Mission Atlantis In Character Community

June 2024

Mission Atlantis is a game continuing the story of [info]saveatlantis with a space twist! You do not need to have been a former member of [info]saveatlantis to play here.


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Mission Atlantis In Character Community

June 2024

Mission Atlantis is a game continuing the story of [info]saveatlantis with a space twist! You do not need to have been a former member of [info]saveatlantis to play here.


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Posts Tagged: 'c:+abby+griffin'

Apr. 22nd, 2024



[No Subject]

Did anyone else find themselves waking up to a movie after eating popcorn yesterday? Kinda cool. Different, but I'll take it.

Apr. 11th, 2024



Net Post | Clarke Griffin-Queen

A slightly belated THANK YOU to everyone who came to the wedding.

I haven’t say, the holodecks are really convenient when it comes to a decorating budget and nice for figuring out a honeymoon, too.

Mar. 15th, 2024



[No Subject]

In all the recent chaos, Oliver and I didn’t have much chance to announce that we’ve set a date for our wedding.

Saturday April 6, 2024

You’re all invited and I hope we’ll see you there!

Abby Griffin
I can’t even remember if I had the chance to ask you this…

Will you be my matron of honor?

Everett Ross
Would it be super weird if I asked you to walk me down the aisle?

Wanda and Madi
I would really love for you both to stand up with us as my bridesmaids, if you’re willing.

Mar. 10th, 2024



11 March - Rose Ward (forward dated a day)

As things slowly get back to normal, or as much as they can be normal on a ship like this, Captain Triton has asked for a restructuring of our crew.

You'll each find a message on your tablet instructing you of your new position and new rank in some cases. You'll also find your department's description and more.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your department head, Cassian, or me.

TACTICAL TEAM GROUP LEADERS *Melinda May, Everett Ross, Cassian Andor, Reyna Pevensie
With the growing number of teams, we divided them up into platoons, you'll each be in charge of four teams. Each team has its own leader, but you are responsible for your group and maintaining their training. Any questions or if you don't feel up to the challenge, please let us know.

DEPARTMENT HEADS*Chris Pike, Stephen Strange, Tony Stark, Katie Bell, Erica Ortegas & Jaina Solo, Emmeline Vance, Ray Palmer, Abby Griffin, Bucky Barnes, Daisy Johnson, Phil Coulson & Cassian Andor
Your departments should be a little more organized if there is something you disagree with our would like to see changed within your departments we are going to leave that up to you.

Department reports will be due every other week on Tuesdays.

Your department has perhaps grown and changed the most. I want you to be aware that Wanda Maximoff will be taking over for Alicia Spinnet when she is fit for duty. Both women are aware of this, and Spinnet has no problem stepping aside when and if Wanda is ready.

ooc - If someone is missing or in the wrong place, please drop it on the dropbox!!!

Mar. 8th, 2024



[No Subject]

Well, someone out there sure thinks I need to be involved in beer.


Waddington Bro's
Looks like I picked up more Waddington bro's.

Other than Wanda Maximoff who is the main crew we need to get into therapy.

Wanda Maximoff
You don't strike me as the sort that wants to sit down in a comfy chair and talk about your feelings, how do you feel about a walk around the park for our sessions?

Mar. 7th, 2024



Netpost: Abby Griffin

Shipwide Announcement

To our new arrivals, welcome aboard, my name is Abby Griffin and I serve as the Chief Medical Officer on board the Poseidon. If there are any medical concerns that you'd like to make Medical aware of, please reach out and we can arrange a time to meet. The well-being of the entire crew is our highest priority.

Now, I know that this will be met with resistance from a few of you but after what we've all just been through it is necessary. Beginning today ALL crew members are to schedule appointments with Medical. We will be running the same tests and scans as we do during your intake assessments. Consider it your yearly physical. For our new arrivals, these tests are all non-invasive and allow my staff a medical history to refer back to should we need to treat you in the future. If everyone cooperates, I know that we can have all of these exams done by the end of next week.

And if you are struggling to reconcile the life you lived on the Weststar with who you are, we have a truly exceptional psych department. I encourage you to reach out and allow them to help you work through this. My door is also always open should anyone need to talk.

Mar. 1st, 2024



Net Post: Everett Ross

This is certainly familiar. I was right when I said Atlantis never changed.

[Abby Griffin]

I think the universe is trying to tell us something.

Feb. 8th, 2024



Westar 01: Nadine Everett (Abby Griffin)

I thought I had seen all the wonders the universe had to offer during my childhood and the early days of my career. But this cruise has shown me how very wrong I was.

Filter: Everett's
Can I tempt the two of you into joining me on a hike?

Filter: David Everett
Have I told you how much I love you lately?

Jan. 8th, 2024



Netpost 05: Abby Griffin

By now you should have all received an email about an upcoming opportunity to ensure Medical is fully prepared for any future emergencies. On the 12th we’ll have an area set aside in Medical where any who wish can come in to donate blood.

Filter: Medical
I’ll give you all a few days to think over what time the shift you all will take on the 12th will be. But we will all work a blood drive shift and it will be in pairs.

Jan. 5th, 2024



Net Post: Oliver Queen

Anyone who knows me will tell you that I am not much of a reader. I've read exactly one book all the way through in my entire life and that was the Odessey. I got hit on the head by a book a couple of days ago though, literally hit on the head, and I decided what the hell? This was really good. I've already finished it. Maybe I should try this reading thing more often.

Jan. 3rd, 2024



03 January | Will Zimmerman.

Well. It looks like I'm staying.

Again. Well, first time on the ship, third time with anything Atlantis related.

Jan. 2nd, 2024



Net Post: Everett Ross

Well, it seems that someone or something decided I could be useful around here. If I haven't met you yet, I'm Everett Ross, most people just call me Ross. I'll answer to either. I'm the new head of Intelligence Investigations. Happy to be here.

[PJ Halliwell, Kate Bishop, Jennifer Walters]

Hello, looks like we're going to be working together. I'd like to set up a time so that we can have coffee and get to know each other. I've been here for a few weeks but I don't believe I have met any of you.

[Abby Griffin]

Looks like the New Year decided to be good to us. Care for a drink?

Dec. 21st, 2023



Everett Ross (NPC)

This ship never ceases to amaze me. I heard there was a holiday market on Deck 7 so I went down there today. There was some pretty amazing stuff, I did a bit of shopping, it was fun.

[Abby Griffin]

How are you doing? I know things were kind of crazy over the weekend so I wanted to check on you. If you're not busy tomorrow night, would you like to have dinner with me?

Dec. 20th, 2023



[No Subject]


[Figured everyone else has done it, I might as well. I'm open to multiples for each of mine (and will also be tagging into a few of the other mistletoe posts later). There are notes for each of them and I'm good with threading or just OOC-ly discussing how it went.]

Dec. 18th, 2023



[No Subject]

Filter: Ship Leadership + Department Heads
As of this morning all comatose crew members have awoken. We still have no answers to the cause of their coma's but we know it was not contagious. We'll continue to review the data we have and be better prepared should this happen again. I've allowed them all to return to their own quarters but they each need to report to Medical tomorrow morning. And I'd prefer they wait a full 48 hours before returning to work.

Filter: Medical + Volunteers
Though we haven't yet determined the cause of our colleagues coma's, I am proud of all of you. Despite the long hours and uncertainty you all continued to give your best. With all of our patients now awake and no sign of a pathogen, I'm declaring the Medical emergency over. The previously comatose have been given the option of returning to their own beds for the evening and reporting for a final checkup tomorrow. As of now, Medical will function with a skeleton staff for the remainder of the day and duty shifts will return to their normal schedule tomorrow. Please take time for yourself and truly rest.

Filter: Previously Comatose
Though you are required to report to Medical tomorrow for final check ups, it does not need to be first thing in the morning. However, if by late afternoon you still have not reported, a team will be sent to retrieve you. And please do not hesitate to reach out to me or the medical staff over the next couple of hours if you feel something isn't right.

Filter: Shipwide
I'd like to thank all of you for not fighting my staff over the protocol's we put in place over the last few days. Your cooperation made it easier for us to do our job and look after our friends and colleagues.

Dec. 15th, 2023



[No Subject]

Commanders, Department Heads, Friends of Rose Ward
Rose Ward is one of the people affected by what is happening to some others. Any questions or concerns you would normally present to her should be brought to me until she recovers.

Science and magic leads, I would like you to collaborate with medical on solutions. This includes creative labs, too. I’d like to see a team of one or two from each team research this. Report any findings directly to me and Abby Griffin.

Dec. 14th, 2023



Message to Abby Griffin

Dr. Griffin,

I wanted to give you an update on who we currently have back here and what's going on. Everyone is stable, vital signs are good, neuro checks are normal, it's almmost as if they're taking a really hard nap. We've drawn blood but no results yet. Here's the list so far.

Kelly Grayson
Jyn Erso
Reyna Pevensie
Alicia Spinnet
Catpain Christoper Pike
Yelena Belova

We've isolated the people who brought them her back in one of the conference rooms. I made sure they have blanets and pillows and so far no one is threatening to beat me up for keeping them here but it's still early. I will keep you posted as to the status of the patients and if anyone else should come in.



14 December | Emmeline Vance

Filtered to Friends & Family of Alicia Spinnet
Something's wrong with Alicia, we're at the park and she's still breathing but unresponsive. Cava came to find me, but I didn't see Scuba anywhere, I need help getting her to medical and finding the other dog. Likely he's off trying to find someone the way Cava did.

Filtered to Benjy Fenwick
You're okay, right? Not feeling light-headed or anything like that?

Filtered to Medical
I have another one. Alicia Spinnet, I don't know if it's related to her recent coma, but given the others, I don't think it's a coincidence. I'm on my way with her.



[No Subject]

[Ship Leadership + Department Heads]
An hour ago Medical was alerted that Kelly Grayson was found unresponsive. Initial tests have not revealed any pathogens and brain functionality appears normal. As of now we have no answer for why she is in a coma.

The last time this occurred it was not an isolated case so, I do expect to receive a few more cases as the day progresses. There were other factors involved due to everyone of us living alternative lives but still no discernible cause. I'll have an update on the situation by the end of the day.

I apologize for the short notice but all staff is to report for duty within the next 30 minutes. We'll have a brief meeting in my office at that time.

Dec. 1st, 2023



Filter: Cassian Andor

Your mother was admitted to medical this morning and has since been processed by Intake. She’s lucid and has been given a bed away from our other patients for privacy. We are doing what we can to make her comfortable and manage the pain she is in. She has repeatedly asked for you. In the best interest of my patient, I request that you make your way to Medical as soon as possible.