
June 10th, 2018



[texts: Dia Mayweather → Lola Mayweather]
[1] Nails? Shopping?
[2] I need girl time.

Now that we're all being rounded up for questioning and asked to relate our party experiences to local law enforcement, I started thinking about parties. What's the craziest thing you've seen at a party, Fall City?

Whoever shares the most entertaining story gets an ice cream sandwich. It's already out of the freezer so type fast.






WHO: Melanie and Eliza
WHEN: 6/8, afternoon
WHERE: The River
SUMMARY: Melanie finds Eliza and then they go to a crime scene
WARNINGS: Lots of talk of death and murder

Well, I guess, our situation being traveling to a murder scene )



I decided to embrace the moniker "Dance Man", as gifted to me by Ms Bronwyn Llewellyn, and I'm pleased to say that if you would like to sign up for dance lessons that I'm going to be offering them starting this Tuesday at 8am.

If you're interested:
  • Sign-ups will be by the week and the lessons will happen this next week, and as I am available - likely until filming begins.
  • There is a small charge by the week, but that will be donated back to the Community Center for use of and to go towards improvement of their facilities.
  • I'm trained in tap, ballroom, and modern - but intend to mix things up generally with an emphasis on what's enjoyable for the class. If there is interest in one over the other, I'll particularly focus there.

There are forms available at the Community Center for sign-ups.



Eddie's Indiana Jones Adventure )