May 2016



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Apr. 25th, 2016


WHO: Rogue (616) and Gambit
WHEN: let’s go with earlier today
WHERE: Remy’s place and then outside
WHAT: A conversation that’s been a long time coming.
WARNINGS: feeeelings

time to stop letting fears drive off a chance for some happiness )

Apr. 24th, 2016


WHO: Annie and Finnick
WHAT: Finnick having nightmares are Storybrooke
WHEN: ehh, let's just say it's today-ish.
WHERE: Their room, gym
WARNINGS: Mentions of Hunger Games stuff too, esp. Finnick's past.

... )

Apr. 23rd, 2016


log; destiel

WHO: Dean + Castiel
WHEN: Late April 22nd/Early April 23rd, around midnight
WHERE: Dean and Cas’s room
WHAT: Cas comes home and sleeps for a long damn time. When he wakes up, Dean is right there to welcome him back.
WARNING(S): None. It’s just bittersweet fluff. Dean gets a little salty about Storybrooke and calls Emma a bitch without naming her, that’s as bad as it gets.

You were there. Sort of. )


log; seradaar

WHO: Seradaar
WHEN: Early morning April 22nd
WHERE: Their room
WHAT: Adaar comes back after the Lucifer thing and talks to Sera about her decision to resign.
WARNING(S): Vague shirtlessness? Eh.

What’s wrong? I thought you’d be happier. )

Apr. 22nd, 2016


WHO: Katniss & Finnick
WHAT: smoothing over the post-Storybrooke awkwardness.
WHEN: ehh, let's just say it's today-ish.
WHERE: out in the woods.
WARNINGS: allusions to the lack of consent involved in Storybrooke relationships. Mentions of Hunger Games stuff too, esp. Finnick's past.

... )


WHO: Ezio Auditore and Jacob Frye
WHEN: April 18th, 2016
WHAT: Jacob takes out some lingering Storybrooke issues on a punching bag. Ezio comes along and gives him a more responsive target.
WARNINGS: None really.

But most damning of all was the fear that what if - what if - he had stayed in that world, and lost his sister forever? )


Who: Peter & MJ
When: 4/22 in the morning
Where: Mess hall
What: They are MFEO and you can never convince me otherwise, Marvel Comics.
Rating: Schmoop.
OOC Note: If your character is present when this goes down and can/wants to officiate, let us know!



thread: devil's trap

WHO: Castiel/Lucifer, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Gabriel, Lucifer Morningstar, and featuring Asala Adaar, Jo Harvelle, Bobby Singer, Kate Bishop, and maybe Crowley and Meg depending on how demons feel like playing today
WHEN: Late evening, April 21
WHERE: Outside Mount Weather (a safe distance away)
WHAT: It's the final showdown against Lucifer and a Hail Mary effort to save Castiel's life.
WARNINGS: Violence.
OOC NOTES: The subthreads happen chronologically, but are going to be written simultaneously (hence there being no starter in the main body of this entry because Lucifer's not making his entrance in the first thread). Summaries of what's planned out will be outlined in each subthread header, so even if some threads take a long time to finish because of groups/time zones/etc, we still know what's going on. Subthreads to the subthreads can also have stuff tangental to the main action (i.e. Gabriel and Morningstar after Gabriel is injured while Team Free Will is in the Fade). Timewise, the confrontation itself will last less than an hour.
ETC: There's an angel battle happening outside, Mount Weather. For a short period of time tonight there's going to be what feels like small earthquakes, and the lights might flicker. It'll feel ominous, which I'm sure everyone always loves. I don't know if anyone will take it upon themselves to try and check it out. It's some distance away, and if you make yourself known, you might get killed, so ... don't let Lucifer know you're there.

Apr. 21st, 2016


Log: SPN!Lucifer and Crowley

WHO: Lustiel and Crowley
WHEN: Now!
WHERE: Crowley's lair in Scotland
WHAT: Crowley invited Lucifer over on the pretence that he was ready to kill Dean. That isn't what happened when Lucifer got there.
WARNINGS: Focus on consent issues (in the form of SPN's angel/demon possession)

Castiel's mind was a dangerous place to be. )

Apr. 20th, 2016


WHO: Claudia Auditore & Ezio Auditore
WHEN: April 18th, 2016
WHERE: Intake
WHAT: Claudia arrives. Ezio hugs her a lot. She threatens to stab him. Ah, siblings.
WARNING: None really. For assassins, they’re pretty well-mannered here.

The Auditore are not dead. )


WHO: Flash Thompson and Flash Thompson
WHEN: April 18th, after their conversation on bbFlash's network post.
WHERE: starting in the dining hall and ending in an unused alcove
WHAT: The Ghost of Thompson Future needs to give a big talking to the Ghost of Thompson Past.
WARNING: hahahaha, oh boy. language, alcoholism/under-age drinking, ptsd, slight-ableism, allusions to abuse/neglect & bullying. AKA the Flash Thompson character history cocktail.

Next time you feel like partying, remember that feeling. )


WHO: Aramis & Porthos
WHEN: April 17th, evening. After they’re back from Storybrooke and settled.
WHERE: The Rose
WHAT: Talking out Storybrooke, a little awkwardness, a little of their normal flirting, figuring things out and where to go from here.
WARNING: PG, some dirty talk and a little swearing, that’s about it.

’...I’d have to seriously wonder how bad I am in bed, eh?’ )

Apr. 19th, 2016


March 24, 2016 - Flashback
Storybrooke Flashback Scene - Gray asks Jenny out on a date.
characters. Grayson Hart (Gale Hawthorne) & Jenny (Jaina) Solo
time. Mid-Afternoon
location. The Library
rating. Low
status. Complete

it probably didn’t hurt that Jenny Solo was nice to look at )


WHO: Doctor (10), Clara Oswald
WHEN: Sunday, after they're back
WHERE: One of the storage rooms in the TARDIS
WHAT: The pair reunite.
WARNINGS: N/A. Very! Just some talk of emotional adultery.

The chasm between them was so large, but she hoped that a leap of faith could fix this. )

Apr. 18th, 2016


log: peeta+katniss

WHO: Peeta Mellark + Katniss Everdeen
WHEN: Right when the curse breaks! April 17.
WHERE: The flower shop in Storybrooke
WHAT: Peeta and Katniss both get snapped back to reality while still in Storybrooke, and Peeta does not handle it well at all.
WARNINGS: N/A, references to Peeta's brainwashing/etc.

If you could be anywhere right now, somewhere that you felt safe, where would it be? )


Log: Fenris and Hawke

WHO: Fenris and Hawke
WHEN: Immediately upon return from Storybrooke
WHERE: Medical
WHAT: Fenris goes looking for Hawke, Hawke goes looking for Fenris, and they find each other.
WARNINGS: Discussion of possible future murder

Maker, you have got to stop disappearing on me. )


(storybrooke)log: dorian+maria

WHO: Dorian Grey (Dorian Pavus) + Maria Grey (Lady Maria)
WHEN: Backdated to the day of Ben and Dorian's breakup in Storybrooke
WHERE: Dorian and Maria's Storybrooke home
WHAT: Dorian confesses to Maria that he wants to recommit to their marriage, and this doesn't go over well at all.

I've been selfish. And I want to apologize. )

Apr. 17th, 2016


WHO: Jacob & Evie Frye
WHEN: April 17th, after everyone comes back.
WHERE: Somewhere in Mt Weather. Evie and Alfred’s room?
WHAT: Twin reunion!
WARNING: Jacob hugs Evie enough that it’s a wonder he’s not dead.

'I want all the gory details, particularly the exciting bits where you killed things; let’s skip the planning and saving books and boring parts.' )


Mount Weather

WHO: Ben Reilly and Loki
WHAT: Everyone is back and Ben goes searching to make sure a certain god is among them. Feels commence.
WHEN: 4/17, Sunday, after everyone arrives.
WHERE: from tech to the blast doors to a secluded hallway
WARNINGS: schmoop? feels?

Come here. Come on, it's okay. )


WHO: Annie & Finnick Odair
WHAT: reunion after memories come back, & Annie needs to sort out what's real.
WHEN: sometime around 1:30 pm, probably
WHERE: Storybrooke, The Upper Crust
WARNINGS: nothing really. a lot of mental confusion on Annie's part.

... )

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