May 2016



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Feb. 18th, 2016


So - who and what are we putting into that database?

And should I put Cole in?

Feb. 13th, 2016


Network Post: Prue Halliwell

Well. I am going to this Singles Night thing and I hope I don't end up sitting in the corner watching everyone else hook up. Which is usually my luck. But there will be alcohol so there's that.

Feb. 12th, 2016


Okay. So, I'm used to strange. But, turning up somewhere and being told you were there before, when you don't remember any of it. Is definitely up there in the weirdest things to happen to me. Right after, meeting my long lost sisters. And, that at least turned out okay.

Speaking of which. Phoebe, Prue? Really, Prue is Prue. Are you here?

Feb. 7th, 2016


Tall, blue flannel, black boots. If you're planning on going outside today, you might want to rethink it, otherwise we're going to have to send out a search & rescue party for you cause you're going to get hit in the head with a chunk of ice off of the trees.

Search & Rescue, know that you're probably going to have to go rescue someone that didn't heed the warning today. Most people don't.

Alright, I'm getting desperate. Can you do a spell or something to make the water hot enough so I can have a shower?

[OOC: Feel free to claim this for your character! Either they can go out and do it anyway or they can heed the warning, it's open to whoever gets there first.]

Feb. 6th, 2016


This place certainly takes some getting used to. I mean it's all very fascinating and there's certainly plenty here to keep me busy but I still have moments where I can't believe it.

For anyone who doesn't know me, I'm Leo Fitz, I got here a couple of days ago and have just been getting to know the place. I'm working as an engineer as that's what I did back home but this will be a bit of a different way to apply my skills than what I'm used to.

[Team Bus]
Anyone want to place a bet on if he'll try to talk to me? I don't really have anything to bet though so if I lose I might just have to owe you.


[Filtered to Phil Coulson]
Keep next week open.

Feb. 4th, 2016


Goddamnit. I thought you were screwing with me! I literally JUST got my ship back. It was clean. I had a crew! One that wasn't gonna threaten to eat me every other day!

I mean, probably not. Not unless I really deserved it??. Or we ran out of snacks.

Speaking of snacks, a big mac would've gone a long way towards making this day suck less, but apparently you BROKE EARTH too. I'm just saying. If you were aiming for Maximum Suckage here, you guys totally nailed it.

Feb. 2nd, 2016


I know a lot of you have lost people recently, or have been affected by recent events. This is just a reminder that the Mental Health staff is here for you, and we're happy to help or support you if you need either. Even if you just need an ear or a shoulder for a little while, we're here. This is open to everyone and anyone.

Feb. 1st, 2016


I don't know what's worse; waking up, waking up in a new reality (which is so not one of mine), or waking up to someone trying to use you as a pin cushion.

I had syrette flashbacks. Not cool.

Anyway, I was processed, I guess I'm allowed to stay because they gave me a job. Name's Loki Gabriel.


Note left on Phil Coulson's pillow )


Network Post: Prue Halliwell

So far the month is off to a great start. At least I can say that is has to get better?


Paige is gone. We were together when it happened so there isn't any doubt. I'm sorry, sweetie. I really liked her and I wish we'd had more time together.

Jan. 31st, 2016


[ Phoebe ]
I had a good time last night. We should do it again sometime if you're willing.

[ Grant ]
I don't want this to be a one time thing. It'll take time with the rest of the team, and I don't even know what's possible, but I mean it when I say my door is always open for you. I'm going to work to make things right.

Jan. 30th, 2016


Now that I'm a bit more settled in I thought I'd ask for a bit of help. Dr. Foster and I are attempting to put together a database of all of the universes represented here as well as any supernatural or magical elements that might go along with them. We'd also like to gather as much information about universes that may have once been represented here, but are no longer. I've come up with a survey for individuals to fill out and we will also be canvasing as well.

The hope is that with a better understanding of the magics and supernatural elements found in each universe we may be able to help individuals here. The possibilities across universes is really quite fascinating and there can be some good we can do for our fellow man perhaps.

Your name:
Other Species found on your planet or in your galaxy?:
What galaxy is your universe in? Specific planet?:
Noted differences between your species and humans?:
Noted differences between your environment and that of earth:
Are there any powers or magical abilities associated with your species?:
Is there a fictional representation of your universe here and if so, what is it?
Anything else worthy of note:

If I were a proud man my ego would be severely damaged by having my ass handed to me by a seven year old.

Jan. 28th, 2016


Right, so.... Now that we're back to normal and everything is right with the world, I need at least three penis molds. Four is better. Any to offer up?

Jan. 27th, 2016


It looks like we're all back to the way we were before. I know it wasn't easy for all of us, but hopefully we have a little more insight into one another now. You all got a front seat to what my life was like before I was Captain America, and since I wasn't much use then, if anyone has any questions about it now, I can try to answer.

I'd like to take a moment to thank everyone for lending a hand over the last few days, whether it was covering extra shifts or taking care of people who were suddenly children. We needed that kindness, and you delivered. It's that kind of answer to an uncomfortable situation that I like to see: our community coming together to help each other out.

I love you. I know I said that this morning, but I already went a few days without saying it, so I don't think you'll complain if I repeat myself now. And thank you, for being so good to me.


Everyone's back to the normal age, right? It worked?

Now what have you learned about doing spells in strange timelines where your magic is already acting a little wonky?!


If anyone is missing days or would like specifics on what you were up to, apparently Alfred and I kept rather detailed records of everything.

Who do we have to thank for being back? And who do I owe apologies to, for that matter.

Do us both a favour and go back to being you and not some strange example of Father. It doesn't suit you.


[Filtered away from anyone affected by the spell]
Has anyone figured out why this is and how to fix it? There is a way to fix it, right?

I miss you.

I miss waking up with you.

How are you?

Jan. 25th, 2016


Do we know how many people are affected by this?

[Filtered to Phoebe and Prue]

Umm, I think we might have a problem. Well, I guess I have a problem. But, I can't seem to fix it.

Jan. 7th, 2016


Network Post: Prue Halliwell

I'm sure my sisters are going to laugh at me but I think I'll go to chess club tonight. It's one of those games I always wanted to lean how to play but never had the time or anyone to teach me.

Well now I've got plenty of time. So Phoebe, Paige? Are you in?

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