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June 15th, 2015

[info]notdifficult in [info]the100

network post: mordin solus

Hello! Not speaking in person, English still not fluent. Working on it.

Also working on radiation problem. Seems possible, resources available. Problem should be solved. Ordinary timeline for me - a week. Given limited resources and testing opportunities - one month, two if there are setbacks.

Will have this done!

[info]notanazi in [info]the100

You know what, fuck deluded god complexes. I've had enough of them for a lifetime.

I'd say there wasn't enough coffee in the world for this job right now but there isn't even coffee in the world.

[Guards and anyone involved in the Werewolf capture]

He's god. Did you know he was god. Divine fucking purpose since he started deciding he'd grace us with his words yesterday.

Seriously. Can we gag him?

[info]thebuffster in [info]the100

I miss Giles. I mean I miss him like he used to be, all old and crusty, not the new young version of him with the hormones. You know, I caught him looking at some girl's boobs once. DO YOU KNOW HOW CREEPY THAT IS?

[info]324b21 in [info]the100

Damnit. I need to take a break from the microscope. Anyone up for an scaled-down, improv version of -- I don't know -- Call of Cthulhu. I'm open to just having it be creative without all the rules for the most part. Still need Sanity Points, though. I'll even be storyteller even. I just need something that involves me being around people for a few hours.

Maybe I can make this a regular thing if enough people are interested.

[info]skaikru in [info]the100

THE 100:
Can we put a gag order on the Pod People? I am ridiculously tired of hearing them complaining about coffee and having to work jobs. I'm so sorry that our world isn't to your liking.

I legit just want to tell them all to go float themselves.

[info]takebackearth in [info]the100

network; commander shepard (007)

Who wants to learn how to play Skyllian Five? It's a version of poker. From space. I made a deck of cards I need to test out.

How are the radioactive animals coming?

[info]withoutgrace in [info]the100

network post: castiel

The new angel got Lady Clarabel pregnant.

[info]rubythewolf in [info]the100

So who are my choices for this voting thing again?

Filter: OUATers (Adults)
Sure you don't want to put your name into the running, Regina? I'd definitely take you over someone who called me a monster, and asked me to lock myself up to prove I wouldn't kill anyone.

[info]rebellare in [info]the100

The most thrilling discovery I have experience thusfar is coming to the conclusion that our location is approximately analogous to the Blue Ridge Mountains. Though my service never brought me this far south, it is our proximity to lands upon which I trod in some adjacent universe which gives me hope.

For even if the apocalypse drew its scythe upon the land, it is quite clear to me that humanity discovered the secret ways to thrive. And for that rebel heart, I shall always be grateful.

Most honoured sir, I thought to tell you that your beau is quite handsome and it thrills me to see two young people so thoroughly fond of one another. Thank you for sharing your space with me.

[info]changetherules in [info]the100

Filtered Network Post: Helena G. Wells


If I could have permission, I'd like to requisition one of the recovered pods for parts to use towards development of an item which I am about to propose.

I once assisted Nikola Tesla in the development of a weapon that can be used for non-lethal electrical stunning and disruption. I have my own version of this weapon here should anyone wish for a demonstration of the capabilities that I have in mind. The so-called 'Tesla' has been used for over a century as the standard issue weapon in the agency for which it was developed.

Given the limited ammunition available for the guns here, and the severe damage or death caused when someone does use them, I think it would be preferable to have an alternative and renewable means of defense. I would like to work on recreating the 'Tesla' technology.

[info]demonmagnet in [info]the100

I'm really craving chilli fries right now. Food preparing type people. Can we have chilli fries? Or burgers or both? Both works.

Oh, and congrats everybody at the capture the flag. Team B obviously is the awesomest. But, it was all good fun.
