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Nov. 3rd, 2015


I'm overdue in thanking those that were helpful to me during the transitional arrival period. It's still - frankly - bizarre to lack a secret identity, but I appreciate the part where none of you tried to arrest or kill me. So, thanks. We touched something real, guys. Never forget that.

I understand that there's some apprehension regarding our new trading rules with the Grounders. It's a given, of course, that they'll take advantage, or we'll take advantage, and something will go downright medieval in its implosion. Little's perfect. The good news is that we're well-protected and we have active, involved leadership to help us keep the problems contained and dealt-with on a case-by-case basis. If there's an issue, bring it up. We'll solve it together.

Because I'm going to know if you don't.

Shame we don't have The Police albums here, because this would be the perfect sign-off with "Every Breath You Take". Oh well. Cheers!

Oct. 30th, 2015


network; mayday parker (002)


We're gonna help move some paintings. Come on. It'll be fun. Because I'll be there, and I'm fun.

Oct. 29th, 2015


Filtered Network Post: Rachel Summers to Spider Clan


I wanted to check on how everyone's doing, given the (greatly understated) "situation", and if there's anything else I can do.

Oct. 27th, 2015


GOOD MORNING! Because what morning isn't a good one around here, right?

The night, on the other hand... uh, it's a full moon. So. Yeah.

I had a few of you help out last time around with making sure all the tech and the power grid was running smoothly, so I'm gonna ask for the same again. Who's up for an all-nighter?

Hey, you.


WHO: Ben Reilly & Peter Parker
WHEN: 10/24
WHERE: The Spider-Vampire-Werewolf Housing Unit
WHAT: Peter has certain tells when he Isn’t Coping Well, and Ben knows what those are.
WARNINGS: Mentions of child loss.

Don’t pull the thread. Please. )

Oct. 20th, 2015


[ Filtered to Tech Department ]

All right, what's the potential turnaround on a batsuit? Light and durable are going to be the watchwords here.

[ specs attached ]

[ /Filtered ]

Oct. 19th, 2015


network; mayday parker (001)

Well, crap. I'm definitely missing my finals now. Do you think they'll accept "trapped in another dimension" as a legitimate excuse, or should I go ahead and get a doctor's note?

I'm Mayday

The little birdies in Medical told me you were here. Multiverse reunion, anyone?


I KNEW Araña would be beneficial to have around! You should have seen the GIANT RAT he took down!

I also think he likes it when I sing to him. He really likes the one from Hocus Pocus. The one the witches sing! I LOVE THAT SONG. So if you see Araña and get scared, try singing to him.


Filter to Uncle Pete, Auntie M, and Foggy
I know there is... quite a bit going on right now, but the longer the wait the harder it'll likely be to ask and if everything is as crazy hectic as this on a regular basis especially with whatever that was last week...

Anyways. At the risk of opening a can of worms here, does this place have some form of group therapy? I figured I'd ask you guys first before opening it up to the general masses.

Filter to Major Lilywhite
Hello. I was informed that you'd be the one to talk to in regards to group therapy in this place. Could you tell me a bit about the set up here?

Oct. 15th, 2015


Hey, so, weird question. I know, it's just been one of those days, right? Anyways, does anyone have a spare pair of glasses? I'm finally caving to listening to all the hints my head is giving me to say that all this squinting isn't making it happy.


Filter to Uncle Pete and Auntie M
I'm hoping that at least one of you isn't caught up in this... new variety of weird. Because it's probably best if one of you could pick up Benjy ASAP.

Oct. 14th, 2015



How old are you now Misters Parker and Mr. Reilly?

* Sorry, Flashes.

Oct. 13th, 2015


We don't actually have a psychic hotline, right? I just need a little help with something psychic-y, and I need someone who can do it gently.

Oct. 12th, 2015


Sorry to anyone that's gotten webbed by the small redhead. That's Benjy. He does that. I'm finding out that he does that a lot, actually.

The webbing dissolves, so if you can't get it off, just... y'know. Wear it fashionably for an hour or two until then.

...ain't he just adorable, though?

Oct. 7th, 2015


First off, I'd like to offer my apologies to those who did my admittance yesterday and any who I introduced myself to since I arrived. I provided you with false information about myself and the child within my care because I, understandably, was wary of this entire situation. However, I've encountered enough people here to realize that precaution was unnecessary. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

So, hello. My name is Norman Osborn, not Franklin Allan. Most tend to refer to me as Normie. To those who met little 'Matt', his name is actually Benjy.

Oct. 6th, 2015


I have a surprise for you.


》》Hey, can you take 15?
》》Something important is happening.
》》More important than Batman.


WHO: Peter Parker and Normie Osborn
WHEN: noonish time, Oct 6
WHERE: hallways
WHAT: A case of mistaken identity leads to an interesting conversation.
WARNINGS: none that I can think of? Uh, spoilers if you're really, really, really behind on Spider-Man reading? Like 1980s behind. Plus maybe some Spider-Verse spoilers too?

That’s one of those ‘You’re not the way I remember’ glances. I started being able to spot ‘em better in the last few months. I mean, aside from no one ever having opened up their questions with asking for my age without it being soaked in exasperation. Or it being followed by how much I don’t look like Tobey Maguire. )

Oct. 3rd, 2015


Filter to Pete
So, you remember that thing you taught? That thing you're really good at? Chemi-something? Wanna bust out some books, paper, and pens and do some of that up in here?

Sep. 30th, 2015


I made you something.
Fred brought down a shirt that needed mending. I've mended it, so now I'm going to get Ben to bring it back up to her.
Hey hottie. How's it going?
Let's gossip.
How are you at being nosy?

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