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Jan. 25th, 2016


Has anyone got [...] smaller clothes that I can borrow until I fit into the big ones again? I don't need many. Just a shirt and pants.

[...] I'm Sam. Winchester.


Right then, rather than everyone writing at once, why don't we consolidate our information in one location so that we can reference it in the event that someone's parents or guardians show?

Just fill it out here, perhaps? For example:

My name is Alfred. I'm supposed to be in the Lower Cathedral Ward of Yharnam under the guardianship of Father Gascoigne.

In the meantime, for the very young ones, might I suggest we putting them someplace where they aren't like to wander about and be food for beasts? Just... suggestion. You know?

Jan. 24th, 2016


WHO: ickle!Sam and normal Kate
WHAT: Sam wakes up tiny and it's kind of awkward.
WHEN: Monday morning, early (a little bit forward-dated)
WHERE: their room
WARNINGS: well, the age difference is a little uncomfortable, but at least they're not naked.
STATUS: logged, complete

... )

Jan. 20th, 2016


Finally, I don't feel like death warmed over. Just a little death.

So what did I miss?

PS. I heard about the dragon, but I couldn't bring myself to get up. Brag to me!

Jan. 13th, 2016


network; dean winchester (028)

The first gross snotty sick person who comes near me gets a punch in the face. Actually, every gross snotty sick person who comes near me gets a punch in the face.

If you're sick, for the love of Christ, stay home and don't get your nasty-ass fluids all over the rest of us.

Jan. 11th, 2016


Fight Club on Friday; same time and place as last time. Let Evie and I know if you're interested. Let's skip having a battle beforehand, yeah? That was ill-advised.

The rules for those of you who are new drop-ins: no props, no weapons, no powers save those you can't help. All levels of experience welcome. First one to go down and stay down loses; the winner goes on to the next round until everyone's had a go. The matches are random so no whinging at me if you don't fancy your partner. First time you cheat, you're out and that's that. Last month's winner was that Russian bloke whose name I can't be arsed to look up to spell properly, but he gets first dibs on his partner. Congrats again, mate.

Thinking of something else, too; see if it drudges up any interest. Anyone without much background in fighting or self-defense - do you want lessons? I could use a project. I'm only human but I learned young, and have practical knowledge of how to get a bruiser off your back. Don't believe in following specific artsy-fartsy styles of fighting much, but I do believe in being able to defend yourself. Drop me a line if this might be something you fancy.

[ OOC - Please check the 01/15/16 sign up list here to determine a) if your characters you want included are included, and b) if there are any dropped or disinterested characters on that list that need to be taken off. Then, comment on this entry with any updates that need to be made. Sign ups close 01/13/16 at 12:00PM EST! ]

Jan. 10th, 2016


I woke up this morning with the worst headache and congestion. How you can tell it's winter? Kate Bishop gets a cold. How did people blow their noses on handkerchiefs? What if your entire head comes out of your nose? Then you're stuck with this little washcloth thing that you then have to WASH. Gross.

I'm quarantining myself. Save yourself! Stay away!


Normally I am not one to make announcements, but the Troubles have caused enough trouble that I thought it appropriate in this case:

According to the tests run in Medical this afternoon, Messere Audrey has been successful in altering my Trouble. Rather than being a walking narcotic, I am now merely caffeinated. Doctor Tam says my blood, sweat, saliva, etc. are now no more dangerous than a cup of coffee. So, if you find me indoors not wearing gloves, there is no need for concern.

Jan. 7th, 2016


network post: matt murdock

Foggy Nelson's gone. Don't bother looking for him, I've already done it. Already talked to Alison. He's not here.

Lindsey, I swear to God if you ask me about a promotion in legal, you will be picking teeth off the floor. Talk to me next week.

Jan. 6th, 2016


I'm still trying to reckon with the fact that I've a son in the future.

It's both...a relief and a shock. I'd like to know more about the future, for those of you who are from it in my world and who may know about it. What can you share with me?

Dec. 30th, 2015


Is anyone making New Years resolutions here? I would but it kinda seems like asking for trouble cause the only ones I can think of are like, "don't die" and "don't disappear".

Hey, can one of you help me with something technology-related? I'd just ask my dad but he's not here anymore. It shouldn't take too long!

What's everyone doing for New Years? I'm helping plan a party, which smart money says will be the happening place to be.

Dec. 23rd, 2015


Christmas was never something we cared about. I'm not talking about the people from the Ark in general, even though we had a lot of cultures all mixed in together up. Octavia and I never had much growing up. It was just us and our mother, and she did what she could to keep us fed and clothed, and there wouldn't have been a lot left over for presents. But we had each other. That mattered more than anything else our mother could have given us. She gave us each other.

I read about what Christmas was like, years ago, and I've heard bits and pieces from people here. I know some people celebrate a religious figure's birth, and others just give each other gifts. No matter where you look, though, there's one aspect of it that different groups have in common: it's a time to spend with the people you love, whatever your definition of that is. It's a season of giving, of gratefulness, of generosity, of kindness, of togetherness. I admit, I've never been good at being grateful. In my life, there hasn't been much to be grateful for.

We don't have a lot here. I know that's hard for some of you, to be without the comforts of your old lives and without the people you care about. But one thing we do have is each other. Good or bad, we're all in this life together now. You were brought here against your will, or forced to accommodate someone from a world we don't understand -- either way, we ended up in the same place.

This kind of thing isn't my strong suit. Clarke's the brains of the two of us. But I know when I've been approaching something wrong, and when it needs to change. I'm tired of hardly understanding any of you. If there's anything we should celebrate at the end of this year and into the next, it's that despite all the odds stacked against us, we're still here. We've come from all different walks of life, and none of us would be the same without each other. That's what I'm grateful for this year. We still don't have much, but we have each other.


network; jessica jones (002)

This is the first year in a while I haven't been working or drinking through Christmas.


Hey. So, uh.

We're both here.

Dec. 22nd, 2015


Are we doing something for Christmas? Or is this one of those moments when you just sort of put your hand on my face and say no?

Dec. 20th, 2015


On the heels of the Iceshine that Kalli told you lot about a few days ago, I'm pleased to tell you all that on the New Year we'll have a beer available that promises to actually be good. So there's that to look forward to. And I've finally got around to decorating the pub, so it looks festive in here, and there's some real pine boughs so it smells nice.

Dec. 12th, 2015


We need to talk.

Dec. 10th, 2015



With everyone on edge, I thought it might be a good idea to enact an event that Jacob and I have back home, in London. We call them Fight Clubs, and they are essentially just as they sound - a way to unlock your inner pugilist. Prize fighting, with your fists. No weapons, no other powers or anything besides you and your opponent in a ring, punching the living daylights out of each other. You fight until you or your opponent is on the ground, not to the death and taking care to not cause any permanent damage - especially given medicine is rationed. It's not for beginners, mind you, but should you have skills in fisticuffs, we welcome you to join us.

I'll be giving a demonstration tomorrow evening, in the gym. 7pm. Should you wish to also participate in the trial run, I welcome a challenge. And you can also go up against my brother, he's quite fun to smack about. But following this, we'll make it a more official thing, say once a month? For bragging rights, given that money is rather useless here.

Dec. 9th, 2015


I'm probably not the best person to weigh in on matters of revenge or vigilante justice. But I'd really like to see this system we're setting up here get a win, for once.

Hey. How're you feeling?

Dec. 5th, 2015


( Filtered away from Jessica Jones* )

Well, now that I've stopped seeing cartoon birds flying about, I'd like to say thank you to those of you who came to help this evening. I'm sorry for the trouble, though it can't be helped. Perhaps I'm only sorry I can't make it better.

Ah. Anyway, there it is. Hope you're all recovered and without any severe detriment to your person. And... more importantly, I do hope no one holds it against her.

[ *Until further notice, his posts will be this way because he doesn't want her to have to relive seeing Kilgrave any time he updates. ]

Dec. 4th, 2015


network; jessica jones (001)

This place is fucking weird and I call bullshit on your bartenders. If I want to get shitfaced in a literal hole in the wall, I have the right to get shitfaced, especially on my first night.

Still not sold on... the hell did you call him, The Doctor? Who's just called "The Doctor"? Sounds like the kind of pretentious shit I'd expect out of his face.

Anyway, sorry for hitting some of you. Your friend's ugly.

( ooc; oop, just for insurance, content warnings for alcoholism and discussions of kilgrave's mind control under here. if you've seen the show, you know what's up. )

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