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Nov. 10th, 2015


So when I said to myself, "Self, you need yourself a mental break", I didn't actually mean a full-on mental break. I was thinking more liiiiiike a weekend of shopping? Bad TV watching? Cheetos may have featured heavily in this picture. But no, I just had to go and lose my mind instead.

It was almost in the cards. The last thing I said back home? "Well, if I don't make it to the library tonight, it's not the end of the world."

BOOM. Here we are.

Hello, friendly hallucinations. My name's Veronica Mars.

Nov. 9th, 2015



We've now concluded that the lamb died of asphyxiation, with no external injuries or marks, leading us to believe that it wasn't strangulation or anything caught in it's throat. We're still running lab tests to rule out poison or sickness, but there's a few things that can cause this sort of death in animals without outward traces. One of which is gas asphyxia, which is... essentially, euthanasia.

Given that the lamb was found not far from the herd, I think we can rule out the idea of the room being gassed.

Accidental suffocation is a possibility, but we're still looking into all avenues before we conclusively decide that.

You know something we haven't tried yet, Liv? Animal brains. Do you think you'd have visions of the animal?

Just curious. From a purely scientific standpoint.

Nov. 8th, 2015


I miss ginger beer. And butterbeer. And firewhisky.


network post: castiel (to animal husbandry)

One of the baby sheep is dead. I don't know how, but there doesn't seem to be any sign of violence. She may have gotten sick.

It might affect the others. Can someone examine the animal and find out what happened?


Hello? I have been informed by the people who greeted me that I should introduce myself on this device. I am Qui-Gon Jinn, Jedi Knight though that won't mean much here? I am living in 505Y and that I will be working as a Teacher? Also there is supposedly people from my world here? I admit I'm not sure what I think of this situation though, I was undertaking a rather important task back home and I don't appreciate being kidnapped in this way though there is nothing to be done I gather?

Nov. 3rd, 2015


network; hawke (019)

I am doing a LIVE READING of Varric Tethras's Hard in Hightown in the library tonight. Didn't want to step on the actual book club, but the works of Varric Tethras are too good not to share with the world as publicly as possible.

Nov. 2nd, 2015


does anyone else miss twitter

like a lot

Nov. 1st, 2015


As much as I'd love to blame this lovely thing on residual effects of Utopium, even I can't see hallucinations happening weeks after. So it's got to be a prank, yeah? Ha ha, Major. I forgive you for being a total prat all week! Hilarious. You certainly went to a lot of effort, with what the very realistic hospital and pandering to my crushes on Simon Tam and Beverley Crusher. You got me.

Sep. 30th, 2015


Filter: Jemma Simmons
You know, I'm fairly certain if the cure for cancer had been invented by this year, it would not have taken as long as it's taking us to get this antidote.

Sep. 25th, 2015


Haven't seen you around in a few days.
I'm thinking now's probably a good time for us to sit and talk. What do you think?
So I'm the old guy who signed up to play Capture the Flag with the Percy Jackson kids. Scale of one to ten, how pathetic am I?

Sep. 22nd, 2015


Tetris is my kind of video game.

I'm hooked and don't even care that I have the theme song stuck in my head.

Hey. How are you settling in? This place took some getting used to for me.

Sep. 15th, 2015


I don't know if anyone is keeping track of this stuff, but Luis pulled a disappearing act in the middle of a chat we were having. Someone please tell me people actually go home when that happens. If you have to lie, that's okay. Just tell me they go home.

Sep. 9th, 2015


(OOC: probably earlier today)
Jordan's here.

We're bringing in a newcomer, fresh out of a pod. You'll need to be careful with her. Not for her sake, but for yours. Touching her skin with yours will cause you a great deal of pain.

I'll try to stick around until she wakes up so that she doesn't feel like she has to defend herself against any of you. She might not be too happy to see me, but at least she can't hurt me.


network post; bruce banner

I always say it isn't science without a minor explosion. The ants, however, were an interesting touch.

Sep. 1st, 2015


OOC TRIGGER WARNING: More mentions of suicide likely.


It's probably occurred to you already since I'm sure he's been bitching whining saying as much to you too, but Carmichael needs to be put on surveillance. He's having an understandable a negative reaction to finding out he's a werewolf and I'm pretty sure he'll try to eliminate the problem before it becomes one. I'm volunteering to watch him, if that's what it takes.

Aug. 31st, 2015


This is coming a little later than intended because of getting rather involved in other things going on, but I'd just like to thank everyone who gave blood in regards to research of the plague that had come upon us not long ago (although considering everything that's been happening, everything feels like centuries ago... or am I the only one who feels that way?). Your contribution is appreciated.

Aug. 30th, 2015


I really wish this place had floss. I still have werewolf in my teeth.

Hey Medical people, I don't know anything about medicine and I think prolonging suffering is crueler than killing someone. But I want to help and I'll... fetch things and talk to people and whatever it is that you do, if you need extra hands.

I also know how to take away pain magically. Temporarily. Sort of. I have an idea of how it works. And if it doesn't work then I tried.

Please? I need to I don't want to be a monste

Aug. 26th, 2015


It's no secret we've got werewolves around the camp. Hunting's been delegated to inside the perimeter and fishing hasn't been done since the Grounders staked out the river a few weeks ago. The terms of the truce are simple: the Grounders leave Mount Weather and its environs alone, and we leave them alone. The werewolves are playing a game of chicken with us, standing at the perimeter, daring us to do anything. We're in a tenuous position, and the full moon's coming up.

I'm calling for volunteers — preferably with some kind of fight training — to spend the next few days training when if they attack on the full moon. We've got a course going on right now on how to fight werewolves.

If you can't fight, you can volunteer for medical assistance. We're going to need it. Always good to have people who can mend others.

THE 100:
Times like this, I kind of wish we hadn't blown the the damn acid fog.

Aug. 25th, 2015


network; hawke (013)

So, um. Good news and bad news.

Good news! The king is alive, awake, alert and enthusiastic. No medical attention needed.

Bad news! He and the Hero of Ferelden are having sex in the closet and now I can't get at the gauze.

Aug. 14th, 2015


Hate to add to the creepiness that we must already collectively be feeling in this place because of weird sightings.. but nobody here happens to have an invisible or lightning-quick child, do they? Because I am pretty sure thin air isn't supposed to feel like a small hand grabbing yours at any given moment.

And I had words in my mind earlier that I was going to write in this about the bout of illness and a request for any volunteers who would like to give blood samples so we can isolate a faster cure or even a prophylaxis for any newer guests arriving in this place to make sure we didn't have sick people on our hands again, but I clearly got distracted. Request is still open though.

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