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March 23rd, 2016

[info]thetroubles in [info]the100

Believe it or not, someone tampered with some of the newly harvest strawberries and rendered them inedible. We get to find out who.

Anyone on staff got sensitive smelling powers? Might make this easier if we've got someone who can literally track them.

[info]ashtawawidiwin in [info]the100

It might not quite be summer, but the vernal equinox is passed, and that means the days are going to start getting longer again.

Unfortunately there's still a lot of snow and a madwoman turning people into snow. Doesn't she know we have land to survey for our maps? It's downright rude.

[info]actions_speak in [info]the100

A lot of people have asked but we're out of strawberries right now. I think they're still in season so we can have more soon. Everyone just needs to have pat wait a bit. Sorry.

We'll try to come up with something else yummy for you.

[info]nosuitnoservice in [info]the100

So I know I dropped the ball on cult classic movies when Jack left, and now there's sabacc on Wednesday nights. Is there interest in keeping showing them, and if so should it be,

a) a different night,
b) still Wednesday after dinner,
or c) Wednesday, but timed so people can do both?

[Barry & Cisco]
Also, I have the full report on the Free Energy Project now. The technical details are still incomplete, but there's at least more there than I could remember, if you think it might be useful. There seems to be more about the early stages like identifying the location for the rift than for the actual method of prising it open.

[info]fades in [info]the100

before you ask i didn't do anything to the strawberries
but some people might be allergic, meaning they could go into post-apocalyptic anaphylactic shock and die

because of strawberries, so i am not hating this strawberry free zone

[info]thatkidcanfly in [info]the100

Who: Jainakin
When: After Anakin gets back from his trip with Nico and Reyna, not long after Jaina's arrival.
Where: Jaina's apartment
What: Reunion, talking, the usual Solo/Skywalker angst
Rating: PG for some talk of the Dark Side and the usual things

It's almost like home )

[info]bornunder in [info]the100

Hey, you.

[info]cleantheslate in [info]the100

network; selina kyle (005)


Put on your sweats, I want a decent gym partner. I'm bored with the punching bags.

[info]poedontdoit in [info]the100

Alright, all of the cool kids are probably still playing cards, but I have to stay off my foot another couple days and I'm already going stir-crazy. Got my entire collection of holovids from home in the Pod giving thing a few days ago, I tinkered with BB-8 a little and improved his holoprojector, I'm turning this room into a theatre. Who wants to watch Captain Rygaen's Ploy? Or... hm, let's see. Sacrifice at Endo- No that's Scrivner's Revenge, one of my favorites. I've got Kallea's Hope's to go with it, too.

I have Han Solo and the Pirates of Kessel, too. OH and Luke Skywalker and the Dragons of Tatooine. Classic.

Who's in?
