
May 23rd, 2018


WHO: Camila Marple & Moira MacTeer.
WHEN: Various moments since the film crew descended on Fall City, ending with a moment that takes place the night of May 22nd.
WHERE: The Bellowes' Inn.
SUMMARY: Moira is a messy bench who loves drama and Camila is getting tired of it.
WARNINGS: Poor work environment. Moira being Moira. Mentions of vomiting.

WHO is making up all these MEAN THINGS?! )

Flash Reactionary: Moira's Reign of Terror, May 23-25!

We’re posting these flash reactionaries as something that happen through Friday so that you all have them for reference for the party being that we are putting up the ic/ooc early!

Camila Marple falls ill on Tuesday night. Being that Moira is completely lost without her, everyone in town is treated to the joys of Garfield Minus Garfield in human form.

Any of these spots may be taken from Wednesday through Friday. When you’re taking a spot, please let the world know which day you’d like yours to happen so that we don’t oversaturate one day. :)

On Wednesday Moira can be seen leaning against a red VW Bug in the parking lot of the elementary school. MORDECAI MENDEL, understandably confused, asks what she’s up to. Moira smiles blithely off toward the jungle gym and replies, “Oh, just waiting for Alice.”

When KEATON LACEY appears, Moira greets her with a hug, takes her backpack, and bundles her into the car. When the two drive off, A MY CHILD IS ON THE HONOR ROLL AT TIMBERLINE ACADEMY bumper sticker is visible stuck to the back window.

Wednesday afternoon, when driving by GUS AND MICHELLE ARQUETTE'S house, Moira honks the horn and waves enthusiastically, shouting a greeting using completely the wrong name (which, if you’re up on the history of your house, was the name of someone the Marches knew in the 90s.)

Thursday Morning, HUGH CHRISTIAN, who may or may not even be remotely the right person for this, receives a phone call at 7AM asking for a can of sparkling water and a fruit bowl. She “just feel[s] like you’d be the person who could help.”

Thursday afternoon, HUNTER TYLER is surprised when Moira wanders into their place of business and confusedly shoves her phone at them. She got a text from a number she didn’t recognize, and she deleted it, but now she wants to UNdelete it--can you help? You young people all know how to do stuff with phones, yes??

On Thursday evening, JESS SCHNITZLER is awoken by a rapid knocking on the door of their room; if they don’t answer, she will go down the hall knocking on doors until someone does, and then nervously hold out a garment stained in red. Apparently she dropped some of her fruit on it, and now it’s stained, and she’s not sure how to get it out, and can you please help??

At the end of the day on FRIDAY, frustrated and lost in the world, she cuts out of filming early and harangues EUGENE KIM into drawing a bath for her--and would she please be a dear and fetch a pack of Misty Slims while she was at it?

Others around town/on set may also have been asked to fetch things/fix things/answer inane questions as appropriate. Others may just have observed what a useless wreck this woman is without her right hand.




[Filtered from Moira]

moira macteer is possessed



Weird thing happened this evening when I was out front of the house. Moira MacTeer drove by, which itself isn't unusual. But she waved to me and was all, "Hey Mark, tell Betty she needs to come over soon!"

And I'm pretty sure my name is still Gus, and I'm about 99% positive that my wife's name is still Michelle, unless something happened today.

But then I thought about it, and I'm pretty sure the people we bought our house from were Mark and Elizabeth Jones.

So now I feel like I'm Robin Williams in Jumanji. WHAT YEAR IS IT?

Also, how does Moira MacTeer know who used to live here?



On behalf of the Fall City Library, I'm pleased to announce that the 6th Annual Summer Reading Contest will be kicking off on Friday, June 1, and running through Friday, August 31. It's open to kids up to age 13, and you can pick up reading logs at the library desk any time we're open. The kids in each age group with the most pages read at the end of the summer will earn a prize.

[Filtered to: Eddie Wolfe]
Hi Eddie! Now that school's about to be out for the summer, we were wondering if we could schedule you for some book readings or storytimes?

[Filtered to: Clea, Camila, Eva]
So Eli and I talked yesterday. About where we're going. Or I tried to talk to him, anyway. He got angry and upset, didn't want to talk about anything, and then just left. He'd said he was going home, which I assumed meant our apartment (we were trying to finish packing my things to move over there). I gave him time to cool off, then headed home myself, and he wasn't there. Apparently home is his grandmother's house now.

[Filtered to: Ian, Tony, Lochan]
If Eli reaches out to one of you, could you try to convince him to come home and talk to me?



TO: Lauren Foxhill
FROM: Michelle Arquette
[1] Have you been back to Mitzi yet?
[2] Would you like to?