May 2016



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Apr. 1st, 2016


Storybrooke; Rene d'Herblay

Spring has sprung, my lovely neighbors! As such, a reminder that the first Farmer's Market of the year will be tomorrow. The Sisters have quite the garden they've been tending to this year, and as usual they offer out their remarkable candles in order to raise money for the school system.

If you show up early enough, you may actually be one of the lucky ones to nab the Mayor's famous turnovers.

Mar. 27th, 2016


I would not have thought babies would have a long enough attention span to pass blocks back and forth for forty minutes. I wouldn't have thought I would

Mar. 23rd, 2016


Believe it or not, someone tampered with some of the newly harvest strawberries and rendered them inedible. We get to find out who.

Anyone on staff got sensitive smelling powers? Might make this easier if we've got someone who can literally track them.

Mar. 19th, 2016


Network Post

Double-edged promises and ominous threats. She hasn't changed.

[Friends, Family, Charlie Squad]
At least, you don't have to listen to me grumble about not having a proper sword anymore.

I don't care for anyone in my head, but maybe.

Edited to add:

I might not be back tonight. I'm not off doing something foolish probably. I'm with Reyna.



I too received a gift from this Pod God. Some foodstuffs from home but most importantly a large bottle of Thikkiian brandy. It's more than I can drink myself so I would be happy to share if the owners of the tavern would allow me to bring it there.

One warning. It is very strong, humans usually can't tolerate more than one drink before they pass out. However I believe there are a few people besides myself that would enjoy it. Thor Son of Odin, Sir Iron Bull, the two of you in particular I think would like it.

If the tavern has no objection, I will be there after the movies are done.


Some of you are aware that there were several pod drops today. In case you weren't sure, it seems there's something for everyone in it. Names are on most of the bags and trunks, but if you'd like to come to G1, near the blast doors, most of the items have been taken there in case snow or rain falls. There are, however, two rocks with swords in them. They have been left out because no one can seem to pull the items from the stone.

Any item that is not claimed will go back into the compound's pool if it's not picked up within a week. I would like to ask Law Enforcement to stand guard to make sure that no one absconds with anything that is not theirs.

Thank you.

You won't remember it, but I got the dress I wore to the Remembrance Day celebration. You tricked me into dancing with you.

Mar. 14th, 2016


Don't freeze or turn to stone.


[ Filtered to Law Enforcement + Admin ]

Hey, did someone check out the Spellman file and forget to log it? It's not here.

For those of you just joining us: Amerigo Spellman of the Skaikru had the room he shared with his girlfriend (Eve Wentz) broken into last April. Some basic supplies including a gun was taken. The case was closed by our stellar Law Enforcement staff (gold stars, guys) but the file itself isn't where it should be.

Sooooo.......? Grabby hands.

[ OOC - Stolen file as per today's plot! Your character won't have it nor know who does. Veronica on the case! ]

[ /Filter ]

[ Filtered to Cullen ]

I have two meals to go and my best "tell me about your day, kid" face on. Dinner?

[ /Filter ]

Mar. 13th, 2016


Mother's Group

I know that our meeting is scheduled for Tuesday night but I'm afraid I won't be there. As you probably know I've been in Medical the last several days helping care for Jim Kirk and I'll be here until I'm sure he's out of the woods.

The room is already reserved so if anyone wants to go ahead with it and have the meeting, that would be great. Since it's informal anyway it doesn't matter who puts it together. I didn't have anything in particular planned so feel free to do whatever.

Just let me know if you're going ahead, I hope you do because I think it's a good way for us to get to know each other. Also, if you know of any expectant mothers, they're welcome to come too.


Greetings, salutations, et cetera. I am Sherlock Holmes. One 'version' of him, by the looks of it. A fact of which is disconcerting.

While I initially had reason to believe I was being quartered with Legolas, a second inspection of his appearance has not aligned with Tolkien's description. I still do not, however, agree with what it is my eyes have seen. Circumstances are not, as any new arrival can imagine, ideal.

My thanks for the mug and colourful pamphlet, it has given me a great deal of information of which I have, overall, very little use. I have been told I will be a part of law enforcement. To whom do I report? There's something I wish to discuss in private.

Mar. 12th, 2016


I am sore in places I didn't even remember I had but that was the most fun I've had in a while. I have no idea why I never signed up for Capture The Flag before.


I am quite restless. Who would challenge me in combat?

I would also learn of your worlds. Are there those with something to share?

Mar. 10th, 2016


1. Annabeth Chase

Hello Mt. Weather, I'm Annabeth Chase. They told me that I'd been here a couple of times before but I don't remember any of that. I can't say that I'm surprised that Earth nearly blew itself up but I can't help but wonder if the gods didn't give them a little help.

I'm going to be a mapmaker which is cool, I love that sort of thing. Nico, they said you were here and you're one of my roommates. I'm in the apartment now but no one else is here. So come home when you can.


Mount Weather, I would like to pose a very important question to you right now.
What do you enjoy about being here? What's changed for you, since arriving, that you're finding you're really quite fond of? It's curiosity that's propelling me, really. Nothing more or less than that.

Slightly more serious:

Traumatic brain injury most often presents itself initially the same way you'd find yourself concussed - you'd experience mild disorientation or brief loss of consciousness. Given that there are very specific ones of you that get batted about the head quite a lot, I would like to see you at least bi-weekly to ensure you're all right.

All right?

Mar. 6th, 2016


Hey Seeker! Good news, that shit I ate the other day? Passed right on through. Not being controlled or possessed or any of that shit!

But seriously kids, don't eat food given to you by strangers. Fuck. Unless it's jerky, cause that shit was delicious.

Mar. 5th, 2016


Alright, who is actually responsible for movies? I need to know which names to take down so that when I summon some spirits I'm telling the right ones all the mistakes they made. Did they even read a book of basic Greek mythology?

1. The Underworld does not look like that.
2. Hades' palace does not look like that.
3. The Underworld is not Hell and Hades is not the devil.
4. I don't even like her, but how could they do that to Persephone?
5. Hellhounds don't just roam around the palace. They stay on the Fields of Punishment with a few exceptions. Also, give them to the souls? What good would that even do?

Please tell me this movie was a joke and not what someone actually thought Percy Jackson's world is like.

Mar. 1st, 2016


Hey, everyone. So, I guess we're about to find out how well I do with public speaking, huh? Don't sweat it, you got this

As a follow-up from my last network post about who around here's been able to bridge the gap between different worlds, I got a blessing to go ahead and hold a meeting in the gym next week. It'll basically be an open forum to get ideas going. We have a lot of smart people and a lot of people with experience. I'm sure the right combination of that will start us all in the right direction to get some answers about the pods, and maybe answers about stuff even beyond that.

I mean, I believe we also have a common goal here. Even if you plan to stay here, there are a lot of people who could really benefit from going home. It's worth helping anyone who needs the help, right?

So if that sounds like something up your alley - or if you're just interested to see what others have to say - stop by the gym after dinner on the 7th.

Hey, two things.

1. You'll be my backup on this, right?

2. I have a spare bed on the other side of the room with your name on it.

Feb. 28th, 2016



if you fuckers try to knock me out again i swear i'll kick somebody else I'm not in the mood to be fucked with alright? We didn't eat anybody

[OOC: Trigger warning just for violence and some pretty brutal talk about stuff that happens in horror movies/games.]

Feb. 27th, 2016


This is horseshit. Someone explain what's actually happening here and not what them yahoos in that damn med-wing were going on about.

Feb. 26th, 2016


Okay, so now that I'm more awake, not actively bleeding out (thanks Hawke. and thanks for your arms, too), and a little more past the "what the hell" phase, guess I should say something on this thing.

So...hey. Jo Harvelle. Friend of Dean and Sam. This is still so freaking wei

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