
August 9th, 2018



WHO: Harrison and Blaze
WHEN: Delving into tragic backstory. Age 8, Age 12, Age 17/18, and age 5.
WHERE: Timberline Academy, High School Dance, High School Library, and Timberline again.
SUMMARY: Three dumb things Blaze and Harrison did and one smart thing.
WARNINGS: Infidelity, mention of teen sex, consumption of insects and mud, traumatized kindergarteners

Not a second later the pie was shoved into his best friends face with a grin, a dangerous sort of grin. )



A reminder from your friendly neighborhood librarian: if I can hear you gossiping talking from all the way across the room, you're being too loud and you'll be asked to be quiet or leave. And if you're going to gossip about Mr. Griggs, you can just leave.

Filtered to Tony & Clea
Is it true? Was Eli's dad arrested for murder? I've been hearing gossip about it all morning at the library. Some people apparently didn't get the memo that we broke up and have asked me how he's doing, as if I would talk about him anyway. Others said it was a good thing we broke up because he's probably like his dad and I actually wanted to punch them for that.



WHO: Nate Griggs and a teenage runaway boy
WHEN: April 27, 1991; early evening
WHERE: Bellevue, Washington
SUMMARY: A serial killer's very first murder.
WARNINGS: Implied murder.

Someone who wouldn't be missed. )



[1] What's going on with all of the extra cop activity?
[2] Are you okay?
[1] We should talk locations.
[2] Are we having the wedding in LA or are you open to a destination wedding?
[1] Anyone feel like driving up to Seattle on our next day off?



I spy with my little eye something clear.

[Cox Family]
What are we gifting the Wolfe's?



WHO: Sam Arquette & Gus Arquette and Wynnie Llewellyn
WHEN: July 13 & July 27
WHERE: Arquette Residence, and Home Cookin' respectively
SUMMARY: Sam gets multiple perspectives on what happened the night of the Bellowes Inn Party. (I meant to get this up last month and it didn't happen… sorry!)
WARNINGS: Talk of fighting, murder, etc.

You know, typical Nancy Drew-ing )



WHO: Rhett and Xo
WHEN: July 27th, the night before Rhett's birthday.
WHERE: Rhett's place.
SUMMARY: Xo and Effie have a friendship that warms Nae's heart. Also Rhett's mini mystery is mostly revealed. But the bigger point is Xo and Effie have a friendship that warms Nae's heart.
WARNINGS: Ghost story w/some creepiness. Implied bullying/harrassment. Talk of abandonment. People disappearing.

It added an additional bit of information that she wasn't sure what to do with. )



[Filtered to Abigail]

I'll give you a clue on what basket you have to win this time. Ready? 'Soulful eyes'.

[Filtered to Elliot]

I'll give you a clue for what basket you should bid on. Ready? 'pizza and pie'.

[Filtered to Lochan]

I'll give you a clue for what basket you should bid on. Ready? 'peanut butter and jelly.'

[Filtered to Every Single and Available Lady Milly Knows That is Over 33]

I'll give a clue about what basket you should bid on. Ready? 'roses and chocolates'.



On Wednesday at 1:24 p.m., Wynnie Llewellyn closed Home Cookin'.

The store will remain locked and closed indefinitely.

No baked goods will be available at Common Grounds from Wynnie from Wednesday to Monday.

Melanie Taylor received a call that she was getting some paid time off and Wynnie encouraged her to enjoy the summer.