May 2016



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Feb. 24th, 2016


The world may have gotten more crowded than usual, but I never signed up for going to another.

Hey, name's Faith. I'm a guard in - alpha? - and living with some folks named Kira and Tamsin, apparently. Which will take getting used t

Feb. 23rd, 2016


(010) Severus Snape

I seem to be without a roommate, which to be honest suits me just fine. I do offer condolences for any who are missing friends they cared about however.

[Filter: Lily]
How are Did you lose

Would you be interested in a cup of tea sometime this week?

[Filter: Draco]
I suppose that you are likely happy in the room where you are, but if you would like to switch to the other side of my room, it would be acceptable.

We would need to set up some ground rules, however.

[Filter: Remus]
How are you feeling?


Everything going on lately started me thinking. How many people around here have actually jumped from one world to another before waking up here? Like intentionally crossing the barriers, I mean.

FILTER TO 505W (Rose Red, Nico Minoru):
Hey, so you both know that John went... I guess wherever people go to when they leave here. I have a friend from home named Cisco, and he's good people. Any objections to me asking if he wants to grab the other half of my room? I can bring him over if you want to meet him first.

I think you might the person to ask, so here goes: I was thinking about all the smart people we have around here and all the people who have these special abilities. I know we have a lot of stuff to focus on just to keep Mount Weather functioning, but I had this idea that I could use the Mess Hall after dinner one day to pull together a Town Hall style meeting. Maybe some of us can start taking a closer look at exactly how we all got here and... well, possibly how to get back home.


Well, it seems that my arrival to this world comes in the midst of turmoil. But sometimes that is what life is, surviving and thriving in the midst of adverse situations.

My thanks to Dr. Tam and the staff in medical for fixing me up. I thought I was sure to be meeting my Maker soon when I woke up here with such skiled and kind people taking care of me. And Kaylee, your smiling way was as welcome a sight as ever.

I forget myself. My name is Shepherd Book and I'll be working in mental health. I'm a religious man where I come from - spent a fair bit of time in the monastery before traveling with the fine crew of the Serenity - but I'm not the type to force that upon anyone. But if you'd like to talk to someone, well, my door is always open.

Feb. 22nd, 2016


network; asala adaar (035)

We're hearing reports of a number of disappearances today, so I'm going to ask you all to stay where you are for right now while Law Enforcement does a headcount. Yes, even if you've already posted on the network to say that you're still here, even if you reply to this entry. For safety's sake, I want every single person accounted for face-to-face. I've asked them to check the job sites and residences first and then the recreational areas. We'll send the all clear to your devices once we're finished, but it will be much easier and faster if everyone stays put until they're finished.

Thank you.


Ciao. Is there a priest in the mountain? Or at least someone able to take confession? Also, I would do a great many things for something salty to eat.

Er. Not while giving confession, obviously.

You are sad about your Constantine, yes? I have something that might help.

Or it might make things much much worse. I can't be sure yet.


Sif has disappeared, should anyone be looking for her.

Also, tonight is the full moon, so don't pet any stray dogs.

Feb. 20th, 2016


network; bigby wolf (014)

All right, kids, now that the fucking Devil is around, we need to have a group talk.

I'm sure we're all a bunch of loose cannons back home on the hunt for justice or vengeance or inner peace, but this community's too small for us to be wandering around and doing whatever we want. There are rules and laws for us to follow just as much as anyone else. We're working with a new government here, and it's on us to set an example so that people feel like they can actually trust us.

Which means that if one of us likes being a smug shitheel, it'll reflect badly. Keep in mind what responsibility you're being given here. If you just want to fuck with people, you can do it while mopping up shit in sanitation.


network; selina kyle (003)

Does anyone else go to Fight Club just to look at the shirtless people? I feel like that could be a club.

I'm bored and dying for a goddamn cigarette. Someone tag into this post so we can play Fuck, Marry, Kill.

Feb. 19th, 2016


I suppose hoping that this place was nothing more than a honey dream gone rancid and that I'd wake up back in London in team was optimistic of me.

Not that I'm ungrateful for the hospitality - I'm not - but what do you want in return? My loyalty? My skills? I noted that you don't seem to have a currency and you're not getting any brass from me, regardless.

Not rhetorical, by the way. No one gives anything for free. So what is it? Where's the catch? Enlighten me.

Feb. 18th, 2016


[Filtered to friends of Kallian and Alistair (feel free to assume)]

Alistair and I have some extremely surprising and extremely happy news. Ordinarily I'd want to tell everyone in person, but you know what a gossip mill this place is, and I don't want any of you finding out somewhere other than from us.

Alistair and I are going to have a baby. Late this summer, Christine thinks. As any of you who have any experience with Wardens know, the odds of this happening are very slim, so we're feeling like we just won a hundred sovereigns on a bluff.

And apparently drinking alcohol is not good for pregnant women, so I am now taking bids on my alcohol rations.

Feb. 15th, 2016


Well, well, well, isn't this an interesting place. Not my creation, which is strange and doesn't seem like the Father's, usually he leaves his fingerprints all over the place. And you know how difficult it is to get fingerprints off the silver. All that polishing. But the multiverses, that's cute.

Anyways, the kind and lovely people in medical - sorry if I confused you with not being injured, it's a thing - said I should introduce myself.

I'm Lucifer, Lucifer Morningstar. No, it's not a stage name, but I am fairly good at tickling the ivories. Or the violin, but it's been awhile since I've picked up one of those. Do you know how many bad renditions of "Devil went down to Georgia" and "Danse Macabre" I've had to endure? Practice your instruments, people, it makes a difference.

Yes, so I'll be joining the lovely people in Law Enforcement as an officer - it's truly ashame Chloe isn't hear to see it. And Haymitch, Sydney, and Willow - I'm your new roommate, I believe.

Feb. 12th, 2016


Mother's Group

Hi everyone! For those that don't me, I'm Christine Chapel and I'm a nurse practitioner in Medical. I'm also the mother of an eighteen month old and I'm still trying to navigate my way through motherhood. I've noticed that there are several of us who have young children and I thought it would be a good idea to start a monthly Mother's group for those of us with kids five and younger although anyone is welcome to show up. Child care will be open for the younger kids while we're meeting.

I know I have questions and I'd love to talk to someone who's been there. I'm sure some of you have questions too and hopefully someone can answer them. As a nurse I can also answer any medical questions you might have and if I can't, I will find someone who can.

We're going to meet on the fifteenth of every month in Room 203B at five o'clock. It seemed like the best time since most of us are off work by then and we can get the kiddos home and in bed before too late. It's informal, just a way of getting together and getting to know each other.

So Monday night at five in 203B. I hope to see you all there and if you have any questions, feel free to ask!


So, I believe I was just shot? With an arrow?

I say I believe I was just shot because I saw an arrow hit me in the sodding chest, and it hurt like an arrow would (I have experience with getting shot, okay), but there's nothing there now. No wound, no arrow shaft, nothing.

And there's also no one about. I'm outside, about two kilometers away from Mt. Weather, but I've the ability to see people even when they're hidden, and there's no one here. Not within arrow-range, not by half. I need to come by Medical? Just stings now, but I know what I saw, and I don't fancy turning into a mongoose or some such thing just because someone can't manage their magical arrows. What's going to ha You know, I'm coming by Medical.

Feb. 9th, 2016


I'm the King of Hell -- AMA!

I'm Crowley. I've been here since late May. Do I really need an introduction at this point? You should be listening to me on your radio every Sunday at noon. You should have voted several months ago for me to be your councilor. You should ignore supposedly upstanding citizens and authority figures who call for murdering me or putting me through legal proceedings just for existing (oh yes, that really happens here).

Ask me anything.

And allow me to ask my listeners: what shall I call my radio show now that it's solely mine?

Feb. 8th, 2016


Alright. I don't ask for much. A roof, a hot meal every now and again, everlasting glory. You know, reasonable things. Never thought I'd need to add not being shipped off to a dead world to the list.

Could've at least made Athos suffer this madhouse with us. I mean, yeah France is about to go to war, and they need him, but he needs US, damn it.

Is anyone even seeing this? I better not be bloody talking to myself.

Feb. 4th, 2016


Goddamnit. I thought you were screwing with me! I literally JUST got my ship back. It was clean. I had a crew! One that wasn't gonna threaten to eat me every other day!

I mean, probably not. Not unless I really deserved it??. Or we ran out of snacks.

Speaking of snacks, a big mac would've gone a long way towards making this day suck less, but apparently you BROKE EARTH too. I'm just saying. If you were aiming for Maximum Suckage here, you guys totally nailed it.

Feb. 2nd, 2016


network; alana (001)

Randomly showing up here is the luckiest I've been in a while. If the catch to a free place to live with my kid and no one trying to kill me is just living in this hill, then fine, I'll take it. Medical, if a man with horns shows up, come find me. That one's probably mine. He can't be that far behind me

And look, I'll pull my weight around here, but no way in hell am I leaving Hazel with strangers during the day. If anyone has an issue with her in the kitchens while I'm there, you can suck it.


Anyone sees an old guy asking about me, don't tell him anything. Don't even tell him I have a kid. Especially don't tell him I have a kid.

Jan. 31st, 2016


Watching Enchanted last night may have been a mistake. I woke up to my three year old singing the "That's How You Know" over and over this morning. I thought she was finally tired of it but she started humming it once again when we got down to breakfast.

I need to practice my Chess skills more. You up for playing one night here soon?

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