
June 1st, 2018



WHO: Blaze and Eddie
WHEN: Sunday, May 27
WHERE: Eddie’s private eye office downtown.
SUMMARY: Blaze tells his dad about the anonymous notes and asks an unrelated question.
WARNINGS: Other than Blaze giving his poor saintly father an ulcer, it's tame.

I have more than a minute, tell me all about it )

Hello my darlings!

Since we’re all over the place at the moment I’m addressing you here rather than in person, that said if anyone has personal concerns please make an appointment to see me -- Savannah can help with that. Sometimes I feel she knows my schedule better than I do!

I know you’re all wondering about the status of the film after the unthinkable tragedy with Moira. If any of you need to see a grief counsellor, we will give you the time you need. If you need assistance, ask Savannah.

I’ve been in talks with our backers for the past couple of days and we plan on recasting and continuing with the project.

There will be a bit of downtime while we work on getting our leading lady up here. I understand that the circumstances that surround this film may make some of you uncomfortable, and if you want out of your contracts for whatever reason please let me know. We understand if you can’t wait around for filming to resume, or conversely if you simply would prefer not to after our loss.



Rhett Wyatt, grieving and inundated with messages from the press that he does not feel up to answering, has given HUGH CHRISTIAN one of his phones. For the next couple days, if you would like to get in touch with Rhett Wyatt via journal or phone, you will be in contact with Hugh Christian.



[Rhett Wyatt]
    I'm sorry.



So, Olly has chicken pox. Which means he's under house arrest. Unless someone wants to bring their kid over to see if they can get it over with. Kidding. Mostly.

Poor thing is so itchy.

Raf's already over. Are you going to be okay? Or do you want to come over? We had chicken pox in like third grade right? Or was that just me?

So... Probably reschedule babysitting?

You've had chicken pox already right?

So this is excellent timing, I know. You've had chicken pox right?



WHO: Xo Valdez Munroe, Olly Valdez, and Rafael Valdez.
WHEN: Friday, June 1st, 2018.
WHERE: Xo's house in Cedarwood.
SUMMARY: Olly's sick, so Xo texts Rafael for back up.
WARNINGS: Kid sickness, but nothing life-threatening. Olly being super cute.

I can get you a crazy straw too if you want. )



To: teddy; danny (separately)
From: ty
[1] hey
[2] you okay?
To: jules and nolan
From: ty
[1] hey
[2] you guys okay
[3] congrats again, nolan. it's a big accomplishment
To: blaze
From: ty
[1] hey
[x] i kind of
[x] i might have a problem