
July 24th, 2018



WHO: Sam Arquette &: Harrison Exley, Melanie Taylor, Hunter Tyler
WHEN: July 16, July 18 & July 20
WHERE: Common Grounds, Carsons, and Mitzi's, respectively
SUMMARY: Sam gets multiple perspectives on what happened the night of the Bellowes Inn Party.
WARNINGS: Talk of fighting, murder, etc.

You went to the party then? )



I am looking for someone who has a natural knack for dealing with strange phenomena and a fearless and bold attitude when facing it. If anyone knows anyone like that, please direct me.


[Filtered to Euphemia]

What is your schedule like this week? I would love to take you and your husband to dinner.

[Filtered to Elvera]

I found this exceptionally humorous picture of a cat for you! I thought you might enjoy it!

[Filtered to Jess]

I have received a very disturbing tape, not unlike your own. If you would like to listen to it.

[Filtered to Camila]

The special box I ordered for the highly disturbing tape should be arriving today. When it comes, please put it next to the tape. I do not want to risk your safety in case there may be dark forces at work, so I am looking for a specialist to put the tape in the box.

Unrelated, but you are welcome to take Friday off this week if you would like.

[Filtered to Eileen]

How are you?

Delivered to Xo (July 23rd) )

Delivered to Hugh Christian (July 19) )

Text added after this
TO: Marceline Cox
FROM: Rhett Wyatt

[1] Hello. This is Rhett Wyatt. I am a colleague of Hugh's. He gave me your number. He said that you spend a lot of time at cemeteries and haunted places? That's an interest that you have? You're not afraid of ghosts?



WHO: Hugh Christian
WHEN: Sunday, July 22nd, Evening
WHERE: A Dance Studio in Seattle.
SUMMARY: Hugh gets his feet on the dance floor again. Leitwortstil challenge.
WARNINGS: Probable overuse of lyrics.

This was freedom, knowing precisely each downbeat and having the ability to do anything he wanted with them. )



[text → farmgirl💕]
[1] If we ever get to my scene, and IF I get home at a decent hour, I'm cooking.
[2] What do you want?



[texts: Dia Mayweather → Hugh Christian]
[1] So
[2] Hey there brother.



TO: Elvera
FROM: Henry

[1] I have a question
[2] possibly more than one question

TO: Diamond
FROM: Henry

[1] Are you available Thursday evening?

sent later

TO: Barncat 2(Hugh)
FROM: Henry

[1] Thursday works for them both
[2] I shared your name with your sister, should you want hers beforehand as well



It looks like the danceathon was a fantastic success. I loved seeing all of you that participated doing your thing! I'm grateful to have been a vendor this year. What a neat experience.

Coming up in August, you can expect our first live music coffeehouse at the beginning of the month. At the end of the month, we'll be having an open mic night. If either thing interests you, stop by Common Grounds for more information!

Additionally, I'm still looking for an assistant manager. If you have anyone looking for a job or interested in management experience, let me know.

[Filtered to: Xo]

I have a night free this week. Could I steal Olly away from you for a few hours?

[Filtered to: Mitch]

You and Wynnie looked pretty great on that dance floor.



not an ic cut )

This was Harrison.

I need a favor.
Rhett would like to have dinner with us. What day works for you?
You went with Rhett Wyatt to the dance-a-thon.

This is not an accusation. This is an observation.



TO: Sofia, Kavya, Megan, Clea, Jess, Amita, Ruto, Xo, Ted
[1] hey! so like camila said, we're having a girls night at our house this saturday
[2] but what she doesn't know is that it's also gonna be her birthday party!
[3] so please bring a gift! you can also bring food/booze if you want but we'll have pizza, popcorn, wine, and probably some other stuff
[4] and don't tell camila!

WHO: Eddie Wolfe, Blaze Wolfe, Natalie Rogers, and Sam Arquette.
WHAT: Training day at Wolfe Investigations.
WHERE: The Wolfe Investigations office downtown.
WHEN: Backdated to the end of last week because Holly is slow.

Wolfe Investigations: Because Red Riding Hood Shouldn’t Go Into The Woods Alone. )



WHO: Mitch Dorfman and Sofia Rojas.
WHEN: End of June 2018.
WHERE: Last Shot.
SUMMARY: Essentially, drunk!Sofia has great ideas that she likes to pester Mitch with and this night is no different.
WARNINGS: Drinking? Otherwise, none.

People get a little bit drunk and think they’re Frank Sinatra. There’s only one Frank Sinatra and he’s dead. )