
Posts Tagged: 'kenzi+malikov'

Jul. 31st, 2020




Who: Anna and Kenzi
What: Punching creeps and making friends
When: 10 July 2020
Where: Random bar
Warnings: Creep at the bar but otherwise low
Status: Partner Thread | Complete

Nice one. You okay? )

Sep. 19th, 2017




Who: Kenzi & Katou
What: Sharing 'What To Do After You Die' advice
When: Recently!
Where: A not particularly special watering hole
Rating/Warnings: Mentions of death, language
Status: Complete!

Out with the old, in with the new. )

Sep. 14th, 2017




Who: Ruby & Kenzi
What: Coming to check on Ruby with some Oreos and milk (the ultimate cure-all)
When: A day or two after the full moon
Where: Granny's B&B
Rating/Warnings: Crass language and reference to the Big Bad Wolf eating people
Status: Complete

I’ll always and forever be concerned for you when there’s a reason to be. )

Sep. 2nd, 2017




Who: Killian & Kenzi (plus appearances by Regina and Garcian)
What: A sibling dance of bonding at the Jones Wedding
When: Tonight
Where: The Jolly Roger
Rating/Warnings: Mentions of death, language, Hawke is somewhere being the ass-grabbing fairy
Status: Complete!

He didn’t have a mother for the ‘mother-groom’ traditional dance but he had a sister who was more than willing to step in and improvise. )

Aug. 29th, 2017




Who: Kenzi & Garcian Smith, with Killian & Regina
What: Kenzi dies, and Garcie's summoned for a battle of wills against a valkyrie over her soul
When: This morning
Where: Casa de Disney Villains
Rating/Warning: Death, language, Kenzi being ecstatic she didn't poop herself
Status: Complete!

He wouldn’t stop until he felt a heartbeat under his hands. )

Aug. 24th, 2017




Who: Bo & Kenzi
What: Besties making up after some dream weirdness
When: Before the Diablo Plot
Where: The Nightcrawler
Rating/Warnings: Feels, language, mentions of death
Status: Complete!

I’m sorry that I was a bad friend, and a bad everything. )

Aug. 17th, 2017




Who: Garcian & Kenzi
What: Meeting face-to-face, in prep for any potential death experience
When: Today
Where: House of Disney Villainy
Rating/Warnings: Mostly safe - some talk of their odd respective dreamworlds and death (plus mention of dildos and zombie hookers, how great)
Status: Complete

We’ll see how good you are with at least using phallic weapons, then. You’re gonna get creaaaaaamed. )

Jul. 17th, 2017




Who: Ruby & Kenzi
What: Reunited and catching up over drinks, with some dream talk
When: This weekend
Where: A snazzy burlesque club in the OC
Rating/Warnings: Mostly low, unless dirty-titled drinks are offensive
Status: Complete

Stop being so in lesbians with me. )

Jun. 30th, 2017




WHO: Birkhoff & Kenzi
WHEN: Earlier this month
WHERE: Birkhoff's place
WHAT: Kenzi wakes from distressing dreams with unfortunate keepsakes.
WARNINGS: mentions of dream character death
STATUS: Complete

But still, breakfast margarita-kale smoothies. )

Jun. 27th, 2017




Who: Bo & Kenzi
What: Bonding and parental discussions
When: Not long after Bo returned from her honeymoon
Where: Lara & Bo's
Rating/Warnings: Low
Status: Complete!

You’re my sister, and neither of us are alone here. )

Jun. 20th, 2017




Who: Usagi and Kenzi
What: Usagi transforms for Kenzi!
When: Today!
Where: A park
Rating/Warnings: n/a
Status: Completed.

What. The. Eff. )

May. 31st, 2017




Who: Henry and Kenzi
What: A ghost interrupts what should be an evening of drinks and talking
When: Recently
Where: Local bar
Rating/Warnings Lowish mostly
Status: Complete!

Henry was trying not to stare )

May. 12th, 2017




Who: Killian & Kenzi, with Galina Malikov
What: Galina's bullshit is uncovered by Killian, and Kenzi throws her out
When: Today
Where: JR Investigations
Rating/Warnings: Language, references to past child abuse
Status: Complete!

Killian didn’t stop her, not a bit, not throughout Kenzi’s tirade - which was well deserved, in his opinion. )

May. 1st, 2017




Who: Kenzi & Caleb
What: Birkhoff's bff meets the girlfriend on a rare day that he's not being a homebody
When: Sometime in April
Where: Birkhoff's plaaaace
Rating/Warnings: Ghost talk, that's about it
Status: Complete

Thank god. That’d be super awkward if you were Birkhoff’s other girlfriend. )

Apr. 26th, 2017




Who: Usagi and Kenzi!
What: Hanging out and buying adorable things!
When: The 22nd!
Where: Some awesome shop for nerds and geeks!
Rating/Warnings: Just a little language on Kenzi's part?
Status: Complete!

she’d been all about that thug life )

Apr. 18th, 2017




Who: Regina & Killian, with Henry, Kenzi and Baby Jones at the end
What: Evil Queen and Captain Hook wake up in a mirror realm - with a dragon
When: This morning
Where: Mirror Realm, then Casa of Villainy
Rating/Warnings: Innuendo, language
Status: Complete!

In the meantime, he’d just let the dragon play with his food for a bit. Killian was nothing if not a tricky distraction. )

Apr. 4th, 2017




WHO: Birkhoff & Kenzi
WHEN: The Invasion
WHERE: Birkhoff's Lawn
WHAT: Husk's make their way to Birkhoff's; couple bonding time.
WARNINGS: Birkhoff's continuing inappropriate boner at Kenzi awesomeness
STATUS: Complete

Were those zombies outside? )

Mar. 8th, 2017




Who: Kenzi, Bo, Lara and NPC!Sam
What: A surprise hand-fasting ceremony!
When: Valentine's Day
Where: A beach
Warnings: Family friendly, unless you're allergic to fluffy cuteness

Ever since the idea had come to her and Kenzi had agreed to help her make it happen, Bo had been nervous about it. )

Feb. 21st, 2017




Who: Bo & Kenzi
What: Reuniting after Bo's mysterious disappearing memory-swiping act
When: After Bo's return
Where: Croft Manor
Rating/Warnings: Pretty low
Status: Complete!

Did someone - or something - magically roofie you or whatever, maybe? )

Feb. 8th, 2017




Who: Killian & Kenzi
What: Kenzi shows off her latest dream gift, which is cream that leads to the creation of sparkly dicks and boobs
When: Today, I think!
Where: JR Investigations
Rating/Warnings: Besides sparkly dicks and boobs, none
Status: Complete

Perhaps one day we’ll run into your hunk of chocolate on the street and I’ll finally get to see him. )

Feb. 5th, 2017




Who: Kenzi & Birkhoff
What: Birkhoff shows off the new place and the bedroom that's going to be Kenzi's walk-in closet, what a guy
When: Recently~
Where: Birkhoff's
Rating/Warning: Low unless stripping for Mario Kart offends you
Status: Complete!

I could stand to see sunlight more than once a week. Perhaps breathe some fresh air on occasion. )

Jan. 17th, 2017




Who: Trevelyan & Kenzi (and the bog unicorn)
What: Visiting with baked goods, apples, and a glass dildo for the coffee table
When: Last weekend?
Where: Haus in Anaheim
Rating/Warnings: Low, unless phallic centerpieces are offensive
Status: Complete

Awww, Boggy likey apple? )

Dec. 19th, 2016




Who: Killian, Hawke, and Kenzi
What: Picking up some Rat Droppings ale turns into A MISTLETOE ATTACK
When: Today, probs
Where: The Hanged Man
Rating/Warnings: Crudeness, as usual
Status: Complete

Oh my god, barf, you two. )




Who: Kenzi, Lara and Bo
What: Paying a visit to Bo's adoptive parents to attempt to possibly mend bridges. Things go better than anticipated.
When: Early December
Where: Bo's childhood home in Canada
Warnings: Feels. Lots and lots of feels.

She's a hero. She's our hero. )

Dec. 16th, 2016




Who: Royal Pirate Family + Liam, who randomly appears!
What: Wish granted
When: Yesterday, the 15th
Where: Haus of Disney Villainy
Rating/Warnings: Loads of feels
Status: Complete

For a moment, everything was downright perfect. Bling and all. )

Dec. 1st, 2016




Who: Kenzi and Bo
What: Discussing some parental issues and making some life decisions over a feast of pizza, breadsticks and lava cakes.
When: Today?
Where: Croft Manor
Warnings: Pretty low

By now they had perfected the art of translating each other’s ravenous gibberish. Hashtag Bestie Goals. )

Nov. 5th, 2016




Who: Midna & Kenzi with babbeh Meara
What: Midna assists with the messy trials of aunthood
When: Recently
Where: Casa de Disney Villains
Rating/Warnings: Low except projectile baby poop
Status: Complete

Next time she’d have to wear a mask, goggles, and a poncho. Protective and disposable wear. )

Nov. 3rd, 2016




Who: Kenzi, Lara and Bo
What: Wedding discussions are interrupted by Bo's underfae devolution, but Kenzi saves the day by assprovising!
When: Last week
Where: A bar
Warnings: PG-13ish, with a brief needle to Bo's butt

Rite of passage, some kind of fae horseshit. Couldn’t she just go through another awkward stage of acne and hair in weird places? )




Who: Henry and Kenzi
What: Kenzi needs a favor for a wedding present
When: Recently
Where: Henry's Apartment
Rating/Warnings: Low/None; Some haunting shennanigans
Status: Complete!

You get the Keeping Me Company While I was Heartless Rate. )

Oct. 31st, 2016




WHO: Birkhoff & Kenzi
WHEN: October sometime
WHERE: Birkhoff's place
WHAT: Netflix and Chill
WARNINGS: FTB Adult situations
STATUS: Complete

It was their week off, right?  )

Oct. 2nd, 2016




Who: Bo & Kenzi
What: Dress shopping for the bride-to-be
When: Saturday
Where: Bridal boutique
Rating/Warnings: Low!
Status: Complete!

Yeah, pretty sure finding a dress that can handle my boobs will be the actual trick. )

Sep. 20th, 2016




Who: Regina, Kenzi & Caroline
What: Introductions over sangria
When: This afternoon
Where: House of Villainy
Rating/Warning: It's pretty low
Status: Complete!

Kenzi did expect some kind of fulfillment to the cliche, honestly - maybe something pale with sunken eyes, a sparkle here or there, some kind of black clothing expressing their deep and inner woes of their immortal existence. )

Sep. 6th, 2016




Who: Birkhoff & 'Kenzi,' whom get interrupted by Killian and the actual Kenzi
What: Inari gets hers, bye Felicia
When: Backdated to this log, before the sickness plot
Where: Birkhoff's abode
Rating/Warnings: High for violence, blood and a fae getting chainsawed
Status: Complete!

He was trying to avoid the notion of the dead kitsune on his floor that looked like his girlfriend right then, or the semi-dead pirate too, because honestly everything was just a mess. )

Sep. 4th, 2016




Who: Regina & Killian, with the debut of a normal Kenzi
What: A pirate captain's bleeding from his face
When: Today
Where: Their home
Rating/Warnings: None, aside from gory sickness
Status: Complete!

You shouldn’t touch me, and I’m not going to breathe on you. )

Sep. 2nd, 2016




Who: Killian and Kenzi, except not
What: Killian figures out there's something a little weird about his sister - and comes to a conclusion
When: Tonight
Where: Casa de Disney Villains (Regina & Killian's)
Rating/Warnings: Lowish, mainly
Status: Complete!

The board was set, pieces in place, and at one point she made a wrong move but it wasn’t over just yet. )

Aug. 20th, 2016




Who: Tas and Kenzi
What: Pokéhunting!
When: Recently
Where: Along the pier
Rating/Warning: Low/none
Status: Complete

Thanks Obama? )

Aug. 9th, 2016




Who: The Pirate Siblings (Killian & Kenzi)
What: Framing the PI license, and talking about important stuff - oh, and Kenzi has a weird rash
When: Yesterday, somewhere's around there
Where: The houseboat which has been turned into JR Investigations
Rating/Warnings: Fairly low
Status: Complete

Welp, that was an outburst that oozed sibling love, didn’t it? )

Jul. 25th, 2016




Who: Kenzi & Birkhoff
What: Running into demons on the way to their first date, nbd
When: First day of the Breach Plot
Where: In the middle of the road, ~traffic jam~
Rating/Warnings: Language, demons, hilarity
Status: Complete!

I got enough visions of you as some super fashionable assassin in heels without adding a concealed gun to the mix. )




Who: Bo & Kenzi
What: Bo announces her engagement, and a blast from the comes past to hit her in the face - literally
When: Early July after the demons
Where: A bar, where boozing happens
Rating/Warnings: Some violence and language
Status: Complete!

I think I told you about a guy that I beat within an inch of his life? Well. He’s here. )

Jul. 2nd, 2016




Who: Killian, Regina, and Kenzi
What: There's a rift beneath the water, mermaids are swimming out, and that's not good
When: Tonight
Where: Jones Family Houseboat
Rating/Warnings: Homemade bombs and really unfriendly mermaids, like, you don't want these to be part of your world
Status: Complete

What the heck are you two even WEARING? )

Jun. 20th, 2016




Who: Katou and Kenzi
When: Recently
What: Kenzi comes across a busker
Where: Downtown somewhere
Ratings/Warnings: Fairly low. Some fetish talk.
Status: Complete

Maybe if you play some sappy Bruno Mars song you’ll get more moolah in your cup. )

May. 20th, 2016




Who: Jess and Kenzi
What: Drinking, and an intro to the OC
When: Early May
Where: Local bar
Rating/Warning: Low/None
Status: Complete

How many pictures could she take of beautiful beaches? And, really: Was all of the sun necessary? )

May. 17th, 2016




Who: Killian & Kenzi
What: Mementos from the Ireland trip, and talk of their family PI business
When: Uh, recently? Today?
Where: The houseboat
Rating/Warnings: SIBLING FEELS, that is all
Status: Complete

Her challenge? No glitter. They were advertising their intel-gleaning services, not titty tassels. )

May. 13th, 2016




WHO: Birkhoff & Kenzi
WHEN: Today
WHERE: Birkhoff's beach home
WHAT: Brain surgery complete; Birkhoff gets a sitter
RATING/WARNINGS: None; minor mention of surgery
STATUS: Complete

I will valiantly kill the evil little thing that had the potential to fry your fat brain )

May. 10th, 2016




Who: Tasslehoff and Kenzi
When: Before Killian's return.
Where: Regina's house/crypt
What: Kenzi takes Tas to see Killian
Ratings/Warnings: Low/talk of character death
Status: Complete

Wow, that was really a handkerchief. That he yanked from his pocket. )

May. 6th, 2016




Who: Regina, Kenzi, Neal, and Killian (with guest appearances by several dead people), also featuring NPC!Hades
What: Doing whatever it takes to bring back one soul
When: Today!
Where: Under County, CA
Rating/Warnings: Medium-ish for talk of murder, lots of FEELS, splitting a heart, Hades is a troll
Status: Complete

Do you mind? I'm getting a pedicure here. )

May. 4th, 2016




Who: Bobo & Kenzi
What: Talks after Killian's death
When: Early/Mid April
Where: Bo's Crackshack
Rating/Warnings: Lowish
Status: Complete!

Takes a bullshitter to know a bullshitter. )

Apr. 26th, 2016




Who: Birkhoff & Kenzi
What: Kill chips, Underworld Cruises, PokeTekken - oh myyy!
When: Let's say recent
Where: Birkhoff's abode
Rating/Warning: It's taaaame
Status: Complete!

Shall we battle to the death with small collectible creatures to distract from the insanity our lives have become? )

Apr. 18th, 2016




Who: Trevelyan, Kenzi, Regina, Emma Swan, and Henry Townshend (with ghost Hook)
What: A seance, to contact the deceased Killian
When: This weekend sometime
Where: Regina's crypt
Rating/Warnings: Mostly low - some creepy ghost shit and Max is possessed for a little bit
Status: Complete

Ghoulies and ghosts, wherever you dwell, give us a sign by ringing a bell! )

Apr. 13th, 2016




Who: Trevelyan & Kenzi, with a brief ghost!Killian cameo
What: Maxy's magic takes an interesting turn in the face of trouble
When: Tonight
Where: Trashy diner-bar and outside of it
Rating/Warnings: Some creep-o's dying, that's about it
Status: Complete

Maybe he was trying to make contact, or maybe he was saying goodbye - not forever, just a brief farewell. Until we meet again, right? )