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January 19th, 2016

[info]secondspectre in [info]the100

network post: kaidan alenko (to hawke)

Hey. We have to talk.

And if you don't answer me here, I'm going to come find you and we'll talk face to face.

[info]ashtawawidiwin in [info]the100

I'm dead. And

I've spent the last five years running around like a complete child, figuring I could pack it in when I hit my thirties, try a real job and real relationships and maybe get a cat or something, I don't know. And then six months out I let Moon Knight talk me into teaming up with him because it's the kind of crazy shit that makes for a good story, and sometime in the next few days from where I got pulled here from we're going to try to fight some asshole with eye lasers and I'm going to die. Which means this stupid bunker is my entire life now and it's all more unstable than I could possibly have managed to make things for myself back home. I've spent my entire life working hard as hell to get past all the complete shit the universe has thrown at me only to end up in a radiation soaked dystopia where even if you manage not to die from hypothermia or wild animals or glass women that come out of mirrors you might just disappear at any time for no apparent reason and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.

I don't... do well with things that far out of my control. Not when even the most basic things like going to school are things I've had to fight tooth and nail for. I don't even trust other people, how can I trust some inexplicable force that seems to get off on toying with us?

[info]beholdthevibe in [info]the100

!network post, cisco ramon

[Technology Engineering Team]
Hey Team! I'm hella excited to be working with all of you. I got to see the roster and it's pretty much a Dream Team. I should warn you all, I'm always like this, so hopefully you enjoy high energy and mad creativity, because it's what I love to do. Do we have a current list of projects? Open to new ones? I don't want to step on toes or anything, order and stuff is important. I've got ideas and they want to be free.

[info]fatherfigure in [info]the100

Okay. So, I'm new here. And all of this is completely insane.

But I'm going to guess that a giant dragon on the security monitors is still terrif noteworthy. If not, well. Maybe we can we ask it not to eat so close to the cameras? Is that a thing here? Asking dragons to do stuff?

[info]absorbs in [info]the100

Like Asala said we're gonna need a whole bunch of help if the dragon goes down.

So if we could get a few groups of people to:
* collect any tools we can use for butchering
* same for breaking the bones to store
* clear out some store rooms so we got some place to put the bones and skin until we know what we're doing with them
* helping out the kitchen with prepping the meat to use and be stored
Any takers?


Think we could get a collection of bags and whatever we'll need to drain the dragon of blood ready to go for collecting it for y'all?

[info]asala in [info]the100

network; asala adaar (032)

All right, Mount Weather, it's game time.

Charlie Weasley: If you and anyone else you trust to help you want to try to subdue this dragon bloodlessly, now is the time. The dragon is an immediate threat.

Dragon Hunting Team: If Charlie and his people fail, we're up. We've talked strategy in meetings, and almost all of you are experienced in fighting dragons (or dinosaurs) already. Have each other's backs, don't shit yourselves, and don't be messy. We want as few injuries as possible, and we want to get the most out of this afterward.

Everyone Else: If this dragon goes down, we're taking it for all it's worth. We'll need as many hands on deck as possible, even if you aren't experienced in breaking down an animal. People who know what they're doing will help you. It may end up being for nothing, but you need to be prepared if it doesn't. A majority of the meat will go to our winter stores, the skin and bones will need to be prepped to be turned into supplies, and we need to store as much of the blood as possible. It's going to be bloody, smelly work, but when it's over, we'll eat better than we have in months. If you can't stomach it, doubtless the kitchen staff will take volunteers when it comes time for dinner.

Let's show our Grounder visitors how well we handle a crisis, shall we?

[info]rosered in [info]the100

[Charlie Weasley]
I'm sorry about the dragon. I wish I could have done more to help save it. If only Totenkinder were here I will promise you though that every single bit of that dragon will go to good use. I know it's not much, but it's the best we've got right now. Which is probably so not what you want to hear right now. God, Rose. Why are you so

[info]snipps in [info]the100

Not where I thought I'd end up this morning, but I've been assured this is a safe zone — despite the beast that was felled today. I would like to offer my services for assistance in any way that I can.

Senator Amidala, I've been told that you are here? How is Master Obi-Wan Kenobi?

[info]ncc1701rn in [info]the100

1. Christine Chapel

The last thing I remember I was coming in from work. Now I'm inside a mountain and I have no idea how I got here. The people in Medical said that there might be others here that I would know? Is anybody out there?

[info]cdrcullen in [info]the100

[Chatty to Cassandra]
>> A battle with no casualties. My favorite kind.
>> You came out of that undamaged, it looked like?
