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Dec. 11th, 2015


who. Erik, Rogue & a wild Raven appears!
where. Erik's place.
what. Someone tries to make amends, someone gets curious, someone goes into a coma!
when. Tonight.
Rating. Pretty damn tame. Existential, sure. But tame.


What's the wreckage? )

Dec. 8th, 2015


chatty: erik → raven

» So it begins

Dec. 7th, 2015


I'm too goddamn old to be jumping worlds. Makes my bones hurt.

Logan. Bets gave me the basics, don't know if I trust anything yet, but point me in the direction of the asshole growing tobacco and hops so I can make some friends and I'm happy.

Dec. 6th, 2015


If only every time I wake from a deep sleep, I could have a beautiful redhead standing over me, smiling fondly. It's been quite an interesting evening, I must say. Although I have no memory of it, I'm told I was here before, but for those of you who don't know me, I'm Charles Xavier. Erik, Raven, I'm told you're here, but I'm afraid that my legs have forgotten how to do their job properly, so you'll have to come to me. If you're so inclined, that is.

Dec. 5th, 2015


netpost; billy kaplan

I'd never ask this of you, but these people seem pretty desperate.

What do you think?

Dec. 2nd, 2015


I've been here almost two weeks. It's gone by really quickly so far. Maybe it'll be April before we know it. Or maybe that's wishful thinking.

How many of us here are... gifted, in some way? Enhanced? Special abilities or powers? I was told there's a large number, but I haven't been very good at branching out so far. I know that's not a question everyone is going to feel comfortable answering in public, so if you want to talk in private, I'm okay with that too. I promise I'm harmless.

Maybe I should have gone along with you earlier. More time in that bunker with no windows would've been good practice for what's going to be a long, long winter.
Hey. I've spoken to some of you already, or seen you around medical. I'm Dr. Campbell, but you can just call me Lincoln. I was wondering if I could talk to one of you. I've been having these dr I'm not sure how many of you have experience with evil organizations kidnapping people and running experiments on them, but someone who knows about that would be helpful. I know that's very straight to the point, and it probably seems nonchalant, but I don't know how else to say it, and my story's already on the network.


netpost; billy kaplan

[Young Avengers]
My mom got sent back.

So. How do you feel about snowmen?

Nov. 22nd, 2015


(005) Severus Snape

[Filter: People who might work with metal]
I am working on putting together an understanding of what ingredients are available for potion making, which, in theory, has the opportunity to assist us in medicines and the like here. But before I can do any testing, I must put my hands on a pewter cauldron. Size two would be helpful (and I can provide dimensions for such a thing), but I can work without the exact dimensions.

The metal, however, and the process by which one is made - those are more difficult. What are the likelihood that we have the materials to make a pewter cauldron?

[Filter: Remus Lupin]
I almost feel guilty that I am unable to make the potion for you.

Nov. 21st, 2015


log: magneto+mystique

WHO: Erik Lehnsherr + Raven Darkholme
WHEN: Backdated by a few days
WHERE: Their apartment
WHAT: Raven has been freezing Erik out because he left without telling her after Charles's disappearance. Erik's been waiting for her to calm down about it before trying to smooth things over.
WARNINGS: N/A, but their relationship's not necessarily healthy

You chose me, over him. You left him, to follow me, and you barely knew me. )

Nov. 20th, 2015


Unfortunately, our surveillance has been monitoring a blizzard for the past few hours, and it's showing no sign of letting up. As of now, no one is allowed to leave Mount Weather without permission from Command and a tracker on your person, and even then you'd better have a damned good reason why you need to leave the facility. Don't be an idiot.

Nov. 17th, 2015


I want to know what happened to my memories. Where I went when I left here. I want to know why I keep hitting a bloody barrier when I try a bit of bilocation back home. I want to know who's got that much and that strong a magic that they can keep even me out.

I need willing guinea pigs. No harm should will come to you. I need to track your essence, your soul. The longer you've been here the better.

Nov. 16th, 2015


network post: erik lehnsherr

I'm back from Camp Jaha with Adaar.

The ammunition project will continue, and [...] whatever metal damage has been done to doors &c. will be fixed.

Nov. 11th, 2015


-- Hey, gramps
-- I saw Adaar mentioned you were going to Camp Jaha, so I don't know when you'll get this
-- I had to cut my r You're the one who Be careful out there, okay?


log: erik+asala

WHO: Erik Lehnsherr + Asala Adaar
WHEN: Backdated to yesterday, Nov. 9
WHERE: Outside!
WHAT: Asala breaks the news to Erik that Charles is gone. Erik bottles everything up but it causes some significant magnetic disturbances, and Asala decides that it's best to remove Erik from Mount Weather for a while. So, it's off to Camp Jaha!

I like to think we're friends, Erik. )

Nov. 6th, 2015


network post: erik lehnsherr

If you have a weapon and it requires ammunition, bring it to me along with whatever bullets you have left. I will create more for you, so training can continue and so everyone's prepared in the wake of the next attack.

I don't know what to do with this life.

Nov. 4th, 2015


network post: erik lehnsherr (to asala, steve, snow)

I'd like to know about our weapons.

Guns, specifically.

Oct. 21st, 2015


I wonder if I might have someone take a look at my chair for me. It appears to be glitching ever so slightly.

(ooc: trigger warning: depression)

Oct. 6th, 2015


network; mystique (011)

I crashed a Pod God meeting, and yes, it is as weird and uncomfortable to watch as you're all thinking it is. Although the upside is that there's now a little group of Sky People who think we were set here by a god to help them, and that they're obligated to take care of us out of gratitude or it will stop sending them presents.

So... yay?

All right, I know my little confession last month made things awkward with the three of us, but that wasn't what I was trying to do. So now you're banned from being sad about it. Are you sad about it? Nope, you're not, because now it's against the rules. You're welcome.

I haven't had a headache in a week, just by the way.

Oct. 5th, 2015


I wanted to know if someone could tell me more about the environment in the outside. Ideally someone with exp Animals, typical weather, that sort of thing. Actually, anything would do truly.

Thank you!

[Filtered to Emmeline]
Never again. The next time I receive [...] a shock, I'm going to stiffen my upper lip and drink only non-alcoholic beverages. Water, for example. Or tea. Days later and I still feel like my esophagus is being peeled!

How about you, love?

[Filtered to Herc and Willow]
Hello! I've already met Herc - is that short for Hercules? Would it be alright if I but I haven't properly met you Willow. I'd like to state that I'm an extremely neat roommate. Admittedly, I haven't had roommates since school but I am a great fan of organisation. I suppose since you both were

Are there any rules I should know for the living room or the bathroom?

[Filtered to Blacksmiths]
(ooc: I'm guessing just Erik and Kaine for now?)

Hello! We're to be working in the same environment, more or less, and I thought I should introduce myself. My name is Dorcas Meadowes and. I wanted to know, since you're more [...] established than I am, if there were any protocols I should be aware of. [...] Beyond fire hot.

Sep. 28th, 2015


Filter to Mona Vanderwaal
How are you feeling?

Filter to Erik and Raven
I have plans to teach.

Filter to Claire Temple
I'm quite interested in the medical school that you are setting up here in Mount Weather. I was wondering, though, if you would have a place on your staff for a teacher of psychology and a teacher of genetics. I realize that there are more than one persons with a background in genetics, and I would be interested in sharing teaching duties for that subject, if the others are willing. I have doctorates in both psychology and genetics, if you wonder about my qualifications.

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