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Jan. 11th, 2016


network post: simon tam (to medical; hawke; fenris)

Don't even think of making fun of me right now.

I want to apologize for what I said. If you're wondering, I'm avoiding you.

If you could just ignore anything I ever said to Hawke, that would be great.

Jan. 7th, 2016


After that bout of honesty, I wonder if my own feelings on the matter are as important as Ravi's. I had no idea that he struggled with those feelings for Liv. It makes sense. Liv is the best person I know. Of course a good guy like Ravi would find himself with feelings for her. I can't help but feel like a bad friend for being in the way the way I am. I know it's Liv's choice, and I respect that, but I wonder if he'd be better for her in the long run.
Up for a game of basketball?
You guys up for Invasion of the Body Snatches this weekend? Bad movie night. Come on. It's a tradition now.

Jan. 1st, 2016


Right so, sorry about the rat. Won't happen again! I underestimated the cages, and Ash exceeded my expectations as far as subjects go. But thankfully no one was harmed, and I think the hunters had a rather good time tracking him down? Either way, still very, very sorry.

On another topic, would anyone be interested in joining together to create a weekly Dungeons & Dragons campaign? I know the rules and can type them up for everyone who wants to join, and actually have a 3.5e character sheet template on my phone that came through. Useless for almost everything else, but there's that.

For anyone that doesn't know what D&D is, it's a tabletop role-playing game, fantasy based. You create a character on paper with stats and characteristics, and form a team where your characters go up against all sorts of evils and quest on adventures.

I suppose lack of dice would be a problem, unless someone could make a set. Or an application on our tablets that does randomized rolling for all dice from d4 to d20.

Dec. 31st, 2015


I can't decide if I'm going to go to bed at 10:30pm tonight or do something I'll regret. Is there going to be a place where a gal can grab a drink somewhere quiet, or is the general consensus happy-shrieking-woo-hoo as far as the eye can see? Not trying to be Debbie Downer; I'm just not one for the big parties. AKA: boring.

Dec. 29th, 2015


Where the bloody hell did a rat that big come from?!

I think I might have given it wings.

Ravi, I'm looking at you.

Dec. 28th, 2015


[VOICE-TO-TEXT - Unfiltered]

Day Seven of the Rat Trials, Bloodborne edt. is going well. We're at the stage where I should see progress any day now. The rats are still doing well, healthy and whole, and I hope I'm given enough time to create a cure and vaccine for Alfred.

Everyone is having truth issues, and while I'm feeling more honest than usual, there isn't anything in particular I need to hide so I'm not overly worried. Except that I miss video games. And Star Wars. I bet it was amazing, not shite like those prequels that are a travesty to the name.

But it's easier focusing on work, here. Recovery, trials, my rat friends. I still haven't even begun to progress like I'd hoped on the Zombie Rat trials. Without tainted utopium, I'm not sure of where to start. If I didn't throw myself into some sort of project I'd spend all day worrying about Liv and not being able to cure her. I've got to figure something out, for her sake. For my own sake. What am I, if not someone who give her a life back? Major does a much better job of making her feel things, and I'm already torn between wishing for the best for them and being stupidly jealous.

May the Force Be With You, Doctor Chakrabarti. You're going to need it.

Dec. 27th, 2015


network; hawke (022)

You know, my mother never liked Fenris. My mother never liked anyone I was with. Half the time I wasn't even sure if she liked me. She wanted me to marry up, you know. I might have been able to. We'll never know now.

I have no idea why I'm telling you this. It seems as if we've moved beyond answering questions and right into things-you-didn't-want-to-know. This would be a great time to ask me disgustingly personal questions. You shouldn't, but you could

Dec. 14th, 2015


If it weren't for my wounds being healed, I would have thought I was trading one hell for another.


You two aren't going anywhere by yourselves, right? You're making sure this Bloody Mary woman can't get you?
You guys are staying safe, right?


Okay. So, waking up in a medical bay surrounded by some of my favorite fictional characters is not the way to persuade me that this isn't just some weird, but really awesome dream. But, like really. Dr. Crusher, Simon Tam and Martha Jones in one medical ward. How could that not be a dream?

Anyway, sorry. I'll stop now, and actually introduce myself. Hi, I'm Charles Carmichael, you can call me Chuck.

[Sarah Walker]

Please tell me that they were telling me the truth about you being here.

Dec. 10th, 2015


I think I saw a bloody rat! Are there rats down here?!

[Rose Weasley, Hermione Granger]
What do you say we do something as a family? Go for a walk? Eat food? Hunt for stone animals? I don't know. I need to get out of this bunker where all of the rats live.

Dec. 9th, 2015


For a few days there's going to be two rat friends in little cages in our apartments. I ask that you don't let them loose, though feel free to pet or befriend them as you wish. I'm running a few preliminary tests on them to make sure the radiation isn't going to skew my results too much, before moving them to larger cages in the labs.

Their names are Ash and Ripley, if you're curious.

Nov. 25th, 2015


Hey, Mount Weather! Listen up! Tomorrow's the last Thursday in November which means it's Thanksgiving. The day where you spend time with family eat turkey, give thanks, and, more importantly, watch football!

There's no football to watch here but we can fix that. Who's up for a scrimmage?

Nov. 24th, 2015


[Filtered to Command, Law Enforcement and Medical]

So, that body that was found the other day. I performed the autopsy. He definitely died of asphyxiation. But, theres's no obvious cause. No, signs of strangulation. Nothing blocking his nose, or throat. My full report will be sent to you all. But, currently I'm saying that cause of death is inconclusive.

I wish Sherlock was here. He'd figure this out

Nov. 23rd, 2015


I suppose I don't need Fallout 4 when we're living our own apocalypse, but.. bloody hell, I hope everyone back home is enjoying it. I'll be here silently hating them while they wander about with Dogmeat.

You win this time, cruel world.

I've an extra little project I could use your help on. Likely can't cure Liv here, not without utopium and max rager, but I would like to still help her.

By creating condoms that prevent her brand of zombie virus from spreading.

Nov. 21st, 2015


[ Filtered Private ]

What world is that, and how have my plans come so undone? Vilebloods pretend that they are people, and those who call themselves Slayers do not slay, and beasts walk about speaking logic when all I have ever known indicates that their mind is forfeit at the point of transformation. It is strange to be so surrounded by people, and yet still feel apart from them. In Yharnam we may have hung each others guts from the High Cathedral but we understood the rules. Here, I am at a loss.

By my research there appears to be over a dozen creatures that masquerade about in human faces. Some may be yet sane, if not human - I would not rise to judge those that could linger among mercy and compassion. This is not my word, these are not my people. But all the same I am not of the stock to forgive a Vileblood for its wicked existence, for the putrefaction of its human host, for preying on the mercies of the loved ones who desperately desire to recognise some glimmer of the person they had once known. Scum-laden perversions of immortality. All this talk of abstaining from quenching their unholy thirst, of redemption. What is redemption but another day with ones blade left unsatisfied? Revolting, filthy aberrations. I will not let this stand; I will be careful and patient and I will find a way to prove that they are a danger. The Wheel must have its fill of their hearts blood and I will rend them unrecognizable to the gods and man. Let them spend their immortality in PIECES for that wh--

Martyr Logarius, I have failed you, but as little as it matters I will not allow this-- baseness to overcome me. Although I may not be at the stone feet of your watchful effigy, I will continue to dedicate myself to your wise words and practices: acts of goodness are not always wise, and acts of evil are not always foolish. Nevertheless, we must strive to be good. Grant me peace and patience and clarity of thought, O Great Ones. Stay the hand of your final judgment so that I may be of use to these people however they may grant me, and grant me the courage and Insight to understand when it is my final walk into the gloam.

[ /Filter ]

[ Filtered to Dr. Ravi Chakrabarti ]

You had indicated that you were interested in running tests on my person? I am quite settled and would be grateful to be of use. While I doubt there to be any recourse for the Yharnam madness I would be hopeful that some goodness may come out of your work.

[ /Filter ]

Nov. 19th, 2015



Oh, hello postapocalypticlandia. The name is Daisy. Sup? Good to know we survive past the end of the timeline, and like. We're not doing too bad! Right? Right. Totally. So, I get the feeling we're all going to be super awesome friends. And when I say super awesome friends, I mean if this were MySpace (#TBT HOLLA) you'd all be in my Top 10.

Because, basically. I'd have no other choice. Unless I ki But it's a good thing we'd all pretty much break Myspace with the collective power of our Type A awesomeness. And I'm rambling So I have a job, I have a room and I guess we'll all have to get used to each other really quick. You guys are used to this. I am not used to this.

But I will be soon. Promise.

Nov. 18th, 2015


This is going to be a total new guy post, but did I just see Captain America walk by?

Nov. 15th, 2015


While I've heard of arcane rituals that can produce extensive delusions, nothing in this world has the markers of a dream, or an injury to the head. I hunger, I thirst, I feel as a human man. This is well-beyond my learnings, I'm afraid, but that is hardly cause for fear! I am eager to learn what this place has to offer, and how I may assist those who require it.

My name is Alfred, of the Executioner Covenant. From Yharnam, if you have heard of that once-great city, with all the common afflictions and ambitions of a Yharnam citizen. Is this place without a Church? I did not hear one mentioned. If there is a problem of beasts, I will be only too happy to assist in their eradication.

I thank you for your kindness and hospitality, Jaha. I am to be rooming in 505O with a Sir Barnes, Sir Murdock, and Sir Nelson? My gratitude for your taking me in.

Nov. 10th, 2015


My first thought was that I got this. It couldn't be worse than getting stranded overnight in Star City because you missed the last flight back home!'s worse, isn't it?

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