Good morning.
Let me thank the gentlemen who assisted me on the day of my arrival for your kindness. I wish I could say that my mind is less troubled on this day than it was on that that one, but unfortunately, I cannot. I have spent my time since then with your history books.
They are wrong. Wrong in many particulars, from the great to the small. Pretannica is 'Britain' and Gaul is 'France' and the wars are protracted or shifted or simply not as they should be. The dates are wrong, all across the past millennium. Places are wrongly named, and many august personages either are not mentioned or are said to hold the wrong offices. On a more personal note, the great city of Calleva, near which my family has its estate, in your books appears to have disappeared when the Romans did.
Further, I cannot find a single mention of telekinetics.
The similarities, however, are numerous and uncanny enough that I cannot simply say that I must be reading about some
other planet, even as I learn the nature of this place.
What would you make of this?
- C. Leyton