Mission Atlantis In Character Community

June 2024

Mission Atlantis is a game continuing the story of [info]saveatlantis with a space twist! You do not need to have been a former member of [info]saveatlantis to play here.


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Mission Atlantis In Character Community

June 2024

Mission Atlantis is a game continuing the story of [info]saveatlantis with a space twist! You do not need to have been a former member of [info]saveatlantis to play here.


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Posts Tagged: 'c:+darcy+lewis'

May. 29th, 2024



Netpost; Prue Halliwell

Thank you to all my flawless models for allowing me to take your photographs today. I just had the sudden need to pick up my camera again. If any of you would like copies, let me know, I’ve set up a makeshift dark room at the house. And the ship’s computer helped me turn the film to digital so I can share the results with you here.

F-list preserver )

May. 19th, 2024



19 May | Darcy Lewis

What is it with this week and the last? First I get notes tapped to my door with all my so-called "tropes" and funny sidekick? Really? Way to pop that ego balloon. I did appreciate the charming & sarcastic one, I can't argue with that.

But now what's up with the newspapers? Anyone else find it weird they're coming up with something from my life that I don't remember? Or vaguely do. Now that they point it out, my first time putting on skates does seem familiar. I was seven and hey, Brink! was a hit movie that convinced me I could be a pro-skater.

Filtered to Katie Bell
Sooo you might be seeing Hot Doctor around here more often.

May. 5th, 2024



[No Subject]

5 May 24
Evening • Partum Park
A date - TBD
In Progress
*** )

May. 2nd, 2024



flower delievery

Flower Delievery for Katie B. )

Flower Delievery for Thor O. )

Flower Delivery for Leonard M. )

🌻 - Wild Flowers start popping up all over the ship in the hallways. So much so that ONE CHARACTER EACH has the urge to pick some and send a bouquet to someone (romantic or not!)

Apr. 27th, 2024



Netpost; Ray Palmer - post mission

I was stuck in a stable with a very scared horse during the actual showdown at the OK Corral. Once he’d calmed down a little, and stomped on my foot, I swear he started to whinny and try to communicate. There were a lot of spins and snorts and neighing. I tried to ask questions but, it was almost like speaking to a magic eight ball.

Will we stop COS this time? - ‘As I see it, yes.’
Unscathed? - 'Don't count on it'

The other questions about COS and their next moves had more vexing answers:
- 'Reply hazy. Try again later.'
- 'Maybe'
- 'Cannot Predict now'

Not sure how useful that is for everyone in intelligence?

Thanks for taking the helm while I was away. I don’t suppose you’d like to officially be my second in command?

Apr. 20th, 2024



netpost: tilly (apr 20)

[ooc: ☘️ - Seven of Nine, Leonard McCoy & CHARACTER 39 all wake up high, yes, from cannabis. The three of you get together and experience your high together!]

Pretty sure there was something in the water or the brownies today. Because I'm pretty sure that's the only explanation for what I saw.

Captain Seven? Doctor McCoy? Are you two feeling... better/more yourselves yet?

How's the mission going mom Captain? Do you have all those lawmen eating out of your hand

[Ben Reilly]
What do you say to dinner tonight? One of our brownstones? Or a picnic in the park?

Apr. 14th, 2024



April 12 (backdated) DMs

I volunteered to help on the upcoming mission. We're leaving on 14th and will return on 27th. It's a historical mission, just like my team handle back in my home universe and Nate volunteered too!

I'm taking my exo-suit, so no need to worry!

Would you mind looking after the science division while I am off-ship on the upcoming mission? I can send you what I've written already for the departmental report that'll be due while I'm away.

Apr. 8th, 2024



Net Post: Yelena Belova

This is going to sound very strange but considering how strange this place is, maybe it will not surprise anybody. Sometimes I like to draw. I do not claim to be an artist but it helps to pass the time. Today I drew some birds and the weirdest thing happend. They came to life and flew away. I KNOW! I have no idea where they are, they might have gone to the park. If anyone sees some random birds or if one shits on you, you can blame me.

Apr. 3rd, 2024



3 April | Darcy Lewis

What are everyone's plans tonight?

It's okay, I already know the answer!

Stop by West 9 this evening for a party that Katie and I are hosting!



3rd April | Mid Morning

You know what we need?

Apr. 1st, 2024



1st April | Katie Bell

Happy Birthday Fred and George. Miss you blokes.

The WestStar and all the departures has done a number on our quidditch rosters, so I’m recruiting!

Do you enjoy a good adrenaline rush or like sports in general? Quidditch might just be the game for you! It’s played in the air on brooms, but you don’t need to be magical to fly one. I’ll be holding new trials this weekend for those who might be interested in joining a team in a fun little league. A new schedule of practises and matches is also coming soon!

Mar. 24th, 2024



[No Subject]

I suppose I should just accept that Loki is gone and make a life here for myself. Perhaps, I should get out more. Any suggestions?

Mar. 14th, 2024



14 March | Darcy Lewis

Happy Pi-Day! Now, I am on the hunt for some good Strawberry Rhubarb and ice cream.

Filtered to Thor
I'm sorry Loki's gone.

Filtered to Bones
Hey, Doc. You know, the last time this happened to me, I was in the circus as an escape artist, so this time went infinitely better.

Mar. 13th, 2024



Network: Tony Stark

My little girl is here. She is four years old and very confused about where we are, but also incredibly inquisitive. I don't know who to thank, but I owe someone a whole lot.

[Filter: Peter Parker]

You have to meet her. I've wanted to see you two together since she was born--- I know you met her older self and it might be odd, but she is perfect at every age.



[No Subject]

Usually, it takes a lot more work to get a diamond that is this good.

Rolling over onto one is a new one for me.

💎 - Each person wakes up with a jem of their birthstone on their bed.

Mar. 12th, 2024



Net Post: Yelena Belova

There are two things that I need right now.

Something to punch.

Lots of vodka.

Not necessarily in that order.

[Kate Bishop]

Why would she choose to go back to die? It feels like I did something wrong.

Mar. 5th, 2024



[No Subject]

And I thought waking up after being on ice for so long was among the biggest shocks of my life.



network | wanda maximoff

[ ooc: consider this set towards the end of the week (3/7-8ish?) once everyone has been back on the normal ship for a couple days or so + new job alignments; I wanted to get this up ahead of time since I have another busy week/weekend coming up and wanted characters to be able to react, if they wanted ]

Hello, everyone. [...] Some of you may have already heard, but I'm responsible for what happened your memories, the Weststar, and even how you were affected with nightmares while waking up. What happened was an accident, and I was affected by a dark object and abilities from my home when I gained new memories. The dark object was planted by COS and has been destroyed.

Many of you are confused and rightly angry, and while this was an accident and I didn't know what was happening until weeks after it started, I don't make any excuses for my part in what happened and can only tell you I'm sorry.

[ Very close friends and/or canon mates she personally knows from home ]
I'll try to answer any questions you have, but I'm so sorry. It won't happen again.

[ Rose Ward, Cassian Andor, Emmeline Vance, Stephen Strange, Alicia Spinnet ]
I don't know for how long, but I'd like to step down from my duties as part of the magic and field teams. While I'm in no danger of a repeat of Weststar, I don't trust myself with the new magic I've gained since I gained additional memories from home, and with that, new magic. I'd also like some time to process the memories themselves and everything that came with them. If you need someone who could easily take over my leadership role with the team, Alicia is more than capable.

Apologies sound hollow at this point, but again, I'm sorry for my part in what happened.

Mar. 4th, 2024



[BACKDATED] - March 3rd

I know this is scary, but we are working on the problem, and we will work it out. Keep your eyes open and report anything strange.

I've spoken to each of you already but if you need anything please let me know. If you find anything report it at once.
OOC - Please assume Rose talked to the strike teams one on one

You know your grids and where to look, keep us up to date on what you find.
OOC - Please assume Rose talked to the teams one on one

I hope you know that I am not holding a grudge against you. For what it is worth I think you and PJ make a cute couple.

Feb. 14th, 2024



14 February | Darcy Stoll (Weststar AU)

In honor of Valentine's Day, what are everyone's favorite pick-up lines? Bonus if they're terrible but it'd still work on you.

If you were words on a page you’d be the fine print.

Terrible right? But I love it.

Filtered to Ethan Drake (Bones)
This dance, we can either go or make use of (hopefully) everyone being there and we can go find a spot ourselves. I'm thinking of a late-night swim.