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Jan. 7th, 2016


network post: matt murdock

Foggy Nelson's gone. Don't bother looking for him, I've already done it. Already talked to Alison. He's not here.

Lindsey, I swear to God if you ask me about a promotion in legal, you will be picking teeth off the floor. Talk to me next week.

Jan. 6th, 2016


I was thinking we could all use a little community-building exercise. DON'T GROAN. This will be fun. Maybe we're not all up to trust falls, but here's an easy one: where are you guys from? Because I know some of you come from some real zany places, and y'know what? Maybe there's someone else around here who used to live up the street and you never knew it.

I'll go first!

I'm from Forest Hills, Queens. A bunch of you probably know where that is, but it's (it was?) part of a place called New York City, which iiiiis... pretty far away from here if you're walking. It has to be about 250 miles north of here? Let's roll with that. We have a baseball team that never wins, some airports, and we're all fluent in the language of Mass Transit. Mostly because you can't leave Queens without taking 2 buses and a subway ride to get wherever you want, and you get really good at figuring out what they're saying on the broken loudspeakers in the stations.

Dec. 21st, 2015


Attention Spider-Clan! James Jonah Jameson has just arrived*!

Now that I've got your attention.

Peter and I think it would be neat if we all got together on Christmas Eve to have some time together. First Christmas in this new world, and we want ours to be with all of you. Gifts are not required, of course. Hard to shop in this world, and you've got no idea how much that pains me. If you have them to give, you can exchange them that night, and you're welcome to bring a significant other.

* Not true at all.

Dec. 18th, 2015


[Filter to Loki]
So, hey, late on the warning bell, but y'know, arms deep in mirror ladies wanting to slice everyone up really makes it hard to pull out the phone and my yelling voice can only go so far. Anyways! So many Bloody Marys. EVERYWHERE. Heads up hours late. But I'm sure you caught that quick.

[Filter to Spider Clan]
Do we have a rotating chart for check-ups and check-ins? I feel like we do. I feel like it's my turn. SO! How's everyone holding together after that horror funhouse romp? Everyone good? Please let everyone be good.

Dec. 15th, 2015


network post: carol danvers

I'm heading out on recon. I'm sending you my plans and my timeline and should be back by Saturday. If I'm not back by Saturday night, put together a travel-ready team that can come find me, because something's gone wrong.

I'll bring back whatever I can.

So here's the deal: I've been approved for long-distance recon to check out some abandoned military bunkers that should exist in this world. I'm leaving in a couple of hours and will be back Saturday. I'll be way, way out of range of the network.

Don't have too much fun without me, kiddos.


I was thinking and there's not a whole lot we can do for the holidays out here, but maybe we can pull everyone together to at least spend a little time. Share some embarrassing stories of the old days. Something like that.

And Christmas is a full moon, so... maybe on Christmas Eve?

Dec. 14th, 2015


You two aren't going anywhere by yourselves, right? You're making sure this Bloody Mary woman can't get you?
You guys are staying safe, right?

Dec. 10th, 2015


network; felicia hardy (015)

Did speed dating already happen? Is it too late to sign up? I wasn't paying attention.

Someone else can cover Matt.

Matt got some new memories and he has some girlfriend named Kirsten. So that's the end of that.

Dec. 7th, 2015


I'm too goddamn old to be jumping worlds. Makes my bones hurt.

Logan. Bets gave me the basics, don't know if I trust anything yet, but point me in the direction of the asshole growing tobacco and hops so I can make some friends and I'm happy.

Dec. 3rd, 2015


I feel like we haven't talked about what Constantine showed us. Don't you think we should?
I'm sorry that I've been quiet and withdrawn this last week. I'd like to make it up to you both.
I don't suppose you have time for a chat with your alternative universe mother, would you?

Nov. 22nd, 2015


How are you two love birds settling in with those new memories?

Ready to get down to the business of figuring out what happened?

Nov. 19th, 2015


1. Widow just left me completely in charge of tech. You know what that means, right? If I have a sick day, you're my fill-in.

2. MJ and I are Does she have a name?

Nov. 18th, 2015


Congratulations, Spidey. Tech leadership is all yours. I resigned this morning.

And before you ask, I'm not really leader material. I agreed to it before out of a sense of responsibility, but I'm just not that great at delegation.

Nov. 17th, 2015


I'm going to ask you something weird, but I swear it would make total sense if you remembered the last time you were here.

Nov. 16th, 2015


network post: carol danvers

Guess who's 37 years old and still awesome? Me.

Honestly, I'd completely forgotten about my birthday until Steve reminded me yesterday, so ... thanks. It means a lot. I've been through a hell of a lot recently with my head being what it is and I think I've just kind of thrown myself into the housing projects to keep from going stir-crazy. I haven't really kicked back and had a good time with friends in a while.

Have I been a stick in the mud? Crap, I probably have been.

Not gonna talk your ear off about this, but now that we've got some kind of BS treaty with the Grounders I want to seriously propose a recon mission that goes out way past our borders. I know I've brought it up, but you guys have your hands full with the day-to-day here. So, I drew up some plans (surprise, Steve) and I'm sending them to your phones now.

More and more people keep showing up, resources are going to get thinner, and we can't keep relying on random drops from the Pod God.

Included in the plans are locations of military bunkers that I know to exist in my world (which is comparable except for the superpower stuff) — like Raven Rock in Pennsylvania (practically next door), Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado, the Burlington Bunker in the UK, and the Shanghai Complex in China. If Mount Weather managed to sustain a population for a century, these places might have, too. Even if I don't find a surviving population, I could find resources.

We don't know anything past our pocket of the world, but the planet's a big one. I'm just proposing we try to learn more about it. Right now the Grounders are controlling the surrounding area on the ground and keeping us boxed in on their terms, but I can fly over them.

So, that's for your round table meeting today.

Nov. 13th, 2015


Filter to Who-Verse minus the Donnas
I know you all must be busy with... well... Donna... and Donna and...

Uh, anyways, I was wondering what- I mean, I came across one of the less stable Donnas and... I don't want to upset the remaining Donnas, so I figured you guys are the best to ask about what should be done with the remains of the other Donnas...

Filter to Pete
Just FYI, next time I see you, you're getting a big hug, so don't make it awkward.

Filter to Loki
So, you've always been a dog person. Good to know.

Nov. 9th, 2015


The hell's a bloke gotta do to get a drink around here?

Nov. 6th, 2015


kaine's gone.

Nov. 3rd, 2015


Did you happen to get anything from that pod today? Because I just picked up a small something when I got a break today...

I guess the good news is that I'm not actually losing my mind.


Is there a Sarah Connor in the house? I didn't think there was. But, there's a terminator outside asking for her.

I'm pretty sure it's not, from the first movie. Since it's not trying to kill people etc etc. In case anyone was worried.

Oh and there's a dropship full of random stuff. Some if it seems to belong to people.

Oh, and R2D2. Who is even cooler than a terminator. If none of the Solo's or Skywalkers come and claim him, I'm going to steal him. Just FYI.

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