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Mar. 20th, 2016


So this is the first time in awhile (including pre-Mt. Weather) that I've actually had my own clothes to wear. And I actually think I may've outgrown this whole grungy rebel teen thing, considering the fact that I'm careening towards my mid-thirties.

I mean, obviously keeping most of it, but still. Maybe some of these fishnets ought to be donated to the rubbish bin, unless Kira has some crafty use for them.

[ Cosima ]
I'm pretty sure I also got a bit of that sample from Kendall. It's not much, but I'll drop it by.

Mar. 10th, 2016


Cosima Niehaus, happy belated birthday. It's hard to keep track under the mountain.

Let's have an impromptu party of some sort somewhere post-rehearsal. Some of you lot, come be entertaining. Alcohol is welcome. Devil Coffee is also welcome.

Musketeers, come take your clothes off. Cos may not be particularly interested because of her girlfriend, but the rest of us are, and that's good enough.

Mar. 8th, 2016


network; felix dawkins (021)

Please save me from the Audrey II sweatshop.

Mar. 1st, 2016


So it's been raining musical instruments, then? That's good news for the musical, I'll imagine. Maybe your curse isn't a real thing after all, Ali.

Did Elias go back already?

Feb. 28th, 2016


Judging you all at auditions would've been a lot more fun if more of you sucked. Work on that for next time, yeah?

Feb. 22nd, 2016


Anyone seen Siobhan? Kira's saying she left.

Feb. 21st, 2016



Feb. 20th, 2016


Fight Club looked like a damn good time. Can't commit to it myself (too much sense of self-preservation), but I wouldn't mind learning some moves from those of you with hand-to-hand skills. Anyone feel like teaching?

Anyone have any playing cards? I'd love to kick some ass at poker. Porthos? You up to losing?

So I'm definitely not auditioning for your show, Alison, but I'll help behind the scenes. Just let me know.

Feb. 19th, 2016


I suppose hoping that this place was nothing more than a honey dream gone rancid and that I'd wake up back in London in team was optimistic of me.

Not that I'm ungrateful for the hospitality - I'm not - but what do you want in return? My loyalty? My skills? I noted that you don't seem to have a currency and you're not getting any brass from me, regardless.

Not rhetorical, by the way. No one gives anything for free. So what is it? Where's the catch? Enlighten me.

Feb. 16th, 2016


'Pod God', hmmm? Pithy. A being capable of tearing a person from his or her realm and depositing them in another and we give them a title reminiscent of a nursery rhyme. 'She of the Unknowable Journey', maybe? 'Ruler of The Wind'? Or do we call it a 'Pod God' because we've no answers, and mocking what's happened to us is easier than respecting it?

Magic's a fickle creature, to be sure. But I'll keep to my "please" and "thank you"'s, if it's all the same to you and yours.

Elias Kilmartin, of Fallen London. And since that apparently won't mean anything, it is - was - the year of 1891. Queen Victoria sold off London ages ago, and down it sunk into the dark bliss of the Neath with the devils and the shades. Doesn't that sound nice? I've never seen the sun and I don't care to. Big ball of fire in the sky that cooks you slowly? Who thought that was a good idea?

Feb. 13th, 2016


Kira's making her valentine cards in diamond shapes cos she says hearts are stupid.

That's my girl.

Feb. 11th, 2016


Hearing news of a scuffle outside almost made me rethink the idea of putting up my sword, and then I remembered I hadn't fully introduced myself on this device, though I've met a great deal of you already in person.

I am Aramis, of formerly of the King's Musketeers, presently of Lady Hendrix's childcare. As it was still the 17th century before I arrived here, adjusting to this world has been interesting, to say the least. You have my thanks for the hospitality shown. Porthos and I hope to be productive members of your society, and I happy welcome any advice or conversation that you may have to offer.

Feb. 10th, 2016


Alright, this one might actually be in the running for strangest thing that's ever happened to me.

Name's Siobhan. I'm told I'm to be working as a scout and they have assigned me somewhere to live, but more about that later.

I was told my family are here?

Feb. 9th, 2016


network post: alison hendrix

Hello, Mount Weather! Two things:

I'm happy to announce that auditions for Little Shop of Horrors are coming up at the end of the month! Mark your calendars for February 25th, where we'll be holding open auditions in the gym after dinner hours.

If you're nervous about your audition, you could see Sir Galavant, who's generously providing singing lessons.

Second, Felix and I have put together welcome packets for all new arrivals to Mount Weather, which includes a pamphlet about all of the fun things to do here if we're not under attack. Also included in the packet are two bars of my handmade soap, three packets of dandelion herb tea, and a customised painted mug courtesy of our own Felix Dawkins (which, yes, we took from the kitchens, but they will be used).

I delivered the packets to medical last week, so all new arrivals should have received one upon waking up. If you didn't, please swing by medical or see me in Civilian Services to receive one!

Oh, holy Christmas cakes. All of you need to come by Childcare immediately because I just got some serious eye candy.

Wow, there are a lot of you. Okay!

This is your official invitation to join me and the kids in my apartment tomorrow night for family game night after dinner. We held one recently to get to know everyone, and you know what? There are more of you. We got Sarah and Kira back, and Tali, your friend Garrus is here now, and you know what? That's just great. We're making room for more family.

Please come! Party games include charades, twenty questions, Pictionary, and a whole host of improv games that actors do. Alcohol is permitted but not necessarily encouraged. I am not avoiding Valentine's Day

Feb. 8th, 2016


Alright. I don't ask for much. A roof, a hot meal every now and again, everlasting glory. You know, reasonable things. Never thought I'd need to add not being shipped off to a dead world to the list.

Could've at least made Athos suffer this madhouse with us. I mean, yeah France is about to go to war, and they need him, but he needs US, damn it.

Is anyone even seeing this? I better not be bloody talking to myself.

Feb. 7th, 2016


Catherine, I have a surprise for you. :D

Thank you for your help, Isaac! And everyone that went out on little salvaging runs with me, especially in this weather. I managed extra materials for the communication devices, though I still want to look into something more.. um. Reliable. Better? I might start seeing about replicating omni-tools, but I don't know if it's something I can do without all of my gear. And I miss eezo.


Feb. 6th, 2016


I ain't looking to pile trouble onto trouble with this water problem, but who I gotta report gouts of fire shooting outta the wall when I walk past? Lucky this Cajun got good reflexes, all I'm saying. Down by the 506 H-block, if any of you repair types want to look into it.

Feb. 5th, 2016


network; dean winchester (029)

We're working on the heat, but it'll take a few days. Try to be nice to each other in the meantime. Takes a hell of a lot to heat a place this big, so when something blows, it blows.


Yes, that was my girlfriend who let out a woop when I won the Mount Weather penis. She's pretty much the best.

Things I never thought I'd do in my lifetime: be happy that I won a dildo.

Feb. 4th, 2016


Goddamnit. I thought you were screwing with me! I literally JUST got my ship back. It was clean. I had a crew! One that wasn't gonna threaten to eat me every other day!

I mean, probably not. Not unless I really deserved it??. Or we ran out of snacks.

Speaking of snacks, a big mac would've gone a long way towards making this day suck less, but apparently you BROKE EARTH too. I'm just saying. If you were aiming for Maximum Suckage here, you guys totally nailed it.

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