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May 14th, 2015

[info]deeringdo in [info]the100

Would you remember the person that Moony bit, if we found them again? Or smelled them?

We should have gone looking for them ages ago, but we've got to start now. You and me.

So that went better than we expected.

Definitely better than Moony was expecting.

[info]lukanthropos in [info]the100

network post: remus lupin (to those in charge, neville, james, sirius)


*(Remus has inferred that these people in addition to the Chancellor seem to have some power or at least can contact people in power, so they're in on the filter)
My name is Remus Lupin; I've been living here since the beginning of April. I [...] need to tell you something. I'll come to you in person but I want to get things written down and sent before I can back out for the fourth or fifth time this week.

I'm a werewolf. [...] In my world, that means I've got a condition known as lycanthropy, or more accurately werewolfry, that affects nearly every aspect of my life. I've been this way since I was four. It

A girl named Ruby confessed publicly that she's also a werewolf, but her condition and mine are not the same. She has the ability to control herself, and she's able to transform at will. I am not. My transformations are entirely tied to the full moon, and [...] I have no control when I'm in that state even if I'm conscious and able to remember what happens. Werewolves from my world are incredibly dangerous. They We hunt humans exclusively. Place us between a human and a bear and we will always attack the human, without provocation, even if the human is a dear friend. I would kill my family. I almost did kill my own mother once.

I My friends learned how to I'm telling you this, because last month I was with my friends I made the mistake of thinking that it would be safe if I transformed in the woods, and stayed away from other people. However, I hadn't accounted for the mountain lions — we I was attacked, which provoked the wolf, and in chasing the mountain lions down I came upon another human.

I don't remember things well. It was chaos, but I knew the next morning that I may have attacked him, that I might have bitten him. There was no sign of him afterward, and I thought perhaps I was mistaken in my memory. At the time, I hadn't been willing to risk telling anyone, because I was afraid of what you'd do to me. In my world, laws against werewolves are very strict, particularly in cases of suspected attack. I was afraid, I was a coward, and I said nothing.

[...] I'm telling you this because I believe that while I was restrained during this past full moon, the attack on the Grounder village is my fault. I think it was caused by a werewolf, and that the werewolf was the man I'd attacked a month prior. He would have had no control, no knowledge of what he was about to do, and [...]

This is my fault.

I understand if you choose not to keep me here, or carry out whatever punishment you see fit.

[info]oswaldftw in [info]the100

WHO: Noh-Varr (616), Clara Oswald
WHEN: Backdated to April 27
WHERE: Their housing!
WHAT: Noh decides he wants to leave. Clara won't let him.
WARNINGS: Talk of character death.

He could handle this world, and whatever it threw at him. Except for Kate. That he couldn't handle. )

[info]lavsbrown in [info]the100

I'm officially offering my services for anyone that would like their walls to be charmed to a different colour. You don't have to worry about payment! Courtesy of Lavender Brown's Decor Living!

The name might need tweaking.

Parvati would love

Alastor Moody
I know your surname is Moody, and all, but you can't be that surly about about me hitting on you, right?

[info]foggy_nelson in [info]the100

All these people from Doctor Who showing up makes me wonder which Doctor is going to show up first. Will it be Ten? Nine? Four? I feel like there needs to be a betting pool set up or something. There's no money here, so maybe we can put our dessert vouchers up as currency? Personally, my money's on Eleven.

[info]marysuepoots in [info]the100

What a weird time to start craving and missing IHOP. I haven't even eaten there for years but their banana and cream Belgium waffles, guhh.

Filter: Coulson's Team
So, idea. My powers, right? No, I haven't shaken anything. I mean, you guys would probably sense it anyway, but I was thinking of putting out some feelers. We actually have a couple of powered people here, some of them magical like Harry Potter and gang, and some of them in other ways. I don't know necessarily how, but I'm not looking for something to happen that might get us hurt because of me shaking the facilities till we're buried alive. (I'm sorry, that visual's not nice but pretty much is a good reason for the urgency.)

What do you think? Who should I talk to? Good idea or bad idea?
