My name is Amelia, normally I don't contact people like this because it puts you in danger. But I know you're a very brave knight, and have faced much evil in your lifetime so I know that you'll be okay.
I wanted to let you know that they're doing what I made Happy Fun Land for. The food and stuff will go bad, and to waste, if they don't. And there is no greater crime than for food to spoil when there are starving children in China, when it can be used for the people that have been brought here.
You should go too! I'm sure there's something that you'll enjoy, I tried to fix it so there's something for everyone.
But please don't get mad at them. They've been here for a while, and most of them are good people. There are only a few that have questionable morals.
If I can be of any service, feel free to contact me.