I have an odd request: Many humans offered their blood to me last time and the response brought me to tears. Are there any nonhumans that would offer the same?
Here is why I ask: A friend brought up the idea that I do not have to outlive everyone, that my 'immortality' could go away, for the lack of better words. Another seems to think this may end my life, but brought up a loop hole when I told him of the way I know of to remove my vampirism, to stave off of human blood. And I hope my self-loathing will be enough to open a door close to the time before I killed my Master so that I might do it again.
The reason I need to feed, and can't just go without blood all together, is I will lose selfcontrol. I will be come a ravenous beast, and that is not something I ever want to be, let alone on a floating island.
For those of you that are finding out about my vampirism this way, I am sorry. I did intend to be more delicate with it but opportunity did not present itself.
I am tired of being repulsive. I'm tired of outliving everyone I love, but I am not ready for an unnatural death.