
July 29th, 2018



WHO: Henry and a very young Blaze Wolfe
WHEN: Backstory log: August 14, about 15 years ago. Blaze is very nearly six.
WHERE: Henry's house in California.
SUMMARY: Eddie enlists Henry March to babysit his child while Eddie's on a case in California. Baby!Blaze bonds with Henry.
WARNINGS: It's just cute. That's really all.

“You know, I’m going to have you tell my decorator that. I think she’d like the input.” )



WHO: Amita Haham &   REDACTED  
WHEN: May 27th, 12:12am or thereabouts.
WHERE: Road outside Fall City
SUMMARY: Amita almost gets run over by a stolen (?) red bug.
WARNINGS: Bad life choices, cursing people, and drunk driving.

She'd even managed to not do anything particularly rash or stupid. )



WHO: Rhett Wyatt and Jacob Wolfe
WHEN: Monday, July 9th, 2018.
WHERE: Municipal Building?
SUMMARY: It's a dia-log! This is the interview between Rhett and Jacob going over any information Rhett might have in regard to his relationship with Moira MacTeer.
WARNINGS: Eh. Discussions of murder and use of drugs/being drugged.

Police Interview with Mr. Rhett Wyatt. )



WHO: Quinn McDowell and Elliot Haham.
WHEN: Backdated to June 27, 2018.
WHERE: In front of the Municipal Building.
SUMMARY: Elliot bumps into Quinn for the first time. A conversation ensues as the women take each other in. Some flirting may occur.
WARNINGS: Mentions of murder and crime.

Do I get a name with the sorry? I think it's only fair. )



WHO: Alexi and Nolan
WHEN: 7/3 (night, at Mordy’s after the Elvera-pregnancy announcement).
WHERE: Mordy’s house.
SUMMARY: Surrealistic dreams. Really really surrealistic. It’s just...drug delusion dreams.
WARNINGS: None, really? It’s Salvador Dali.

Did you get your wings yet? )



WHO: Ted and Julian
WHEN: 6/27
WHERE: On Ted’s porch.
SUMMARY: Awkward conversations about Camila/Ted/life.
WARNINGS: It’s VERY awkward, but I think that is it.

Did I do something wrong? )



film crew schedule ic/ooc: july 29 - august4 )



WHO: Nolan and Henry
WHEN: Post-Dance-A-Thon, Henry needs to let off some steam and...is interrupted by Mr. Annoying.
WHERE: The MacLaver Home.
SUMMARY: Elvera calls a plumber, wink wink. Just kidding. Nolan has strong feelings, like, always. And lectures Henry, because of course he does.
WARNINGS: Pretty chill/no warnings.

Mom had finally called a plumber? )



WHO: Harrison Exely and Wynnie Llewellyn
WHEN: Today! Tonight!
WHERE: Phone Call.
SUMMARY: Harrison inquires about catering for his wedding reception.
WARNINGS: Mention of alcohol.

“Um, it’s a wedding reception, a late one.”  )