
April 23rd, 2018



WHO: Lincoln Mayfair & Ian McKinnon
WHAT: Lincoln stops by Ian’s place to hang out and also try and nudge him to do more with his life as he always annoyingly does.
WHEN: In the last week
WHERE: Ian’s place

What was the worst thing that could happen? He didn't sell anything? Embarrassing but not the end of the world. )



To: #gs
From: lacey

[1] ugh, basma's trying to get me to sign up for the date auction
[2] no thnx, i'm not letting her sell me
[3] like really wtf, a date auction???
[4] more like thinly veiled human trafficking
[5] has she asked either of you???



Lola's Morning

8:30 a.m. MAYWEATHER HOUSE - Philomena Mayweather, still in her leopard print robe and lingerie nightgown, flips through her mail just as it arrives. Upon finding a mysterious and vaguely threatening note, Lola's eyes widen and her jaw drops. She chases down Carl the Mailman, pins him against his mail truck and DEMANDS TO KNOW WHAT THE MEANING OF THIS IS AND WHO SENT IT?

9:30 a.m. POST OFFICE - If you walked into the post office at around 9:30, you'd find Lola with her hands on the postmaster's collar demanding descriptions of all of the people who were around the mailboxes when this letter was sent. And what do you mean you cannot check for a time when a letter was put in the post box? What kind of outfit is being run here? :| Carl stands to the side, shrugging apologetically to other customers every once in awhile and looking more than a little helpless.

9:45 a.m. POST OFFICE- Anyone walking into the post office around this time would find Lola shout-speaking angry rapid Spanish at the postmaster while he repeatedly apologizes and Carl tries to calm her down.

10:05 a.m. POST OFFICE- A crying Lola can be seen sitting on a bench with Carl. Lola's head is on his shoulder and she is asking him questions about his family and what he would do if an unknown assailant threatened them over one little teeny drunk mistake Carl once made at a party? ;___; He said she looked beautiful. ;___; WHAT WAS LOLA SUPPOSED TO DO? ;____; Carl's uniform is soaked for the rest of the morning and covered in mascara stains for the rest of the day.

11:00 a.m. POLICE STATION- Lola arrives at the police station, looking much more put together than at the post-office. She reports the letter. [OOC note: If any cop wants a log of this lmk.]




To: Xo
From: Lo

[1] Received a disturbing note in the mail this morning.
[2] I do not know who would do this or why or what they are playing at. I am going to see if the post office can help.
[3] Canceling coffee. Sorry my love. I will make it up to you.




To: Marceline
From: Blaze

[1] Date auction.
[2] Double dog dare you to both sign up and buy someone.
[3] Unrelated: What's your "friend from Seattle's" phone number?
[4] Also unrelated: Pick a color.

To: Uncle Tony
From: Blaze

[1] Do you want all of the pictures from the engagement party or would you rather I chose the best ones and compiled them for you?

To: Eddie
From: Blaze

[1] Sneaking out with Harrison and Eliza tonight. jsyk.

To: Hugh
From: Hugh Doesn't Know

[1] Do you have any skills?




We're getting occasional tourists, or really just people driving through on their way to somewhere else perhaps, and they're finding out that all these famous people are here so they're stopping in to snoop around for the day. Okay, sure, motorists stop places. Money for local businesses.

But, and I would never say this about any of my regular patients, I promise you all, some of these people are idiots.