you should all go say hello to her! She's the most amazing person -- truly, you'll never make a more loyal friend or a more fierce advocate than Leslie Knope. We're so lucky to have her. Now to work on my other best friend (and Leslie's fiance), Ben Wyatt! I've made some real progress on my jobi nut flour-based calzone recipe in his honor.

Oh, but don't worry, new best friends I've made here. There's enough room in my heart for each and every one of you. How are you all doing this weekend? Who's going to try speed dating tonight? I hope I'll see some of you there!


It's strange how people who have always been able to rely on the rule of law react to a mess, as opposed to those of us who haven't.

The people here who grew up in stable societies or in the dominant group of their society tend to assume that nothing's going to "go too far." It never occurs to them that "just a little brawling" is going to end up with a few corpses at the end, or that "getting a little disorderly" could land them in any greater trouble than a night in the gaol.

When I was seventeen, a bunch of drunk human lords showed up at a wedding in the village square. We asked them to leave, but the law was on their side, because they were humans. The law was still on their side when they kidnapped several of the women and carried them off to their estate to be abused. The law was still on the humans' side after the women fought their way out. And that sort of thing was a regular occurrence: humans doing whatever they wanted, particularly the wealthy ones, while those of us at the bottom tried to either de-escalate any situation that looked like it could turn bad, or keep our hands on our blades and our feet ready to run.

I've spent a lot of time with humans, and even in my own world their casual approach to a lot of things remains strange to me. Here, most of the humans are completely alien to me. You start a fight, and it never occurs to you that anyone might end up dead in it. You get drunk and belligerent, and it never occurs to you that anyone would look at you and think they'll probably have to put a knife through your ribs for their own safety before the night is over. You walk in a room and it never crosses your mind that someone might report you to the guard for stealing just because your things are too nice for you to have--and if such a thing did happen to you, you're sure you can just explain and they'll let you go without a scratch. I don't even know what to make of feeling that safe all the time.

Dec. 4th, 2015


Who: Enjolras and Grantaire
When: Before, during and after this
Where: 504-C
What: Grantaire is drunk....very very drunk. And Enjolras is inadvertantly a jerk
Rating/Warnings: Other than vague references to male anatomy and physical reactions to marble gods being half naked....oh, and alcohol abuse/dependency. Because Grantaires relationship to alcohol is not healthy.
Status: Complete

Without planning, or forethought he soon found himself standing unsteadily outside of Enjolras’ room. Leaning against the doorframe, he knocked loudly. )

Dec. 3rd, 2015


network; hawke (020)

I have been informed (well after the fact, I might add) that I am no longer allowed to sing euphemistic pirate shantys about fisting in public, and I potentially scarred some children at the musical revue.

So if you want to hear more euphemistic bar songs and pirate shantys (possibly about fisting, mostly about other things), I'll be at the tavern tonight. And other nights. Most nights. I'm also not allowed to stand on the bar anymore after my stage dive off of it last week, but don't let that put you off. (Shout out to everyone who caught me. We're bonded now.)

How are you doing?

Nov. 30th, 2015


So, I've been thinking.

It's definitely not easy being in a new place all alone, as a lot of us are, or at least without most of our friends/family/other loved ones, and I've seen people talking about being bored/that there isn't enough to do here, which I totally get. When I'm done working, sometimes all I want to do is stare at the wall because I think I work more continuous hours here than I did at home and it's not as varied (superhero work might not pay well, but it's never exactly the same!), and when everyone is busy with their jobs at different hours, that doesn't leave as much time to randomly chat up that cute person in the hallway as you might think. It's easy to think, oh, I can do that tomorrow or they're probably on their way somewhere, I shouldn't bug them. But I think this is the perfect place to throw caution to the wind and go for something if you really want it. What do you have to lose? We never know what the future has in store for us, here or anywhere else, and it's going to be a long winter.

So, I'm hosting a SPEED DATING night on Saturday! The idea is you'll get a few minutes to chat with someone awesome, and maybe you'll really hit it off and get to take them to movie night. Or you might just meet a new friend, who knows! Either way, you'll meet people and get to hang out and have fun.

Anya, you're going. :)
You get to help me. :)

Nov. 28th, 2015


Network Post: Thea Queen

So if I were looking for some things to kind of spruce up my side of the room a little, where should I look? Normally I'd go shopping but that's not happening here but there has to be something I can do? I'm open to suggestions.

Nov. 27th, 2015


It's too bad this place doesn't have more of a night life. And more people

Nov. 16th, 2015


I have good news. The brewers have made vodka. The catch is that it's blue. I sent some samples to the lab and was told that there's nothing wrong with it, it's safe to drink. It's just blue. And right now it's being infused with various flavours, so there's that.

It's pretty brilliant, we've got an alcohol now that's not bad, in all honesty. And it's been diluted down to a strength that won't kill anyone on contact.

There was something else oh, right The tavern is pretty well open for operation, and has been for a little while. But we're still working on a name, so if anyone has any suggestions, that'd be brilliant.

Nov. 13th, 2015


My goodness, I didn't think it'd get this chilly in this mountain. I'm getting to the point where I might need to get someone to cuddle with me. You won't be bored, though, I promise. I'll sing for you, and act out some scenes from memory, all for your entertainment.

Any takers?

Nov. 11th, 2015


So seriously, post apocalyptic wasteland and we're dragged here in pods.

I guess simple question first, when did the Commies push the big red button?

Nov. 7th, 2015


I have decided I dislike being drunk.

But the aftermath is worse. Is it normal for there to be few memories remaining from the night?

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