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January 18th, 2016

[info]ashtawawidiwin in [info]the100

Did you know I was dead?

[info]idisi in [info]the100

I really did not plan past not dying.

What the fuck do I do with a baby?

[info]bymjolnir in [info]the100


I have had an interesting conversation with Amadeus Cho. Darcy Lewis, you should meet this man. He reminds me of you; I cannot decipher half of what he says, either. It seems in Midgard of old, or of current should you hail from an alternate timeline, there were situations where people of note would spend time answering questions from the public. Ask Anything, it was called.

In an effort to get to know as many of you as I am able, by way of you getting to know me, I would like to resurrect this idea here. Please, ask me anything. I will endeavor to answer every question as honestly as possible.

[info]quigonjinn in [info]the100

In talking with Maz I ended up mentioning that I have been working on learning techniques from a Force Priestess that would allow me to communicate wit hthe living after I died. It occurred to me though, do you know if I was ever successful in doing so?

[info]abandonedship in [info]the100

I wish to request a sparring partner, particularly one who has talent with swords. My fighting style has been in much upheaval recently, and I would like to become more comfortable with it.

[ Filtered to Wedge Antilles ]

I wanted to congratulate you for your victory that occurred last Friday. I am sorry if I seemed uncomfortable; it was not anything that you did. I am out of practise, I am afraid. How embarrassing! But the match was a good one and I am glad that you went as far as you did. Thank you for being so kind.

[ /Filter ]

Filtered Private )

[info]ashtawawidiwin in [info]the100

I know everyone's going to the bar to try the whiskey, so it's probably to the public good that I warn you that I'm going there to get drunk on the cheap stuff and find someone for an ill-advised one night stand. If you're not helping with either of those you probably just shouldn't talk to me.

[info]dontdie in [info]the100

We have yet another frozen animal; a deer, this time. Past our perimeter. This time, however, it was accompanied by a Grounder, who I believe was hunting him. His arrow notched and frozen in place with the rest of him.

If any of our magical types or doctors would like to examine them, I can escort you there before it gets too dark.


[info]firstcharmed in [info]the100

Network Post: Prue Halliwell

Thankfully I have avoided the sickness that's going around. I managed to find a few things and make some tea that helped fight it off. I still have some if anyone would like it.
