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Jan. 9th, 2016


I may be short, but that doesn't give anyone the right to simply push past me as if I don't exist. I know you can see me. What could possibly be so urgent that it doesn't give a person time to say 'excuse me'?

Jan. 6th, 2016


network; hawke (023)

(ooc; backdated to just before carol & co. left for raven rock on the 4th)

Hello! I was wondering if one of you could make me a scarf.

FRIENDS (minus Fenris):
Guess who's getting married?

Jan. 5th, 2016


Thank you, everyone, for all the kind words and congratulations for Cullen and I. He's already posted and mentioned it, but I need to add my voice to his. Part of me wishes that I could say that life changed dramatically once we were married, but in truth the change occurred months earlier, when we found ourselves here, from two vastly different universes but finding in one another a person to whom we were each drawn against all probability. Never in my life have I imagined that I would find anyone to whom I am so well matched, who complements me in every way. I believe that I am a better person with him, and the person he sees in me inspires me to become that person. I am braver, more confident, and more comfortable with myself. Perhaps the institution of marriage does not mean as much here as it does elsewhere; perhaps it means more. But by partaking in a simple, beautiful ceremony, he and I both have pledged to join our lives together. He is my love, and I thank you all for sharing even a part of our journey with us, just by being here in Mount Weather.

I wish all of you, belatedly, a joyous and happy new year, and hope that we all may prosper in every way.

Jan. 4th, 2016


My brother is gone.

Jan. 3rd, 2016


I already had trouble remembering the new date for the first few weeks of a new year. I'd have to scribble over my own mistakes countless times. Now it's not just a new year, but 2151. It's wild.

Large flying "lizard."

It's funny - even after everything we've seen in our world, things still take me off guard here. You'd think after dealing with a portal to another world, anything would make sense, but none of it does.
Hey. I'm sure I'm the last person you want to deal with, and that's fine. You don't need to answer if you don't want to. I just wanted to apologize for the things I said. I know I couldn't help it, and I can't say I didn't mean it, but it certainly didn't need to be said that directly. That's not the kind of person I want to be. I wish I could have been more sensitive when it came to you.

We have a lot in common, so if you ever want to talk about anything... I'm here. I know Ward hates me, and I can't say I like him based on my conversations with him here, but that doesn't mean I'm heartless. You're your own person.

Jan. 1st, 2016


After the adventuring of today, I find myself in askance of a hot beverage, no spirits. I would appreciate some direction.


New Year memories can be strange, and stranger still. I have several that I would like to share with you:
  • New Years 1917. Piled into a dugout with my brothers in arms, telling stories and shivering through the mud. Tompkins got a pack of cigarettes and he shared them. We all took a sip of coffee (rum, really. When soldiers tell you they had coffee, it was rum.) out of the same mug and slept as sound as we dared.

  • New Years 1919. Our world had come to an end, but those of us who made it through were desperate to sear the new one with our presence. We caroused, we sucked in life, we celebrated one another. Soon after midnight, I lost my mates following a girl with a green ribbon in her hair through Piccadilly Circus.

  • New Years 1921. I had a new wife and an Italian family. We celebrated with the Palatine Hill as our backdrop, and me swearing in another life I had been a charioteer in the Circus Maximus. My little bird didn't like that, she didn't. But she smiled all the same.

  • To see a new year, with a whole new passel of friends, makes me happy indeed. And to think the last one could have had that leaden peal of finality. Instead, here we are. I am hopeful for the lot of us and I believe that we can only become closer still in the coming months.

    So cheers to all of you.

    Dec. 30th, 2015


    Is anyone making New Years resolutions here? I would but it kinda seems like asking for trouble cause the only ones I can think of are like, "don't die" and "don't disappear".

    Hey, can one of you help me with something technology-related? I'd just ask my dad but he's not here anymore. It shouldn't take too long!

    What's everyone doing for New Years? I'm helping plan a party, which smart money says will be the happening place to be.


    Pretty powerful truth spell there if it got everyone blabbing secrets.

    I waited until it was over, and you can test me with Veritaserum when it's all said and done. I never wanted to be a Death Eater. None of it.

    Dec. 29th, 2015


    It is easy to refrain from speaking truths that are forced from one, when one buries himself in work. I thank all who did not seek me out during this time.

    Dec. 28th, 2015


    network post: ned

    I killed a man. His name was Marty.

    No, let's back up. I mean, I didn't kill him. But I did make him alive again and then make him dead again, because he was dead when he fell on me and then he was alive and now he's not.

    Because that's what I do. I touch dead things and they come back to life. I don't know why, I don't know how, I don't know why me, but that's how it is.

    And that's why the pie's so good. I used rotting fruit and brought it back to life, and alive-again fruit tastes better. That's what I've heard. I can't eat it, because if I do it goes back to rotting in my mouth, which is why I say I'm allergic to Chuck.


    Am I the only one that's not being overly affected by this? I mean, I don't really lie. And, I say most of what's in my head anyway. Other than when I avoid saying things like how Rumpelstiltskin really isn't a very nice person a lot. Because I know Belle loves him. And, he's Henry's Grandfather and it's not nice to insult your friends husbands a lot. And, I'm not entirely certain that that will change without the darkness in him. I mean, 300 years of darkness has to have it's toll, doesn't it?

    And, oh. This really has gotten away from me, hasn't it? I really didn't mean to say that much. I miss Kristoff. He probably would have pointed out that it's time for me to stop talking now. And, he would have been my husband. If I hadn't come here when I did. Minutes, just minutes later and we would have been married. And, well okay. So, I would still miss him. But, I delayed the wedding enough as it is. I feel bad.

    And, actually I think I'm going to stop typing now. Because this really is getting out of hand. Not that that's too much different to normal.

    Dec. 27th, 2015


    network; hawke (022)

    You know, my mother never liked Fenris. My mother never liked anyone I was with. Half the time I wasn't even sure if she liked me. She wanted me to marry up, you know. I might have been able to. We'll never know now.

    I have no idea why I'm telling you this. It seems as if we've moved beyond answering questions and right into things-you-didn't-want-to-know. This would be a great time to ask me disgustingly personal questions. You shouldn't, but you could

    Dec. 23rd, 2015


    Christmas was never something we cared about. I'm not talking about the people from the Ark in general, even though we had a lot of cultures all mixed in together up. Octavia and I never had much growing up. It was just us and our mother, and she did what she could to keep us fed and clothed, and there wouldn't have been a lot left over for presents. But we had each other. That mattered more than anything else our mother could have given us. She gave us each other.

    I read about what Christmas was like, years ago, and I've heard bits and pieces from people here. I know some people celebrate a religious figure's birth, and others just give each other gifts. No matter where you look, though, there's one aspect of it that different groups have in common: it's a time to spend with the people you love, whatever your definition of that is. It's a season of giving, of gratefulness, of generosity, of kindness, of togetherness. I admit, I've never been good at being grateful. In my life, there hasn't been much to be grateful for.

    We don't have a lot here. I know that's hard for some of you, to be without the comforts of your old lives and without the people you care about. But one thing we do have is each other. Good or bad, we're all in this life together now. You were brought here against your will, or forced to accommodate someone from a world we don't understand -- either way, we ended up in the same place.

    This kind of thing isn't my strong suit. Clarke's the brains of the two of us. But I know when I've been approaching something wrong, and when it needs to change. I'm tired of hardly understanding any of you. If there's anything we should celebrate at the end of this year and into the next, it's that despite all the odds stacked against us, we're still here. We've come from all different walks of life, and none of us would be the same without each other. That's what I'm grateful for this year. We still don't have much, but we have each other.

    Dec. 20th, 2015


    I've got one hell of a headache.

    Dec. 21st, 2015


    I think I may be about to exhaust my usefulness with basic tasks in healing, so I thought I might offer some assistance with clothing. If you were wearing something that you'd like to salvage and don't have the skills to do it yourself, try to get as much blood out as you can and bring it to me, and I'll see what I can do. Of course, if you don't want to salvage it I may be able to repurpose the fabric, but since replacements aren't readily available I have a feeling most people would like to keep what they can.

    Dec. 18th, 2015


    We were going to save it for the upcoming holiday, but given the night we just had, the rest of the brewers and I have made an executive decision: our first actual good alcohol is debuting tonight. We're calling it Iceshine, and it's more than drinkable. What's more, there's lots of it.

    So, if any of you are the sort to drown your sorrows, come on down to the tavern. No reflective surfaces allowed, and while you're welcome to get as bolloxed as you like, we reserve the right to boot you out on your arse and let the guard take you to cool off if you forget how to act.

    Dec. 16th, 2015


    For everything I took for granted at home that's scarce or non-existent here, there is chocolate. As a drink I'm used to it being new and fashionable and exotic, and I'd never seen it in solid form before.

    Now if only I could be sure of an ongoing supply of embroidery thread.

    Dec. 14th, 2015


    It has been quite some time since I was given to hope, being thrown thus from summer to winter, from war to 'peace'. But in truth, I fear neither sun nor snow and am only too glad to breathe a free man.

    Even if you are all dead as I should have been, I am only too glad to greet you with a fully beating heart.

    Fear no more the heat of the sun nor the furious winters' rages. Is this a truth when the world is broken beyond repair? When a fresh apocalypse burnt the sky? No one has an answer for me that is a truth I yet know how to read.

    But perhaps it is all in the learning. And I shall attend studiously upon this new teacher.

    Dec. 13th, 2015



    It's come to my attention recently that one of our Fables has been spotted around Mount Weather. Her name is Bloody Mary, and she's a lot more vicious and cruel than you may even think. She can use any reflective surface — mirrors, windows, glasses — as a portal which means that if you have any of those things in your housing, you may want to remove them temporarily until she can be dealt with. She has short black hair with red streaks at the front, freckles and is pale.

    I know that a lot of you may believe that you can handle her, but I urge you not to take her on by yourself. She very nearly killed Bigby several times, and he's a tough son of a bitch. I ask that you inform us if you see her, and then find a safe location without a reflective surface.

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