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Nov. 28th, 2015


(006) Severus Snape

I've never been so grateful for heating charms.

[Filter: Draco]
Have you found a way to settle in here?

Nov. 26th, 2015


Filter to Aurors, Law Enforcement, Medical
I need Andromeda and Lily Luna outside of the kitchen warehouse in 405, along with any Auror who's had experience with Dementors.

Filter to Aurors, Law Enforcement, and Command
We're going to have a situation on our hands. On my round I found a victim of the Dementor's Kiss. I'm waiting on confirmation from the Healers that are on staff in Medical, but I can say with confidence that's what we're looking at. Right now I'm at 405, just outside the kitchen warehouse. I'll leave it to you, how you want to handle it publicly.

Filter to HP-verse
We've had another Dementor attack. Stay vigilant!

Nov. 24th, 2015


I guess that whole wishing as hard as I can for my children to show up thing didn't work out as well as it did with Hermione. Did anyone here know Rose and Hugo? Can you tell me anything about them?

[Harry Potter]
I need your help with something.

Nov. 22nd, 2015


Filter to James and Lily Potter
You ever feel like you're going to be a disappointment to me? Like somehow you won't live up to what I thought you'd be like?

I feel like that with Albus and Lily Luna. They had all these years with me, and suddenly here I am, their age and not having a bloody clue how to even talk to them.

But I just want you to know that I'm not disappointed. You're far, far better people and even parents than I ever dreamed of.

I also want to know how your Patronus Charms are? I'm tutoring Malfoy, Albus, and Lily Luna in the evenings but I want you to know that I'll gladly give you some pointers if you want them.

Filter to Malfoy
How do you feel about your ability to produce a Patronus?

Filter to Ginny
I love you.

Filter to Ron and Hermione
All right? How're your Patronuses?

Nov. 18th, 2015


Who do I complain to about job assignments?

And also I heard Angel was here. We need a talk about parting on good terms. Wasn't even out of California when that damn sign got me pulled over. Lucky I'm a damn good lawyer I guess.


They told me you were here too?

Are you okay? I mean, I guess you would be, I just...

Been a while

Nov. 17th, 2015


moody got wordy )


How are you doing?


Pending approval, we're going dementor tracking.


Stay vigilant and start practicing patronus charms with each other as often as possible. Per Tonk's post, Potter was volunteered for teaching, and that Vance, McGonagall, Lupin and myself are all available for instruction as well. We're lucky there are so many of us here, but that won't mean anything if we're not prepared.


Filtered to all from HP world

Look, I didn't want to say until the muggle doctors had ruled out any non magical cause. But a day or so ago a man was brought in, cold, staring, scared. No one knew what was wrong but, well, something crossed my mind. With warmth and a bit of chocolate he seemed fine eventually

Later another man same condition, only he didn't wake. He's still just frozen, staring, look of terror on his face.

You all know what I'm thinking don't you?


Merlin, I hope I'm wrong. But there are places still cold. I wanted...I wondered if some of you with more experiance of the things could come and see what you thought of the area before I bring this to the leadership?

Nov. 15th, 2015


One of the interesting bits about being a farmer here is that instead of being on Mother Nature's schedule, we're on a greenhouse schedule, more or less. In the hydroponics areas here, we've got a year-round schedule for growing the important crops, and because it's nice to have some variety, we're adding in some extras where we have room. The nice bit is that these extras will provide some extra nutrients and other good bits that plants need to do their business.

In other words, we're putting in flowers in hydroponics, and when they start blooming you lot should come and smell the buttercups and the violets. We're working on starting some roses for the memorial garden, as well.

Nov. 12th, 2015


Hermione, did you know we have kids in the future? Two of them! Two whole kids! They even have names and everything!

Nov. 9th, 2015


Well, this is certainly different. And while the explanation was very concise, I have a couple more questions.

1. Where's the library?
2. Harry Potter. Where the bloody hell are you?
3. And that goes for the rest of you too.

Oh, and last but not least.


Jul. 14th, 2015


It's been almost a month since Hannah left, and I miss her every. damn. day. I know that Teddy and Billy are getting married in a few days, and I want to wish them the best of luck, and all of the love in the world. Keep hold tight to each other, mates.

Last month the idea was brought up to do a memorial wall, and it looks amazing. And between Caprica and I, we've managed to come up with the second part of that, the memorial garden. There's a decent-sized plot in the greenhouse that's not being used, and since there are plans to either expand the greenhouse itself eventually, or to build another, we've chosen to put the Mount Weather Memorial Garden in the southeast corner of the greenhouse. I've drawn up plans for the layout, which are going to be on display near the memorial wall for everyone to see. Tomorrow we break ground officially for it, and work will go on for about a month until it's complete. If anyone is interested in helping, just say the word.

There are plans to lay a stone path, and I'd like to have the names of our loved and missed ones etched into the stone. And in light of the recent werewolf attack, there are now plans to do a memorial in honor of all of the victims, including the werewolf, in the garden. If you have a name you want put on a stone, there is also going to be a sheet to put that down on by the memorial wall.

Groundbreaking is tomorrow morning at 10, and it won't be a long ceremony. Just a few words, a moment of silence, and maybe a song, I don't know. If you can be there and want to be, I look forward to seeing you.

All right?

Jul. 11th, 2015


It always amazes me, how quickly babies grow.

Hugo's only a few weeks old, but already he reminds me so much of his father.

[Filtered to HP World]

How do people feel about another get together?

[Filtered to Trio Generation]

I don't know how to do this without Ron.


While I admit I am enjoying my work here I do admit it is taking me a long time to adjust to it all. Though I suppose it isn't too different to being on the Front. I at least aren't as completely exhausted or in danger for my life as constantly as I was then for which I'm thankful for. Still I can think of numerous other places where I'd prefer to be. I'm also dying for one of Mr B's cocktails, he was a gem like that.

Jul. 10th, 2015


It would appear that I was only slightly older than I am now the last time I was here. This morning I was told that I am much less farther along in my pregnancy than I was last time. The baby is due near the end of March, so we have that to look forward to.

Filter to Tony Gates and Beth Greene
I've already spoken to Tony today, Beth, but he and Beverly told me that the last time I was here, you had agreed to be my midwife. I'm hoping that you'll be willing to again, along with Tony.

Filter to Kaidan Alenko
Gilbert doesn't even know he's going to be a father.

Filter to Kitchen Staff
I've still got 8 months or so before the baby comes, and we've got a lot of work to do this summer. Do any of you have experience preserving food -- canning and the like? That will start soon.

Jul. 5th, 2015


You lot throw a hell of a party. And the hangover cures are fucking terrible. I wish I'd been able to do more toI'm sorry I couldn't save themI should have taken that piss before

Filter to Medical
Thanks for saving my sorry arse. I thought I'd met my end.

Filter to Adaar
I'm sorry. I should have urged better measures to keep the bastard in. I should have asked for a transfer to the prison until the situation was taken care of, and I didn't. You're not the only one who owns responsibility for this, Adaar. Octavia put me in charge of the werewolf group, after all. I failed.

Filter to Donna
Hey, love. They're letting me sit up and everything. Thanks for -- well, everything.

Jul. 3rd, 2015


Filter to James, Sirius, Lily, rest of HP-verse added later
Have any of you seen Remus today? Or Ginny? I went by to visit Remus and he wasn't there, and I haven't sen Ginny in a few days.

Jun. 30th, 2015


Would you be up for a walk this evening?
The library has an assortment of old standard muggle games. Perhaps we could take one and have an evening of merriment? I believe I saw Pictionary and that, it would seem, does not have limits on the number of players.

Or perhaps even Charades? I know at face value it seems a little lame, but desperate times and all. Plus, the idea of never seeing Lily possibly again is frightening and I want to actually spend time with you all.
I miss Lily.

I wonder if The Invisible Man is in the film archive. Does anyone happen to know?

Jun. 25th, 2015


network; hawke (008)

Good news everyone! I'm a cow.

Not right this second, obviously.

I'm sorry about your fiance, my friend. I didn't know what to say when she left, but... I'm sorry.

Jun. 23rd, 2015


Filtered to Friends and Medical

Can someone help me get to medical, please? It's pretty urgent, and I'm not risking splinching myself by apparating up there right now.

Jun. 18th, 2015


Hannah just disappeared. I don't know what to do. She's just... gone.

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