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Feb. 4th, 2016


Well that was a new and overly informative method of torture.

[Filter to Friends] (ooc: feel free to assume)
Probably bad timing considering the info session this evening, but I just wanted to say thanks. For the birthday party last week. That was a first meant a lot. Really.

[Filter to Billy]
Ok, I... uh...

I keep putting this off. Because most of the time just putting it off seemed to work fine even if it didn't, but with the whole thing this evening, I was wondering...

I have questions and I was wondering if maybe you could... help?

Feb. 2nd, 2016


chatty: reyna + nico di angelo

-I got hit with that stuff.
-Wasn't pretty.
-Saw my father.

Feb. 1st, 2016


[Jaina + Jacen + Anakin + Nico DiAngelo + Reyna]
Executive decision. Group outing to Dr. Ravi's class. We can all learn something.

[Jacen & Jaina]
Parts might be review for us, but there might be new information. Besides, I think it's good if we go together.

Jan. 26th, 2016


Who: Reyna Ramirez-Arellano & Nico DiAngelo
When: Monday, Jan 25, early morning
Where: Reyna & Nico's bedroom
What: An overexuberant ten year old demigod trips over his pjs and is very very very confused. Reyna tries to explain things. There are weapons and metal dogs.

Do we get to fight the dragon? )


This place is so cool. I'm ok with never going back to Westover Hall. That place was super boring, they never let you actually play with all the weapons on display, and people were dumb about not seeing how cool Mythomagic is. Plus ten times more interesting people.

Jan. 22nd, 2016


Being cooped up is starting to get me. Who wants a snowball war? I'm thinking: we build forts, plan strategies, and then we have to besiege the other forts.

Who's in?

Jan. 21st, 2016


Could anyone who's had one of the water messages let me or Nico DiAngelo know? Especially if it was one of the conversations.

We might have a problem.

I just got iris messaged by Athena. Not Minerva, not Bellona, Athena.

You know how I said the stuff in the water was nothing to worry about? There might be something to worry about.


(017) Anakin Solo

I'm no stranger to things that are a little weird or different, but I feel like this mountain has made some sort of crazy bet and just has to keep throwing things in the pot so it can win.

[Filter: Solo siblings, Reyna & Nico]
Um, so I pretty much just had a ten minute conversation with Tahiri. And while I'm not going to complain about talking to my best friend when I haven't talked to her in basically months, I'm also a little confused.

And I think I prefer holocalls.

And also I prefer not having them in the shower because that's just a little awkward. At least it wasn't

This is like your Iris message things isn't it? But I didn't put a coin thing anywhere. Or ask for it. Or any of that.

Jan. 10th, 2016


network post: reyna ramirez-arellano

It seems like some other folks have seen things in the water. The images seem to be harmless, so I wouldn't worry about them too much. In our world, there was a type of messaging system you could do that way. Hopefully this world doesn't fuck it up too badly.

We have a problem. I saw Percy in the shower. Not, in- just in the water. Like the iris messages.

And I'm not the only one.

Okay, I need to focus on something that's not the creepy stuff that I'm seeing in the shower- I just need to focus on something.

So, how should we start our jedi-demigod-whatever academy?

Jan. 4th, 2016


(015) Anakin Solo

[Filter: Jacen, Jaina, Nico, Reyna]
I want out of this mountain.

This entire world can't be like this, right?

Dec. 31st, 2015


Well. Shit.


Dec. 30th, 2015


Hey, you ok? I didn't see you in the mess hall for meals. 'Go away' or 'I don't want to talk about it' are acceptable answers along with the usual 'yes', 'no', and 'I'm fine'.


Is anyone making New Years resolutions here? I would but it kinda seems like asking for trouble cause the only ones I can think of are like, "don't die" and "don't disappear".

Hey, can one of you help me with something technology-related? I'd just ask my dad but he's not here anymore. It shouldn't take too long!

What's everyone doing for New Years? I'm helping plan a party, which smart money says will be the happening place to be.

Dec. 23rd, 2015


Who: Anakin Solo & Nico di Angelo
When: The night of the 21st, after the Solo/Skywalker family NJO spoilers shindig.
Where: Nico's quarters.
What: Anakin got some bad news and needs a friendly face.
Rating: A for Angst and F for Feels.
Status: COMPLETEh.

Going to a son of Hades makes sense. )

Dec. 22nd, 2015


network post: reyna ramirez-arellano

Between the battle and waking up a few days later in medical and everything else, I realized I practically missed Saturnalia. Tomorrow would be the last day of it, and it's one of those things that you looked forward to most of the year. The festivities were always pretty great. Though I think it'd be chaotic if we named a king of Saturnalia here.

Nonetheless, I miss New Rome a lot at this time of year.

Dec. 19th, 2015


network post: reyna ramirez-arellano

Getting knocked unconscious the day before the first fight club. Not cool. Hated to have missed out on that but it seems like it was awesoem. Can't wait for next month's.

What did you hear?
Did you tell Faith anything?
Can we-

Seems like you've had a hell of a week. Maybe some fetch with Au & Ag?

Were you there the whole time?
Did I say anything?
Up for helping me work on my left handed swordsmanship?

And thanks.

Dec. 17th, 2015


Log: Nico/Reyna

Who: Reyna Ramirez-Arellano & Nico DiAngelo
When: Dec 16, morning
What: Nico gets the long awaited memory dump and needs to talk to Reyna about it. Bonus: hair braiding.
Where: Nico & Reyna's room.
Status: Complete
Rating: G/PG

Sleep and Death were twin brothers after all, their realms easy enough to step between for a child of Hades. )

Dec. 10th, 2015


Network Post; Anakin Solo

Why are there trees on all the tables and these red flowers and stuff?

It melted.

I think I didn't allow enough air space for the heating elements.


Before you all ask, yes, we are on for capture the flag this weekend. And if my thin Roman/Puerto Rican blood can handle the snow and cold, you'll be fine. For those who are new, we do this every month - it's kind of become a thing. It's all ages, and a lot of fun. Though there might be snowballs involved this time around. You can sign up here if you're not a regular.

If I want to start up a sort of training program for the younger set, do I need coucil approval? This would be in addition to the classes offered.

You may need to smack me upside the head. I'm thinking of starting up some soet of training program for the younger set.

Dec. 4th, 2015


network post: reyna ramirez-arellano

Would there be any folks (let's say under 18) who'd be interested in some sort of organized training program. I know there are the classes and all, but I was thinking more with ongoing teams maybe, or semi-organized sparring practices and the like.

I managed to get my hands on some cocoa. You want?

Also, we could play fetch with Au & Ag

So, speed dating = lame. Want to make alternate plans?

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