
May 29th, 2018



WHO: Blaze, Camila, and Eddie
WHEN: Flashback: Blaze is about to start kindergarten, Camila is around 18. Eddie has very recently turned 30. Around the same timeline as the last baby thread.
WHERE: Wolfe Residence
SUMMARY: One night when Eddie is on a stakeout and Camila is babysitting, it turns out that Eddie's former wife really should have mentioned that peanut allergy sometime before she left on her European world adventure.
WARNINGS: A child has a bad allergic reaction. Child in a life-threatening situation. An upset Camila, even before Moira entered her life. Blaze used to be a cute kid and that could also depress some people. There are a lot of sad things in this log.

Well, this will be fun then! )



[Text: Xo]
[1] I'm sure that if there was any news, you would know it and the fact that you haven't said, means there isn't any
[2] Why do Tuesdays after a Holiday feel like the Worst of Mondays?



When you're retired, every day is Saturday.



By Tuesday, a haggard Rhett Wyatt has started using all of his celebrity to try and help find his missing costar.

Rhett has posted on every social media platform about Moira being missing and if you know something, PLEASE CALL.

Rhett has done a short local tv spot, imploring the world, that if you know something, PLEASE CALL.

At around 9 a.m., you could have overheard Rhett talking on the phone outside of Common Grounds to various contacts in Hollywood asking if they've heard anything from the missing actress.

You could also see Rhett out in his car, actually looking for Moira himself. Film crew volunteers are welcome to join him! <333



I need visitors to the town to stop asking me to "use my powers" to find out where Moira is.
First, I only communicate with the dead, I'm not a bloodhound for missing persons.
Second, Please leave investigations to the police.



[Filtered against the Coxes & Tony - after this]
If you know of someone who is renting a house (must allow pets - especially dogs but also a cat) I'd appreciate a point in that direction.

[Filter: Marce]
Come over?

[Added filter to Seb & Clea & Tony (& Marce), after this]
So, Marce and I are planning on getting a place together here in Fall City.

We realize this probably seems pretty sudden cause we've not been 'dating' that long, but we've been friends for about five years now, and super close for the past year, and we both felt like this was the obvious next step right now.

I don't really know exactly what's happening with the film - considering everything, but it seems likely I'll be in Fall City for a while longer, and I don't really want to stay at the Inn. I miss having a kitchen to cook with, and Marce and I would like a place that's ours.

And if you have questions, we'll try to answer them.



Flash Reactionary: Downtown

On top of the buzz of activity in Rhett's search for his co-worker, around 11am Rhett stopped Lochan as he was exiting a downtown shop. Lochan tried to be patient with the man. Parts of the conversation could be easily overheard by anyone in the area.

    "Use your cards to find her."
    "That's not how they work, Rhett."
    "Use your powers for good."
    "Oracle cards show paths for your future. They don't find missing people. You need to wait for the police to do their job."

Lochan leaves the actor without having an answer for him



WHO: Tony Troy and Clea Cox aka Tea
WHEN: 5/17
WHERE: Their home
SUMMARY: They attempt to wedding plan and then get really distracted.
WARNINGS: Sex talk. Ghosts. Lilacs.

Right? Score! )



Coming to you from Channel 6... )

WHO: Joel Mayweather and Ted Lynch
WHEN: 5/6th
WHERE: Ardente
SUMMARY: Small talk, business and drinks

Am I going to be drinking alone? )



WHO: Mabel Elliot and Lauren Foxhill.
WHEN: May 21st, morning.
WHERE: Cobblestone Trading Company.
SUMMARY: Lauren runs an errand, hires Mabel for a costume.

Read more... )

TO: πŸŽ₯ πŸ”ͺ (this is Eliza) & πŸ“· πŸ” (this is Blaze)
[1] so. theories?
TO: πŸ‘‘ πŸ’© (this is Dash)
[1] what are you doing tomorrow?
TO: πŸ’… πŸ™ƒ (this is Effie) & πŸ““ πŸ“Œ (this is Hugo)
[1] can i still borrow that book?
[2] or does hugo need it