May 2016



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Mar. 21st, 2016


network; meg (001)

Someone around here needs to give me one good reason not to murder Crowley that doesn't sound like total bullshit.

Mar. 20th, 2016


Do you really think that Jadis person can send us all back home? She sounds pretty crazy to me, like the sort of person you can't trust.

Filter FAILURE to Potters and Weasleys
Guess who I just walked in on snogging his ladyfriend?! CALLED IT. Charlie has been sneaking off to snog Rose Red. Charlie's got a girlfriend! Charlie's got a girlfriend! We should celebrate, right? Too bad Mum isn't here to see this.

Mar. 19th, 2016


Some of you are aware that there were several pod drops today. In case you weren't sure, it seems there's something for everyone in it. Names are on most of the bags and trunks, but if you'd like to come to G1, near the blast doors, most of the items have been taken there in case snow or rain falls. There are, however, two rocks with swords in them. They have been left out because no one can seem to pull the items from the stone.

Any item that is not claimed will go back into the compound's pool if it's not picked up within a week. I would like to ask Law Enforcement to stand guard to make sure that no one absconds with anything that is not theirs.

Thank you.

You won't remember it, but I got the dress I wore to the Remembrance Day celebration. You tricked me into dancing with you.

Mar. 16th, 2016


network post: Captain Laurence

Well, introducing myself does seem the proper thing to do, no matter how unnatural this device seems and so little art to the typeface. I believe this would go much faster with a quill and an inkpot, but I've been told those are but relics of the past.

I am Captain Laurence, of His Majesty's Aerial Corps, though I served in the Royal Navy for close to twenty years before that. Despite flying a Celestial, I confess this world of yours leaves me rather confused. It is as though I've hit my head all over again. I'm sure it will be a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I'll be serving in the military on delta squad.

I don't suppose there's any black tea to be found? Or gin, for that matter?

Granby, Iskierka, they said the two of you were here? I suppose trouble keeps finding us. It seems Temeraire is with us as well.


Unfortunately, today's news is not particularly good, but it's a warning. One of our citizens, James Kirk, has been infected with a wildly irradiated mutation of what most of us have heard of: Staphylococcus Aureus. Thus far, it has been medically and magically resistant to any attempts to cure it. However, our medical staff has had a breakthrough and are working very diligently to come up with a cure.

Those closest to Mr. Kirk were asked to see the medical staff for tests. We had a quarantine in place for his house mates and coworkers since they had the most contact with him. The incubation period has now passed, and no one else displayed any symptoms of the infection. We urge anyone who has scraped or cut themselves in some manner not to wait to see a physician, but to go to medical immediately and get checked out. You could save yourself (and many people) a lot of suffering.

This has been a very trying week for many people in the compound. I admire your strength and will in these times, and ask that you continue to work together as you have been. As always, if you have anything to bring before the Chancellor, my office is always open.

Mar. 14th, 2016


All citizens, please be aware that we have reason to believe that we are dealing with an individual called Jadis from one of the Podkru's realms, Narnia. We do not know exactly what this individual wants with us, but we have increased military patrol shifts and the range of our scouting missions for the protection of Mount Weather. Guards have been placed with our regular hunting and fishing gathering crews, and our scouts have investigated the area where Marie D'Acanto's statue was found yesterday. We are acting on this information and searching for more.

In the meantime, we ask that all citizens of Mount Weather remain calm and cautious.

A physical description of Jadis is as follows:
  • Seven foot tall
  • Long black hair
  • Very red lips
  • Very pale skin
  • Always wears a gold crown.
  • Always dressed up.
We urge all citizens to never go anywhere alone, and never go anywhere without letting someone else know where you will be going and the times you will be gone. This is vital to make sure that we do not lose track of you.

If you happen across this individual, please hasten back to the mountain and alert the nearest guard, military, or law enforcement personnel. And if you cannot, trust that the protocol above will have us looking for you as soon as possible.

Mar. 13th, 2016


I'm reaching out to you because we've either been in this discussion since the beginning, or you are friends with Marie D'Ancanto. Myself, I feel the weight of responsibility because the woman we seek is Jadis, the White Witch of Narnia.

So, I'm reaching out to Steve Rogers and Snow White. Not because I do not think we're incapable of figuring up a way to save Marie and the others who came to this fate, but because we can't do anything without a plan - we found Marie because she wanted us to. We don't know where she is, what kind of associates she keeps, we do not have any intelligence. Therefore, we must wait for her to come to us.

Aslan's right out. There is no hope in him. We must look to our own strength. That's why I think the best idea is to include our Councilors and Command to set up some rules. But in the meantime, if we all watch one another's back and if we don't go off alone ... we'll be in a better position to fight her when she finally shows herself.

Edited to include Edmund Pevensie and Asala Adaar

I'm sure you've seen by now that Marie D'Ancanto has been found turned to stone. And while we've all been guessing at the activities of this White Witch, the one our people called Jadis, I'm now confident that it's her. In Narnia, she could travel between worlds. She'd even been to our London once, before going back and obtaining immortality.

But when Rogue found her - when she spoke of sleigh bells, when the snow began to fall again - I've got it all sealed quite up in my mind. It's her. And here are a couple more ways to know it:
Track the patterns of people who live around the mountain. See where they're going and how they flow. She'll start to gather power around her.

Watch for snow. It's begun again, and it's a herald of her power. I have hope that the snow is wet, heavy and hard to stay, well. Snow. Perhaps she is not full-powered. But if she can sledge about in it, that's her sign. She wants us to know she's come.

Watch our people, please. Many of them are very powerful in their own world and I think could be tempted to Jadis' way of thinking if she positions herself in the right of their thinking. It wouldn't shock me if she'd already had spies among us.

At the edge of this, I truly don't believe we'll find her until she is quite ready. Her power will shield her from our view, unless you have technology I'm not familiar with. But I think we can be well-prepared to defend against her, whilst we find a way to determine exactly how to fix those people turned to stone.

Mar. 11th, 2016


Jim Kirk was admitted to medical with an infected wound, after an examination with Nurse Chapel. We're still attempting to isolate exactly what it is, but it's a nasty bugger. The things we know so far is that it's quickly spread and it's not responding to traditional antibiotics or magic.

As such, we've placed Mr. Kirk under a temporary quarantine here at the hospital, along with those he lives with. We very much apologize for any inconveniences this might cause, but I promise you we're going to attempt to make it as quick and painless as possible, it's only until we isolate the infection and figure out how contagious it is.

Better to be safe than sorry, I'm afraid. We'll be working overtime to come up with a treatment and cure, and monitoring anyone else that might have come in contact with Mr. Kirk. Bravo Squadron, please come to medical today for a full checkup. I don't want to have to hunt you down, but I will if I don't hear from you by noon. We don't believe it's that far spread, but as I said - better to be safe than sorry.

I plan on releasing a public statement when we know more of the symptoms, to follow up on this. If you're head of anyone in the military that receives a wound, please make sure they receive proper medical care. Any wound at all, even a small one. If anyone under your command becomes feverish or develops a rash, send them to us immediately.

Feb. 23rd, 2016


Everything going on lately started me thinking. How many people around here have actually jumped from one world to another before waking up here? Like intentionally crossing the barriers, I mean.

FILTER TO 505W (Rose Red, Nico Minoru):
Hey, so you both know that John went... I guess wherever people go to when they leave here. I have a friend from home named Cisco, and he's good people. Any objections to me asking if he wants to grab the other half of my room? I can bring him over if you want to meet him first.

I think you might the person to ask, so here goes: I was thinking about all the smart people we have around here and all the people who have these special abilities. I know we have a lot of stuff to focus on just to keep Mount Weather functioning, but I had this idea that I could use the Mess Hall after dinner one day to pull together a Town Hall style meeting. Maybe some of us can start taking a closer look at exactly how we all got here and... well, possibly how to get back home.

Feb. 22nd, 2016


The headcount has been completed. You're all permitted to go about your business. If you witness someone's disappearance, please alert Law Enforcement and Intake Staff as soon as you can.

For now, I've compiled a list of the departures.

This list is long so cut! )


We need to talk.

Feb. 19th, 2016


I suppose hoping that this place was nothing more than a honey dream gone rancid and that I'd wake up back in London in team was optimistic of me.

Not that I'm ungrateful for the hospitality - I'm not - but what do you want in return? My loyalty? My skills? I noted that you don't seem to have a currency and you're not getting any brass from me, regardless.

Not rhetorical, by the way. No one gives anything for free. So what is it? Where's the catch? Enlighten me.

Feb. 14th, 2016


In light of the recent confusion during an emergency situation, we have enacted new plans and drills for these situations. An instruction file has been sent to your tablets. Please look this over, and if you wish to sign up for any of the crews, send an email to emergencycrews@mountweather, and we'll get you involved. Note that there are multiple crews for several of these plans. If there are multiple crews, sign up for one only. We need LESS confusion, not more

If you have any questions, you are welcome to ask me here.

Feb. 7th, 2016


As some of you have heard, the residents of Camp Jaha had decided to rename their village. From here on out, it will no longer be named at Thelonius Jaha. It will be called Arkadia. Tonight also begins their campaigns for council positions. Anyone who would like to volunteer to assist may do so on Level 7.

I honestly can't wait till these people are gone. That warehouse is too cramped, and our food supplies are hanging on by a thread.

Brace yourself. We're very nearly out of coffee.

Jan. 21st, 2016


I heard Snow White is here? Can someone tell me where she is? Or just tell her Ruby's looking for her?

Jan. 17th, 2016


There is much discussion on what to do with the dragon that has been attacking villages. Here are the facts:
  • We have several Grounder refugees who made it here in the nick of time.
  • We do not have a map of Grounder villages so we cannot send this creature to live somewhere else that is uninhabited.
  • We have no assurances that the food in some fairytale preservation area would not run out, and that it wouldn't seek food nearby, endangering Grounders and us alike.
  • We are currently in the midst of a very serious food shortage. We've run dangerously low on meat for most citizens, blood for vampires, and brain for our zombie citizen.
  • We have all of Camp Jaha to support which we were not prepared for when we stockpiled our food for the winter.
  • Wizards would be able to get dibs on dragon bone and blood for potions and spells.
  • The scales could be used in clothing and armor.
  • We have no solid hunting leads, especially not with the amounts of animals that are being found frozen by what appears to be magic.
Many of you want to destroy it, many want to preserve it. A few want to transfigure it into something else. All of those are legitimate ideas that deserve serious thought for. However, this administration cannot forget that we have another three months of winter with supplies running well below normal.

I am sorry to say that the chancellor's feeling on the matter is confused. Her compassion drives her to want to preserve the creature, but the pragmatist who cares for her people considers its ethical death to be a priority. The pros and cons are simply too great for her to ignore.

Priority to those who could kill the beast, but those who would like to attempt transfiguring are welcome to try. However, if you get in the way of those attempting to bring it down, there will be consequences.

Jan. 13th, 2016


There is nothing worse than half a dozen sick babies, and I know that I'm going to get sick in the middle of all of this. I'll press on, though. Work to be done, but if anyone needs anything for the Chancellor, I'm in my housing unit, but I can be reached through radio.

I ask that all of those who are experiencing symptoms and are in positions where they will be dealing with people to please stay in your quarters. We will fill in without having to jeopardize your health.

Jan. 9th, 2016


Cancel anything you had planned tonight.
I know this is last minute, but I'm taking a much needed break tonight. One of you will need to mind the children.

Jan. 8th, 2016


We're looking for a suitable replacement for Dr. Crusher. I hesitate to put more on your shoulders, especially given that this is predominantly an administrative position, but I wondered who you would recommend? Does anyone have hospital administration or laboratory administration?
I've offered your name for the position of Second in Command for Animals & Agriculture. You did so wonderfully at the Farm, and I think it's a shame to waste that talent.

If you're not into the idea, let me know as soon as possible.

Jan. 2nd, 2016


[Command, Military, Surrvailance, Medical]

Blast Doors. There's something out there. People, and they're not attacking. I am entirely sure of that. But they need help.

We need those doors open and I'm going to go ahead and very much assume we need Medical down here as soon as possible.

I can't see them but I can hear them... They're here for sanctuary. I've heard desperation like that before.

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