May 2016



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Feb. 25th, 2016


[Filtered to the X-Group]

So back home I worked some at showing the kids how working together with their powers made them infinitely more powerful than being all over the place and going at it alone. Also helped with the whole ‘staying alive’ thing.

I know we all got different jobs around here but I think it might be a good idea to keep that kinda thing going while we’re here. Especially since we’re all from different universes or even time periods sometimes when we are from the same place.

We ain’t exactly got a Danger Room here but I’m sure we could find some place out in the woods where Jean can throw giant boulders at us if nothing else.

Good idea, bad idea, Rogue what the hell are you thinking? Let me know what you think.

Feb. 18th, 2016


You wanna talk about why you were drinking last night or you just wanna borrow a hangover cure?

Feb. 15th, 2016


Next person that snickers at me thinking I can't hear them (I can, asshole, I smell and hear a lot more than you fuckers think I do) I'm gonna stab.

Almost forgot; won fight club last month, get to pick my first match this week. You want to fight me, give me a good reason.


[Filtered to Military Squads Bravo and Charlie + Buffy Summers]
Good afternoon. I am addressing you on behalf of Sergeant Lehane and myself, as we have arranged a joint training exercise for this Thursday.

The objective of the exercise is for both teams to build rapport within their squads and to practice dealing with different sorts of threats and tactics in a specific situation.

In this case, the situation is an escort mission. They occur here from time to time - negotiations with the Grounders have sometimes required us to travel through enemy territory to guard a non-combatant diplomat, for instance.

Messere Buffy Summers has agreed to be our non-combatant requiring escort for the purpose of this exercise. Some of you may be aware that she is not in fact at all incapable of looking after herself; do not count on that to be the case here, for she will be acting as though she has no capabilities greater than hiding and covering her head.

Bravo Squad will be acting as the escorts, with the objective of getting Messere Buffy from Mount Weather to a designated point on the ridge between us and the Dropship. Charlie Squad will be acting as a hostile occupying force, attempting to prevent the mission's success by kidnapping Messere Buffy and returning to a predetermined location.

No one is to attempt to kill an opposing team member, however, injuries are to be expected in an exercise such as this. Medical has been notified, and we will have a healer on hand. We expect that anyone who is severely injured will go to the healer promptly rather than sacrificing an undue amount of blood for training, whilst also expecting that no one will pansy out for a papercut. We will be working with the lab on non-lethal ammunition for rifles; if it cannot be procured in time, we will have to rely on bows, spears, and other thrown weapons for ranged attacks. We will update you on the guns-or-no-guns status as soon as we are able.

Should you find yourself in a position where an opposing team member clearly could have killed you if they were a real enemy, you are to remove yourself from the scene as "dead."

The exercise will begin at sunrise. Expect it to take up the entirety of your day.

You may now pose your questions, comments, and concerns.

[Filtered to the Lab + Faith Lehane]

Sergeant Lehane and I seek non-lethal ammunition for rifles. Is this a matter with which you can assist us?


Feb. 13th, 2016


unValentines cards

Delivered anonymously to: Zed, Logan, Max G, Stacker, Peter Q, Audrey )

Delivered to Ravi, August, Lincoln (not Campbell), and pinned up somewhere Catherine's likely to see it )

Feb. 8th, 2016


[ Filtered to Military, Command, and other Toolmakers + Evie Frye ]

I have news. One of the most-effective form of weapon enhancements in my home world is known as fire paper. When great friction is applied, this lightweight paper transforms to an extremely volatile, flammable substance that effectively coats ones preferred weapon in flames, adding additional damage and a measureless aspect of intimidation to one's fighting. Once the fire paper has exhausted its burning (usually after a minute or so at longest), the weapon is left free of any coating, as it has burned away in the process of immolation.

I should caution you that the high temperature of the flames act as a cauterizing agent in wounds: while you will undoubtedly cause people great pain (and, depending upon your skill, kill them), their deaths will be a result of your blows and not from bleeding out or infection. Some consequently see fire paper as a mercy in my world. As burns are among the most painful of wounds, I would not be so quick as to call it mercy. Additionally, weapons that have already been magically enhanced cannot use fire paper, so those of you who have enchanted weapons will have to go without.

I have been successful at recreating the formula from my home world, and have begun production of fire paper for our soldiers in the event of fighting. I would be remiss if I did not thank Dame Evie Frye, as she assisted me in testing early versions of the enhancement and aided me greatly when I nearly had my eyebrows singed off.

My next project will be to create bolt paper - same concept, only an electrical charge is added to a weapon rather than fire. If you have any questions, please let me know.

[ /Filter ]

Feb. 6th, 2016


I ain't looking to pile trouble onto trouble with this water problem, but who I gotta report gouts of fire shooting outta the wall when I walk past? Lucky this Cajun got good reflexes, all I'm saying. Down by the 506 H-block, if any of you repair types want to look into it.

Feb. 3rd, 2016


Hey, I'm Bobbi. I hear there may be a few people around who probably want to shoot me know me along with a HYDRA agent and his dead.

ETA: Scout Squad Alpha
Looks like I'm joining your ranks. Bobbi Morse.

Feb. 1st, 2016


I don't know

I was just trying to help Rose Red with the frozen animal.

But now my wings are like a bat

And my dust is coming out black AND I DON'T EVEN WANT IT TO COME OUT


I tried to do the create a calm space thing Mr. Wagner taught me BUT IT IS NOT HAPPENING




[Filtered to Rogue (616), Logan, Rachel, and Jean]
I know we're not fully sure how old I am, and I don't technically have parents here, but I guess at least one of you is supposed to give permission for me to go to this.

Jan. 27th, 2016


Seems I got this habit of falling from the sky, which I don't mind saying is a bit of a problem for us that don't know how to fly. Least I don't remember it this time round and got me a clean bill of health from the nurses after. Still, ain't too fond of what we're looking at here. Had me enough of Apocalypse, as is. What I hear from the talk is I missed some youth problem, which is all good. Last you all need is Le Diablo Blanc running about, believe you me.

Name's Remy. Gambit to some. Been told I got a few friends here, sorry to be late.

Jan. 28th, 2016


Who: Laura and Logan
When: Wednesday morning
Where: Logan's room
What: Laura has a whole lot of new memories to process and wants her daddy.
Warnings: References to and descriptions of torture, past/future character death, angst.
Status: Ongoing

Healing comes so painfully and it chills to the bone; Will anyone get close to me? I'm damaged as I'm sure you know )

Jan. 25th, 2016


I heard that there are lots of other mutants here. I'm not one yet but my Mommy Irene told me I'll be one when I'm older and be real powerful.

I like that no one's gotta hide what they are because people ain't scared. Scared people do lots of crazy things.

Jan. 21st, 2016


Attention, Mount Weather!

Found a box of fancy-looking cigars in a wrecked barn about five kilometers out (nothing else of note to salvage, Lopez, unless you like your dead bodies well-gone). They're terrible; half-wanted to die when I tried one. Still filled with regret.

Because I'm so kind, I'll share the wealth. Have eight, not counting the few I've stashed away for myself. Speak up and I'll give you one, unless I don't like you, in which case piss off.

Also, Evie, have anything that needs mending, put it on a pile in my room. Don't care which pile. Choose one. I'll have it back to you-- sometime. Sometime's good.

Jan. 20th, 2016


[Chatty to Logan]

Are you getting the distinct feeling that our girls are feeling a bit...I wanna say restless but I think useless is the more appropriate word. Even if they clearly ain't.

Think doing one of those annoying 'let's go camping in the cold and train' excursions might help them out?


My arms are too short.

Jan. 18th, 2016


I wish to request a sparring partner, particularly one who has talent with swords. My fighting style has been in much upheaval recently, and I would like to become more comfortable with it.

[ Filtered to Wedge Antilles ]

I wanted to congratulate you for your victory that occurred last Friday. I am sorry if I seemed uncomfortable; it was not anything that you did. I am out of practise, I am afraid. How embarrassing! But the match was a good one and I am glad that you went as far as you did. Thank you for being so kind.

[ /Filter ]

Filtered Private )

Jan. 17th, 2016


Well. I did want to get the hell out of North Salem for a while, but it seems I overshot my mark.

Thank you to everyone in Medical. You were very professional and I appreciate that no one tried to kill me. It's refreshing, honestly.

As for those I haven't met, hello. My name is Jean Grey-Summers. I feel like an alien so 'I come in peace' seems apropos.


network; bigby wolf (012)

Went out to hunt and ended up in that dragon's territory. I didn't see the thing itself, but I heard it from a distance, and something about the way it's marking its space smells off. Wouldn't be surprised if it had something to do with the radiation. Something immunized all of us, but the dragon probably didn't get the treatment.

It's thinning out the hunting, though. If it starts moving too close to us, our hunters are going to have a serious problem on their hands.

Jan. 6th, 2016


Not that I'm going to look a gift Zefron in the mouth, but why is there suddenly a surprise!body pillow on my bed?

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