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Nov. 25th, 2015


Hey, Mount Weather! Listen up! Tomorrow's the last Thursday in November which means it's Thanksgiving. The day where you spend time with family eat turkey, give thanks, and, more importantly, watch football!

There's no football to watch here but we can fix that. Who's up for a scrimmage?

Nov. 22nd, 2015


I know nobody wants to be stuck in this mountain all winter. But it's a good time to work on learning our the Grounders' native language. You may need it once spring comes if the treaty holds.

Some of you should be able to tutor new students by now. Okt Octavia and I can take a few more as well.

Nov. 19th, 2015


network post: alison hendrix

Hello, everyone!

Maybe you've seen the posters around the mess hall, or you were handed a flyer on your way to the gym or the library, but just in case you missed it:

Mount Weather Community Theatre
* * * MUSICAL REVUE * * *

Songs! Dance! Entertainment!

Directed by and starring Alison Hendrix
Mona Vanderwaal
Angie Martinelli
Steve Rogers
Garrett Hawke
Neville Longbottom
Mr. Gold
Belle French
MJ Watson
Lito Rodriguez
Beverly Crusher
Tony Gates
Beth Greene
Dean Winchester

Friday, November 20 and Saturday, November 21 at 8:00 PM
Mount Weather Gymnasium

In addition, I'm also taking suggestions and ideas for our winter production, to be put forth to a selection committee next month. Please keep in mind that we can't just call up Samuel French or MTI and ask for a show; the materials need to be available in the library or you must provide them yourself. Consider available talent, cast size, costume/set requirements, etc! Happy hunting, theatre lovers!

Tomorrow's opening night, people! I know it's been insane with people disappearing and me getting possessed other drama, but that's what we're here for, right? The show must go on.

Sera, please try and do your song without the obscene gestures. You're married to the Councilor, I don't see how you You too, Hawke.

Nov. 17th, 2015


I want to know what happened to my memories. Where I went when I left here. I want to know why I keep hitting a bloody barrier when I try a bit of bilocation back home. I want to know who's got that much and that strong a magic that they can keep even me out.

I need willing guinea pigs. No harm should will come to you. I need to track your essence, your soul. The longer you've been here the better.


[Filtered against Prue]
Okay - I know some people here have dealt with people from their past showing up who died and missed a lot of do you tell someone about all of that? The good things are easy, but...the bad things that they probably won't like?

Is there anyone here who's been through this who may have some tips?

Nov. 16th, 2015


I need someone to distract Groot. I'm good with the medical wing visit and it's time to go.

Please and thank you and all that crap.


network post: carol danvers

Guess who's 37 years old and still awesome? Me.

Honestly, I'd completely forgotten about my birthday until Steve reminded me yesterday, so ... thanks. It means a lot. I've been through a hell of a lot recently with my head being what it is and I think I've just kind of thrown myself into the housing projects to keep from going stir-crazy. I haven't really kicked back and had a good time with friends in a while.

Have I been a stick in the mud? Crap, I probably have been.

Not gonna talk your ear off about this, but now that we've got some kind of BS treaty with the Grounders I want to seriously propose a recon mission that goes out way past our borders. I know I've brought it up, but you guys have your hands full with the day-to-day here. So, I drew up some plans (surprise, Steve) and I'm sending them to your phones now.

More and more people keep showing up, resources are going to get thinner, and we can't keep relying on random drops from the Pod God.

Included in the plans are locations of military bunkers that I know to exist in my world (which is comparable except for the superpower stuff) — like Raven Rock in Pennsylvania (practically next door), Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado, the Burlington Bunker in the UK, and the Shanghai Complex in China. If Mount Weather managed to sustain a population for a century, these places might have, too. Even if I don't find a surviving population, I could find resources.

We don't know anything past our pocket of the world, but the planet's a big one. I'm just proposing we try to learn more about it. Right now the Grounders are controlling the surrounding area on the ground and keeping us boxed in on their terms, but I can fly over them.

So, that's for your round table meeting today.

Nov. 12th, 2015


Cute stunt last night. Prepare for retaliation. You'll never even see us coming.

Nov. 9th, 2015


Thank you, to the generous soul who was patient enough to teach me this... device. It's fascinating. Bell would either love it or hate it, probably a bit of both since he still hasn't completed his "phonic telegraph" but this would likely give him even more inspiration.

This world is alarmingly different from my own, but they explained things sufficiently. I'm Dame Evie Frye and while I suppose titles don't matter much here... it's still new and I like it, but Evie is fine. When my brother Jacob inevitably shows - because he will, and mark my words he'll be late as that's what he does - I apologize in advance for his behaviour. He'll undoubtedly be crass and rude, and I suggest knocking him out or tranquilizing him. Unless he arrives today, because it happens to be our birthday. But don't feel obligated to be nice to him on that account.

If you don't mind my asking, what year did the destruction happen? I had heard the Americas made it out with quite a few casualties from their civil war, but nothing nearly this bad.

Nov. 7th, 2015


netpost; billy kaplan

Today is the day that the wonderful, amazing, awesome, fantastic Kate Bishop -- one of my best friends in the entire multiverse -- was born. So, I think you all owe it to her to say happy birthday. Or give her a high five. It's too bad the Pod God didn't take my wish for confetti-snow seriously. (But hey! It brought you a Jedi. So we're even, right?!?)

Kate, Teddy, Sam, & Cassie
We got a surprise for you!

Nov. 5th, 2015


Kate's birthday. Saturday.

What are we doing?

Nov. 3rd, 2015



Does anyone feel like working out somewhere?

[Filtered: Sam Winchester] you know of some place where I can go to work out some things? just...Eren's jacket showed up here.

Oct. 27th, 2015


GOOD MORNING! Because what morning isn't a good one around here, right?

The night, on the other hand... uh, it's a full moon. So. Yeah.

I had a few of you help out last time around with making sure all the tech and the power grid was running smoothly, so I'm gonna ask for the same again. Who's up for an all-nighter?

Hey, you.

Oct. 23rd, 2015


Hey, um. I don't want to bother Alison, because I'm probably one of the last people she wants to see right now, but if Dean or I can do anything -- let me know, okay?

Same goes for you, Matt.

Oct. 22nd, 2015


network; dean winchester (024)

Human again. Cure went well. Don't really want to talk about it.


If we could pretend none of you heard any of that, that'd be great.

You two doing all right?


Thank you. You pulled through for me and my family, big time. I owe you one, or maybe more like a million.

But I'm about to pass out, so hold off on those favors for at least twenty-four hours, okay? Because I'll be asleep.

I'm s Can I call in one more little favor, and ask that you wake me up before I sleep the whole week away? Because I probably could do that, but I shouldn't.

I'm sorry I snapped at you. Are you o

Oct. 21st, 2015


[Filtered to those involved in un-demonifying Dean]

We're good to go on consecrated ground.

Now it's just a matter of getting him there. Suggestions?


network; hawke (018)

This is a friendly reminder to the hunters NOT TO SHOOT AT THE LARGE BIRDS. They could be people.

Me, it could be me, who hunts hawks anyway? Andraste's tits, I saw my life flash before my eyes today.

How's Dean doing? Still an abomination?

Oct. 19th, 2015


[Filter: Alison Hendrix]

It's not a Trouble after all. Or it was, but it's gone now.

So I can start on those repairs any time. Just need to pick up the concrete.

[Filter: 504A - Tony Gates, Beverly Crusher, Minerva McGonagall]

Sorry I've been MIA. Had to work through some stuff -- far away from other people. But I'll be back tonight. With Charlie, and also with whiskey. Anybody else need a drink? Drinking alone's a little too close to

[Filter: Sam Winchester]

How are you feeling?

Oct. 18th, 2015


Two things. First: I'm really, really sorry to everyone who was affected by me, Dean, or Crowley in the last few days, including those of you who had to watch your loved ones being possessed. The real reason Dean ended up possessing anyone at all is because I, temporarily a demon myself, exorcised him from his body and wouldn't let him back into it.

I did the same thing to Crowley, and I don't yet know if he managed to hurt any of you, but that goes for him as well. I didn't become a demon by choice, but once I was one, I definitely intended to cause trouble. I'm just really glad I didn't try to kill anyo If there's anything I can do to make up for it, please let me know.

Second: I've been wanting to do this since the moment he became a demon, but we are going to cure Dean and find a way to prevent him from changing into a demon again. To do that, we have to find consecrated ground. It's been difficult to find around here because everything is so grown over, but Dean is in custody and we've been given the go ahead to put an official team together to find it. So, I know it's probably too much to ask for anyone's help, but we're looking for volunteers amongst the soldiers and scouts to join us. Anyone who has a special sense for ground that has been made holy would also be useful, to help us cover more ground.

Angel, I hope you're still on board to help us with that. And since it's easier for you to travel in the dark, we can leave tonight and cover as much ground as we can before sunrise. We need to find it quickly so we can put this right.

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