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May. 24th, 2015


Filter to Serenity Crew
Two things: Anyone seen Zoe about? And Saffron. She's been too quiet for her own good.

Filter to Nathan Wuornos & Carol Danvers
It may come to nothin, but I haven't heard from Zoe in several hours, and that ain't like her. And you had anyone ask you about a woman who might go by Saffron or Brigit or Yolande? I think those were all her names. But I haven't seen or talked to her in several weeks, and you never know what she gets up to. She's cagey.

May. 23rd, 2015


Hello. My name is Nathan Wuornos, currently serving on your Guard. If you have a moment, I have a few questions for you.

In speaking to others about the demon that was here recently, you seemed to have some understanding of the Fade. If you have time to answer a few questions about it, I'd appreciate it.

May. 22nd, 2015


Haven't they learned yet, they can't keep me down?

It's good to be back. Although, the docs have said no visitors until tomorrow afternoon. I think they might fudge for tomorrow morning, though.

May. 21st, 2015


Whoever is handling missing persons... My roommate, Blossom, a Powerpuff Girl has gone missing. Last seen yesterday before dinner. I thought maybe she had a friend, but she hasn't been back for a change of clothes or anything. And most damning of all, her red hair bow? Yeah, it's still on a table on her side of the room. If you know anything about the Powerpuff Girls, you know that's not a thing that happens.


( Nathan Wuornos )
I have an ability that might help with finding the people who are missing. I don't suppose you have pictures of them to go with the names?


As you all know, there's quite an intensive search and rescue operation being put into effect to find those amongst us who have been lost. Beginning tomorrow, I'll be leading a group to work our way thoroughly through the tunnels and bunkers here under Mount Weather. I know that some search has been made here, but this will be thorough and complete, and will likely take a few days. If you'd like to help out in this regard, please do let me know so that we may make sure that everyone has a chance to help.

Nathan Wuornos
I'd greatly appreciate your team's help in getting this done quickly and well, and if you're still sweeping the grounds, let me know and I will certainly help with that.


One person is described as having her head in the clouds. Another as a walking fashion magazine ad. The last one is a military organization agent. Two are from the Harry Potter world, one from Marvel so there's no pattern there. They're not from this dimension, which is about all we've got to go on for leads.

So far, my only theory involves Grounders.

What about you?


network post: carol danvers

From this point on, no one leaves or comes back to Mount Weather without checking in.

End of story. We've had people disappear without a trace, and finding traces has been made more difficult by the fact that we're not keeping strict track of everyone's comings and goings. I guarantee you we don't give a damn where you're going or why, we just need to know that you're going in the first place, so if something happens to you, we know about it.

Three disappearances, no leads. This is on us.

And we don't know if leaving the compound is the problem. People are going to hate me, but I propose this: mandatory sign-ins at major checkpoints: the main door to residences, the cafeteria, the gym, the library. Sign in and out of work detail. I don't want to limit anyone's freedom but if we can know where people were and when, we can establish a timeline in the event that someone else vanishes.

May. 20th, 2015


chatty: kaidan → nathan

» How many is that now? Three?

May. 19th, 2015


Hello, camp. Remember Antoine Triplett? The guy who walked around shirtless and asking people if you would climb that tree?

If anyone sees him, please give him a hard slap and direct him my way because someone (or more) here is worried that he hasn't been easy to find all day.

Filter: FitzSimmons
Seriously, though, unless I kept missing him or something.... I don't know, but after one person has already been missing for days, I don't want to take chances.

May. 17th, 2015


Interesting. There definitely is a difference between seeing weird stuff that's real, and actually hallucinating. It's a subtle difference, but it's there.

No one else sees the dancing bears, right?

May. 16th, 2015


I introduced myself before, when I first arrived, but I'd like to do it again, more officially. My name is Nathan Wuornos. At home, I was a detective with the Haven Police Department. I also did a lot of work, unofficially and off the books, to help people with problems that the law couldn't account for.

There is a problem here that hasn't been accounted for, yet. This is a place where people can go missing for a number of reasons. It is extremely dangerous to be missing and unaccounted for around here, with so many threats to our lives. We didn't have an official way of handling a missing persons case before, but with the help of my partner Audrey Parker, and with your help and the help of the government here in Mt. Weather, I'd like to change that.

If there is someone you can't account for, no matter how short of a time it's been since they were last seen or spoken to, please come to us (myself or Audrey) immediately. I'd rather discover that searching for them was unnecessary than miss the window of time in which we could have done something to help them. And if you'd like to help us search, I'm willing to take volunteers.

I'm sorry to have to tell you that we haven't found any sign of Luna yet. But we are still looking.

How are you? Did the pod work?

May. 15th, 2015


We need ten teams to go out and scour the areas surrounding Mount Weather, Camp Jaha, and the hundred's old dropship to find any clues of former Chancellor Thelonious Jaha's whereabouts. We're have more people come to say that they saw him before the not-such-an-accident with the blast doors at Camp Jaha. We need proof.

Sign-ups here. We'll be heading out tomorrow and I would suggest getting a good night's sleep and settling things for a few days. It's going to take two days to get to the dropship and another day and a half to get to Camp Jaha. If you need to be within Mount Weather distance for overnight, let me know here.


Luna's still missing. We've got to send out a search party or do something. Even if

May. 10th, 2015


Am I the only one interested in finding a way out of here and back to our own realities?

Apr. 30th, 2015


My name is Sam Wilson.. some of you may know me either because I exist in some form of your world or working with me. I work as a soldier.

And I know there are plenty of us who are displaced from countless numbers of different universes where the rules all vary differently, some who don't mind being here and some who do. But the most important necessity for every individual while we all are here is their personal safety. Everyone is entitled to food, shelter, health and comfort, so do not hesitate to reach out to your guards and soldiers and those in command, if there is also anything we can do to make your life here fairly easier.

Furthermore, you should know that threats made against anyone else will not be taken lightly. I get that tension is high especially in a strange place, but that's no excuse for harming others. If you personally feel threatened by someone else, come to us, do not take matters into your own hands. We are here to help everyone here to the best of our abilities.


There's something to be said about people who decide to come clean about what secrets they may be keeping. As for me, my reasons are similar to others. I've always tried to be straightforward, but like many of us, this is the first time I'm surrounded by people I don't know.

All the more reason to be honest, right? For now, this is our home, and we need to learn to trust one another. If I'm going to make a life for myself here, then I need to start off by not keeping secrets.

I was born as a werewolf. I know that sounds strange, I'm familiar with lore and it's typically not passed down genetically, but for my family it was. My grandmother was scratched, and it was passed down to my mother and then to me. Some of you may be familiar with story of Little Red Riding Hood? That's me. Sort of. I mean my life was very different from the children's tale.

I can promise you all that you have nothing to fear from me. When I said my story wasn't like most lore, it's true. I'm not bound by the moon, well I sort of am. I can change whenever I want, but get the strong desire to do so when there is a full moon. I'm also completely human in my mind when I am a wolf. I was taught how to control myself.

So there you have it. I know it's a lot to take in, especially with others coming out with their secrets as well, but it's honestly better this way. I know from experience that keeping secrets does more harm than good.

Now I really need an alcoholic drink.

Apr. 25th, 2015


I guess it's my turn to come clean. I'd like to be honest here -- and I can't do that as Chuck Finley.

How did Fi say to start

My name is Michael Westen. I used to be a spy. I won't bore you with the whole story, but I was targeted by some bad people. They destroyed my life for a while, and once I built it back up, I nearly destroyed it myself. The only way I could finally get out was to fake my death. That was a year ago; I've been living under a false identity ever since.

Aside from a few key details, most of what I've told you about myself has been true. I do have a wife, Fiona, although our marriage papers are fake. Charlie's ours now, but he used to be my nephew. We adopted him after my brother died, so Nate deserves all the credit for that kid. Anything else I can clear up, I'm happy to.

I thought I'd spend the rest of my life undercover. A spy's work is never truly done until he's dead -- or at least until the world thinks he's dead. But I'm not in that world anymore. My kid could grow up here knowing the real me, I don't want to waste that opportunity. I hope you all can forgive me for not coming to my senses sooner.


It's not a good sign when they start limiting your carbs at mealtimes, and not for health reasons. But there are a lot of people here, eating up a lot of food. Is there anything the rest of us can do to help?

Filter to Natasha Romanoff
You might have guessed that I'm not really Chuck Finley. Mike's told me you know about his cover, so I don't see any reason for me to keep mine around you. The name's Sam Axe, and I worked with Mike for several years.

Apr. 24th, 2015



I've got something for you.

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