I apologise for the delay in posting, but as you can surely imagine, it has been a difficult time. However, I did want to offer an introduction to the world you will find through the door.
A few words of caution first.
Ladies, please do not go without an escort, or a weapon that you are not afraid to use.
There are many pickpockets about, so be wary and do not flaunt any wealth unless you seek trouble.
We are in the midst of a cholera epidemic. I believe there is now a vaccine, and effective treatment available. I will leave the medical staff to advise on this point, but
do not drink the water through the door. It is contaminated. (Can we do anything about this without changing the course of history? Educate?)
I have spoken to a number of you about formulating a plan to help the people of Paris following the recent uprising, and I also want to offer my sincere thanks to those of you who have already offered, or are actively helping.
The building you first enter was a stronghold of the Revolution, and it is important that it is rebuilt as a symbol of resistance. The blood has been cleaned, and some volunteers are working on clearing the rubble. We need to replace the ceiling of the first floor. I would like to hire some locals to help with this, and pay them accordingly for their labour. Offering honest work is better than charity. Anyone willing to act as site foreman for this? I am happy to act as translator if it is the only issue.
When the people rise again, and they will, they will need better weapons. We cannot give them anything not yet invented, but we can help stockpile weapons and ammunition of the time that the common man cannot necessarily afford. They will also need field medical kits.
Hungry people have no fight in them. When we can reopen the Musain, can we find a way to feed people without it becoming a riot? I'm open to suggestions. On all these points.
I will be staying in Paris, but I will remain in contact. I can also find apartments for anyone else who wishes to stay.