You'll find yourself outside the old Mill House. It's a short walk to the main road. You should be able to get a taxi or a lift from there to the city.
What can I say about my Earth? It's normal. Mundane. Boring. Unless you've got the eyes to see where most people don't bother looking for. There's super heroes and villains, demons and angels and all manner of nasty buggers out there. So take care when looking around certain places. Star City comes to mind.
I've left some things beside the door that might be useful. There's a box containing some money, a crap mobile phone you can use, and a magic infused pendant for each of you. The pendant should provide protection against Demons and other dodgy supernatural types, but it won't do much against most of the super hero and villain lot. As for the box, just say the magic word written above the box and it will open for you.