
August 25th, 2018



Flash Reactionary: Saturday August 25th. Fire On Set!

At approximately 6 AM, the house doubling as the March House for filming in Henley Park, erupted in flames mostly coming from the back of the house near the master bedroom. With just a little bit of tequila and a match, it was easy to set the contents of a nearby trashcan on fire. It was small, but it would cause a stir. A little trail of it, maybe to scorch the ground. It wasn’t supposed to be a large fire, just something to frighten the cast… play into the whole haunted movie set thing. An alarm was raised early and the crew cleared from the home as the fire department was called at about 6:20 AM.

ELIZA WEISS first noticed the flames and started shouting loudly to fellow cast and crew. FILM CREW VOLUNTEER 2 thought to try and remove filming equipment from the house before FILM CREW VOLUNTEER 3 stopped them saying, “It’s not worth it.”

EVA MARPLE noticed the smoke and flames when they were enjoying an early breakfast on their patio, they called the fire department. EMERALD MAYWEATHER figured that someone had already called the fire department and phoned the media instead.

Once the fire was completely put out around 10 AM Wayne King and the rest of the department got a call about a small fire in the brush just outside town. Since this fire appeared to be arson and the fire department did not have the time or resources to do a proper investigation right now, they handed off the case to the Sheriff’s Department. JUNE ROGERS was put in charge of getting witness statements and setting up an investigation.



WHO: Hugh Christian & Marceline Cox
WHEN: Thursday, August 23 & Friday, August 24
WHERE: Treehouse Point, Burl Treehouse.
SUMMARY: Hugh planned a romantic getaway better suited for 76 degrees than 96 degrees, but he will make it work.
WARNINGS: I can't think of any.

I'd be careful of the coffin. )



WHO: Sam Arquette
WHEN: Friday, August 24.
WHERE: Her residence in Preston.
SUMMARY: After deciding to do some volunteering at the Fire Dept. Sam's uncovered something… interesting.

It was definitely a child's voice, old enough to speak clearly, but young enough to still have a child's tone and lilt. )



WHO: Teenage Emilia & Eddie Wolfe.
WHEN: Around sophomore year for Emilia and senior year for Eddie.
WHERE: The hallways of Fall City High School.
SUMMARY: Eddie wants Emilia to open up and talk about her feelings about The Divorce.




If Basma is listening I think everyone in this town needs some mandatory fire safety lessons. Someone's going to have to be the one who has to make that happen.

I would like to only refer to how far along you are by fruit reference.

[Harrison & Dash]
Do you want to do drinks at Last Shot soon?